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Raevyn Addams

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Posts posted by Raevyn Addams

  1. 1 hour ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    At least it wasn't that one helicopter that sounds like a low flying circular saw.

    You heard that too? I'll admit, the first few times I heard it I was checking the volume on my RL TV, I had no idea what that was or where it was coming from. Forgot to cam UPWARDS -.-

    Recently my neighbour of three doors down started hovering beside her home in a helicopter apparently "talking" to her partner who was seated on the porch just beside her. Not sure why seated on a chair with him is too mainstream, but mainland has always attracted the avantgarde I suppose.

    Speaking of helicopters, there must have been a rush on sales lately; it seems like every region now has at least 2 disturbing the peace or flashing from their suburban rooftop helipads. I can't wait for the planes. Maybe the hype will die down after the dust settles...

    I just wish people would restrict sounds to their parcels. I know it won't solve all problems, but a little consideration would go a long way. I also know when you step out onto the street it's open slather, and you're going to hear all kinds of vehicles, but in homes for hours at a time? Not fun. Especially when trying to track down the culprit to mute it.

    *goes back to grumbling and hunting whippersnappers off her lawn from her rocking chair on the porch*

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    Do you ever get the odd sensation that the crazy and impressive new person you come across knows you?  


    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    Do you ever think ”wow that special human (or furry thing or whatever) just waltzed into my playground and somehow says all the right things that speak directly to my heart.” 


    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    Does it ever feel as if the mega-impressive character standing before you is familiar? So close to you that you even love them a little? Impossible right?  A brand new person in your day usually takes several visits- sometimes for months or YEARS before they know you so well they can finish your sentences and read your mind based on the way you are dressed for the day. 

    No. No. Probably.

    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    So why is it... that I have repeatedly  encountered a suspiciously intuitive man who seems to know what I am about to do and say... in such a bullseye way that at one point I thought there might be a direct access feed into my private thoughts. 

    "suspiciously intuitive" - Probably sex related.

    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    How often do people mess around with there flirts and fantasies from alt accounts?  Is this common?  Alts would explain the oddly amazing string of gentlemen I have run into lately. 

    No one's probably going to admit to it. Common enough. And quite likely.

    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    You guys can’t ALL be  awesome... can you?  Why do RL things feel so shallow and in SL ... human beings seem to connect on the levels they would otherwise keep locked and unexplored for all their years. 

    Needs to hang out in the places you hang out, clearly. Connections happen on an intellectual/emotional level because that's all that is real in a virtual playground. That, and money.

    On 4/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, CandyLipsKiss said:

    Tell me. Am I the crazy one? Or is this community overflowing with beautiful people who are qualifiable Angels... amongst terrible, cruel wolves of the same blood. 

    Probably. But no crazier than me for multi-quoting you so many times 😆


    But to answer your question seriously (which is going to be difficult, I clearly woke up in a mood today); Is it possible to spark connections with people in SL? Absolutely. Is it common? I wouldn't really expect so. But it has been known to happen. I just wouldn't lay odds on it if I were a betting woman.

    In saying that, I've been lucky to meet people here over the years that I now call genuine friends. We regularly call or text or email outside of SL. We share in real life events, I talk to their kids, we vent about RL problems, we send each other things for Christmas, and I've even been invited to attend a wedding. We've created real friendships both inside and outside of SL. But that happened after years of talking and hanging out and joking around in SL. It didn't just miraculously happen, no.

    Personally, I would be inherently suspicious of anyone that suddenly "clicks" with you straight away, especially and because of the fact you admitted to hanging in places where adult activity is generally the norm. To be blunt, you're likely being groomed for the inevitable jump to pose-balls, if not Skype, to share a moment of intense passion (if you're lucky, or unlucky as the case may be). And once the deed has been done, or the passion wanes, watch that intense connection suddenly sputter and fade away. Until the next incredibly intuitive person comes along.

    You want my advice? Be careful. Trust your gut. You hit the proverbial nail on the head yourself by using the word "suspicious". Undoubtedly there are genuine people out there that would want nothing more than to take things to the next level and become a RL version of Syd and Nancy, or even your best buddy pal for everz! But be wary of those looking to rush headlong into anything real deep or real too fast, too. Take SL as you would your average night out at the bar; Mr Confident may be saying all the right things to get you to go home with him, but Mr Wallflower who doesn't click with you straight away or doesn't say all the right things might end up being a great long term friend (or a stalker, which is just as likely). The point is, enjoy yourself as much as you want, but just don't get too caught up in the fantasy. 

