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Everything posted by Sarahbuxso

  1. Protected land located in "Takes", comes with a beautiful island and can be terraformed down to water, lovely sailing sims on the sea of Fables!! Great piece of land. 10432 meters and 3581 prims! Come see! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Takes/202/188/34
  2. Yes but I never said it's bad, I was just making a statement, i'm not criticizing in anyway LOL, anyway, i'm done with this post, have a good day.
  3. No I am not criticizing, I am saying I want to give one to my friend how is that criticizing? I never said it's a bad thing.
  4. Yah I did that with my other friend but she wants her own which I can understand.
  5. Also it's too bad I can't give my home to my friend since I have an extra one, which I want to do but obviously can't do that.
  6. So instead of people scrambling they should make a waiting list so at least it would be a fair line up.
  7. The thing is, people are getting Linden homes with alts as well, that is part of the problem as well, but it's not a problem with LL as long as they are making money.
  8. Why didn't they just copy the new continent and release homes like that in another area of SL, wouldn't that make more sense then doing this all in stages, at least then everyone would get a new home.
  9. I have a very beautiful protected 1/4 sim that you can sail out of, it is very beautiful and terraformable as well, all water or land your choice! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gradstole/216/114/21
  10. Well I have created some similar ones here for rent! These are cute boathouses and the houses DO NOT count against you for prims! You get the boathouse plus the alloted prims! Come check it out before they are all gone! Rentals are $499/wk for 350 prims with sail able waters! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gradstole/199/105/30
  11. Commercial premium lots and yes larger regions so we don't get logged out while boating or flying like the previous post oh yah and weather, rain thunder, fish in the sea so you can actually fish, maybe have linden fishing games.
  12. Wow, I bet no one will move out now!
  13. Is this true, there are no more Linden homes available? 2 people have told me now they are all gone, I know they are making more but wow.
  14. Yes Majskakan I really like them too
  15. I started a new group too called "Linden home connections 2019" If anyone wants to join but her group name seems better.
  16. Yah that's what I thought most would do.
  17. The Linden homes are really beautiful, makes me wonder what will happen to all that mainland.
  18. 😎 Protected beach side sailable waters and land, it's a big area, the size is 5120 meters and has 1757 prims and the lot beside it as well! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rond/112/114/23
  19. Here is a great beach roadside in great area with no ugly builds around! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nebelung/241/83/30
  20. 2048 size lot sunrise views for sale! The price is $9999 there is two side by side. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Valgerd/160/48/41
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