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Ted McGregor

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Posts posted by Ted McGregor

  1. 19 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    Is it confirmed that you have immunity if you recover? 

    No. At least not a lasting one.  Actually it' s suspected ( not yet confirmed ) that imminuty fades after time until a vaccin is ready.

    According to a Harvard study in my local news, afaik.


    Science article in English they are referring to : https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/14/science.abb5793

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    I've been bumped, run over (that just made my avatar lose a shoe), orbitted, set on fire, caged, and encased in a massive pile of sh1t.  My avatar looked stony faced throughout, but the me that I am behind the pixels was laughing her arse off! 

    You hang out with Maddy often. Cause and effect.

    Also :


    • Haha 2
  3. 18 hours ago, VictoriaGrwd said:

    I was using 3.6.0 looking at the Black Dragon version histories this was fixed in 3.6.1, got the latest version now.

    I was on 3.6.9, now running 3.7.2 .


    18 hours ago, Angelina String said:

    And since I'm urging others to check that they are using the latest version, I have to smack myself over the fingers and give myself a stern correction!

    The latest Official Viewer from LL seems to have adressed this, ref last point here:

    So that would make it two viewers that does not have the tiling problem as far as I have experienced, BD & LL's own in their latest versions...

    I guess the error was not there, but in my case it was just a bad skin job ... :|

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  4. 54 minutes ago, Conall DeCuir said:

    Women who IM me with a "hi" and find it impolite when i response "hi, what can i do for you?" 🙄

    Oh .... that's because of the U.S. women. According to their president they expect to be greeted with a hand aiming towards their crotch. It seems the more often you do that, the more powerful you can get in this country.

    You might need to duck a swing occassionally, I'm afraid though. Or a bullet.

    Wut ? :|


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  5. On 2/21/2020 at 4:52 AM, Tolya Ugajin said:

    A few months ago, my partner and I decided to check out SL Gor. 

    But, yeah, unless you're a diehard Gor fan, it's a pretty silly place.

    Never heard of either the THEME or author of Gor, before all of this was mentioned here specifically in this forum. Since my interest was never akin this genre ( more a futuristic sci-fi stuff admirer myself ). I find it surprising you call it a place, because that always indicated to me this was contained to one sim / region only.

    Since I myself read a bit up about it ( and no, still not interested in the slightest to consume any of it  and won' t ) , I find it surprising this seems more like a rally against a certain attitude rather then a ' please avoid this destination(s) at all costs'  - plead ( not specifically directed at Tolya ).

    Doesn' t this perception change completely if the basic rule remains that we are all human beings as a first, indepedent of sex ? Then why worry like this over sheer (bad) fantasy ? Because that is all that it is.  :|


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