    And don't expect too many deep and meaningful connections if, no offense intended, you meet all these paramours dressed as a seductive French Maid or similar. Want genuine connections? Wear non-revealing outfits, don't return sexual innuendos, and share a hobby that doesn't involve getting naked or intimate. And appreciate the fact that not everyone in SL is looking to sleep with you, or hurt you, or even befriend you. There are nice people out there. And cruel ones. It's no different to the real world. We're all just prettier (or uglier) pixelated representations of ourselves in some way, after all. 😉

  3. That moment you read this thread and realise you're guilty of at least half, if not more, of said peeves... 😑


    But in the spirit of hypocrisy;

    1 ) Blank profiles. Especially in accounts that have been around for years. I understand the need to clean and purge the backdated rot, but blank, seriously? 

    2 ) Picks that mock picks, as if your biting sarcasm somehow makes you look more intelligent or witty than anyone else.

    3 ) The whole ASCII jumbled mess of letters that are supposed to spell something - but basically just confuses my old lady eyes to the point that I can't understand.

    4 ) The whole "I don't care what ToS says, I will... (insert your own laws here)". Reminds me of Eric Cartman of Southpark; "Whatever! I do what I want!" Badassery at it's finest.

    5 ) "Owned by" or the equivalent. I don't quite care. If their name is in your partner box, that's good enough for me.

    6 ) BAD SPELLING. NO PUNCTUATION. ALL CAPS (or all lowercase)! *lols*

    7 ) Real Life anything. I know this is a grey area for some, but I don't want to see your photos. There's a fine line between the mystery of a totally blank profile, and the raised-brow scrutiny of a photo of your ripped twenty year old self, or your car, or your dog, or your partner, or child, or anything else that makes me wonder if THEY know they're being publicized here. Or if this is baiting, catfish style. Or maybe you really just love stock photos and use your profile as a virtual scrapbook?

    8 ) I'm leaving this one blank because I'm old, tired, and crochety, and I'm sure something is going to tick me off today that I was okay with yesterday, so I'll add that here for future prosperity.

    9 ) I can't remember. But I'm sure it was worth mentioning, that's how irritated the peeve made me.

    10 ) Profiles that list things ^ .


    Now I can justify my own until the proverbial cows come home, but no need to. Though now I think about it, all the above probably explains why some profiles are indeed blank. So they don't peeve anyone off! 😆

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    I didn't read your whole post but wanted to note that SOMETIMES LINKING WILL INCREASE THE LAND IMPACT.

    The LI of any object (or any linked objects is based on three upload costs) If an object weighs in at 1.5 (you can see this under MORE INFO) then it will be one.  Linking low impact objects (0.6 li for example) will indeed cut land impact costs. You DO need to play attention to what you are doing though.

    Sculpts are very tricky and certainly should be tested. Most often they are best left unlinked. 

    ALSO if you link furniture with sits OR items that are already several pieces (a linkset) you can also have some disasters.

    So while linking objects is often handy for decreasing land impact  --- it is FAR from foolproof.  

    Just wanted folks to know that.   

     Have fun! 

    Good point. That's why I said practice first. But yeah, sometimes the LI goes through the roof. Sometimes it works as per example. It's all trial and error. The animated furnishings thing was addressed and the sculpts thing too. But yeah, different strokes for different folks. I just know it's a system that works for me at least. Maybe might help someone get more prims to play :)

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    For me, I use the lowest LI furniture available. I also unlink and delete shadows from tables and chairs, if possible.

    If small things come in here, they must have a reason to be more than 1 LI. 

    That means I have to leave some lovely things in my inventory. But I make it almost a sport, how much can I get for 351 LI?

    Edit: I am willing to buy lower LI things too.


    If there's one piece of advice I could give anyone it's learn to LINK all non-animated mesh and prim décor items where possible. But if I remember correctly; DO NOT link sculpts!

    So rather than have a half dozen paintings on the wall, a coffee table, a few magazine piles, a vase of flowers all sitting alone, I link them all together. This generally (but not always) lowers my land impact, sometimes pretty significantly. I also remove all shadow prims where possible. I link all Gacha together. I link all mesh/prim rugs together (along with anything else phantom). So I usually end up with at least 3 link sets (Gacha, rugs/phantom, main décor), with animated furnishings like beds and sofas etc left unlinked. 

