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Everything posted by Cetile

  1. I cancelled on the first of the month and it's been 7 business days. Does it take longer than that?
  2. Well I'm a nerd to 'normal' people and a casual to most nerds, but I'd rather be one of those 'in-betweens' than have a clique and I'm in the market for new friends. Welcome to SL!
  3. Well, I might be a bit too much of a wishy-washy artsy type (I'm young and still figuring things out), I am interested in the business side of SL. Outside of that, I hop around a lot too, I'm a fairly chatty girl myself, and I'm up in BC, though I'm right on the coast - for the summer at least.
  4. If you think naughty things are ever going to be involved, please leave now. I'd also prefer not to get involved in the child avatar community - I get a bit too inappropriate to be comfortable talking around a child avatar, even when I know an adult is playing them. I'm in a tourist trap with nobody my age (23) around IRL, and it's lonely here. I feel comfortable in saying this here; SL is full of lonely folk, but I want a less risqué connection than most seek out in-world. I've got a few friends in SL right now, but I'm just looking for something deeper than people to club and game with. I don't care where you're from, but it might be kind of cool to meet other Canadians. I like drawing and writing - I want to be an animator in real life and work on feature films. I'm still on the initial steps of that journey, trying to learn to draw better and studying some animation on my own time. In SL I might make things and run a shop some day when I've got Blender figured out and can afford to put the capital in. If you put RL over SL, speak English and can spell reasonably well, and maybe like the swords-and-sorcery D&D style RP (preferring a good story and characters about as realistic as magic-using elves can get rather than supercool fight scenes where everyone is an overpowered Mary Sue), drop me an IM some time and maybe we'll hang out. See you in-world!
  5. Yup, you read that right, free land. I'm giving first priority to the people I've already IMed who own land in the region/are in the group that owns most of the land, but too much of the place has ended up abandoned. I need to cancel premium before mid-June and don't want my two parcels to suffer the same fate. It's quiet, G-rated land and you will probably not be able to sell it all too quickly, so this land is probably best for someone that just wants a residential parcel. Both parcels overlook Route 9 but are not roadside themselves. They do, however, have sidewalks beside them. One parcel is a 448 sqm rectangle, nestled between buildings on all sides. The other is a 1024sqm square not far from the first adjacent to empty parcels on two sides - I am willing to subdivide but would prefer to get rid of all of this at once. IM Cetile Resident in-world if you are interested.
  6. I'm always open to new friends. Just friends, though, none of the sexy stuff (even if I'm dressed that way!) - feel free to contact me in-world.
  7. The Builder's Brewery sim/group is a good place, as are the Linden Fish Hunt/Gold Hunt island and related groups. They both have lots of people, old and new to help you out and make friends with. It largely depends on your interests, though, just search up what you're interested in and meeting new people will follow.
  8. I have a different problem, sleep creeps up on me! I try to take a little nap and it turns into a good night's sleep, and the next thing I know it's morning and my breedables' breeding schedule is all messed up, and I've missed my favorite DJ/Host team and that building class I wanted to attend!
  9. Hello! I'm a Canadian and will gladly help out with your studies.
  10. I'm just wondering if there are any tributes to Poe I could check out. If not...any half-bottles of cognac on the marketplace? xD
  11. Hi there! What kind of roleplay are you into? Also, as for games, you've probably already found it but Linden Gold Hunt/Fish Hunt has a great, laid-back community.
  12. Ravenglass Rentals has some pretty sweet places. I just found one that was the same price as my old skybox but with 150 more prims allowed.
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