    I'll also go one step further and modify objects by removing unnecessary parts, for example; take magnets off a fridge (unless they have baked textures), take decorative ends off curtain rods, take buttons off a non-animated phone, basically declutter so I have prims available to clutter things as I want them. I aim ideally to get the LI down as far as I can without ruining an object beyond recognition. I have lights in most rooms but I take the scripts out so that I can link the unscripted lamps to the rest of the link set; how often do we have Windlight on Midnight anyway? And as Marianne says, I'll also hunt around for similar items with less LI. Basically, I strip things down or replace them entirely, then when I'm happy I link them together to lower the LI even further.

    On top of that, if possible, I'll make the object myself. I can't work Blender (I just don't have the patience for it), but I use other meshing programs that I've purchased through Marketplace. And if even that is beyond my capabilities I ask a few friends who also build. Or see if they have Full Perm items I could purchase. Or ask for places they might know of to find things. Today, I offered my neighbour a pergola I had built to replace the prim version she had built the day before, just as a gesture of good will. Counting all the parts, I think there were around 14 prims she hadn't linked together. She swapped them out for the mesh copy and saved 12 prims. Little things like that all adds up!


    In my example, the main link set contains 157 objects, but linked together they only take up 79 LI. That's almost literally half than what the LI if I left them unlinked. As you can also see, not everything is linked; the vanity stool contains animations so I left it alone. The rugs are their own link set. The interior walls shell another link set again. It sounds like a lot of work, but when you get the hang of it you really can push decorating to a whole new level of detail.

    Linking is a trick I've taught my friends, and it's why I've never needed additional prims in rentals anymore. Anyone can do this, it just takes practice learning what to link, and what not to. And of course remembering to edit properly. It's all too easy to accidentally shift one object over and suddenly everything else in your house has disappeared through walls. Practice by linking a few objects together; paintings are a good place to start. Then experiment. My advice would be to go to a sandbox and rez objects from your inventory to link together and practice. That way if you do make a mistake (and you will until you get the hang of it), you won't ruin anything!

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Yes but you're also being part of the problem since this attitude prevents any kind of organisation amongs neighbors.

    Organise what amongst neighbours? Ask someone, for example, to tear down the full bright purple tree they spent hours trying to look just right for them because it doesn't "fit" the suburban theme? Who decides exactly what fits and what doesn't (beyond Linden Labs of course)? People do have purple trees in real life but they may not translate too well or stand out here. That's the point I'm making. By pointing out what we perceive to be flaws in another's decorating its akin to a personal insult, good intentions be damned. Better to avoid conflict where necessary and let people do as they will to land they pay for within ToS. But since they have the same rights as the rest of us, if I don't like that full bright purple tree, I don't have to look at it so I'm derendering. No one need be the wiser and no organisation necessary.

    • Like 3
  7. I personally would love to see seasonal changes, but technically I can't see it being implemented. And as much as I'd love to move to a sim that has snow 24/7, guaranteed there will always be that one person who wants to rez a tropical beach scene right beside you.

    Nope, can't imagine LL would willingly give themselves the extra workload on top of all the work yet to be done, and the bugs that need fixing. It's nice to dream, though!

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    The issue is that it only takes one selfish ***** to really spoil the view in any region. I suppose what atracts people to this kind of planned community isn't so much that it looks amazing and unique, but that there is some guarantee on what potential horrors your neighbors can deploy.

    That being said, most neighbors try to play along with the people they share space with, but it's a big gamble whether a newcomer will embrace the existing community or be the type "don't care, don't talk to me, i'm building a wall so I can pretend you don't exist"

    THIS is the reason a lot of my friends won't go mainland, regardless what new perks come with it. I just derender anything that stands out to me; I'm sure people derender what they don't like about mine, as conscious as I think I'm being regarding acceptable style. It's not an ideal situation, but it's not like we have control over others or can dictate taste that pleases all... as much as I'm sure some people are just lazy, are creatures of habit, or have tastebuds in their posteriors. 

    Regarding the banality of suburbia; as I live in a small outback town where it's always dusty and flat and boring, a green "Leave it to Beaver" sitcom suburbia is a chance to live something better I'll never have (especially not in RL). But it's not just the look that appeals, it's the community aspect. Maybe the style is a little too stereotypical, but this new community reminds me of a time, and values, that have long since been eroded; neighbours chatting over fences, and stopping by for a cuppa, and life was generally slower and more easy going compared to the technological rat race we live in now. While it's still possible to visit neighbours in a different setting, say futuristic sci-fi, it won't have the same feel - and a return to old values is probably more recognizable as a 50's sitcom than a futuristic or other setting that people haven't experienced much or care to. 

    • Like 16
  9. 2 hours ago, eyeye Afterthought said:

    I am seeing some beautiful bedrooms and bathrooms, and I wonder if anyone is going to set their avatar sleeping in bed overnights or lounging in the bath for an hour. 

    Heck, not meaning to sound like a peeping Tom!!!!! Just wondr'in is all. Y'all got such nice homey places.

    My avatar lounged around today for an hour or two "watching tv" with a bowl of popcorn while I was busy in real life. As for the bath, would be a shame to let it all go to waste! 

    I also had fun getting out to meet some neighbours today. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to just wander across the street and talk to people I'd probably never meet any other time and just say hello. It made me realise just how cloistered I felt previously living in former mainland, and in a private skybox. Since moving in to my new Linden Home I've met a handful of people now from all corners of the globe, and so far all have been lovely and friendly - even one I thought had come to troll me!

    And now for some show and tell.


    ^ Front entrance.


    ^ Living room (looking through to bedroom).


    ^ Bedroom.


    ^ Kitchen and Dining room.


    ^ View from Kitchen to Bathroom and Living room.


    ^ Bathroom and Laundry (the washing machine is in corner beneath counter).


    ^ View out back door from Kitchen/Dining room.

    I still have 160 prims left but as much as I'd love to keep cluttering (and I could!) I'm holding out for the release of the Zooby animesh babies. I've purposefully left room in the bedroom for the furnishings, but for now have stand-in props that I whipped up just to fill the space. Not worth taking pics of *lol*. If I have any prims left after that (I'm cautiously optimistic), then I'll see what else I can add. But I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out so far.

    One thing I want to say, and I don't exactly know where on the subforum to share it, but I am seeing some amazing pictures here. I love seeing what people do with their spaces. But at the same time I am also disheartened by the amount of empty buildings I see. For the rush to get them I'd expect people to put some effort in, I'd hope so anyway. I can only hope things improve after the Easter break. It would be a shame for all those wanting a house to not get the chance while so many sit vacant and unused.

    • Like 17
  10. I set myself a goal to have at least 100 prims spare for when the Zooby animesh babies are released, so that gave me around 251 to work with. I decided to play it smart and get a small house instead of the Winchester, as it seems to be all over my neighbourhood and I wanted something different. Plus I figured smaller house would be easier to clutter. It took me 2 days, but I've finally gotten things down to where I'm happy with it. I spent most of yesterday meshing an insert for the interior walls and creating an extra room, the layout was giving me an eye twitch! Anyway, NOW I feel pretty much done. I could continue cluttering but I've linked enough to make the place look at least lived in. But the absolute best part; I still have 170 prims left! For now, I'll likely keep tweaking. I can't help myself. But pretty happy with the results so far.

    • Like 1
  11. I know the Winchester is by far more popular, but since I'm using the Adams, I meshed an interior plus added another room (bathroom); so each room (4 rooms) can be coloured separately. The floors in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen are all separate as well (the bathroom and kitchen are side by side share the same floor). For now the skirting boards in every room are the same colour throughout (I kept it the default white for now purely to keep land impact down). The biggest issue is that this insert is a little tricky to fit, meaning if you don't line it up just right the LL walls will flicker through. A little tweaking will sort that out.

    Regarding wall textures, try and stick with solid colours as opposed to patterns though basically it's trial and error.

    So far the insert with added room (plus window/glass sections above each door to make them appear lower) comes in at 10LI complete and meshed. There's room for improvement, but if anyone's interested in trying it leave me a message in world and I'll send it to you. No doubt I'll work on improving it over the weekend, but if someone else feels like crafting a better version, please do. :) 

    (Example pic isn't the best as the house is small it's hard to get the right camera angle, but this will give you some idea regarding wall colour differences and the extra room added on to the left).


    • Like 8
  12. This is going to sound strange and likely counterproductive (considering I think we're supposed to go out and "find" these hidden gems), but I'd like to see something like a community notice board that gives us a link perhaps to what community spaces are available.

    The new community is already quite large, and while I love that aspect, there is a degree of lag now in the sims that other players perhaps aren't noticing. Well my internet connection is sporadic (thanks to living in outback Australia) so I struggle to drive and cross sims at the best of times. While I'd dearly love to be able to walk around my new neighbourhood without snapping, freezing, and crashing, being able to teleport (and hopefully not crash) to a particular area might be helpful to see what else is on offer.

    Wouldn't have to be large or obtrusive; just a basic wooden sign near a bridge (or whatever other landmark that's fairly common to many regions so it's easier to find perhaps?) that can click and links to a webpage or even a page on the forum here perhaps listing coordinates; Community pools, parks, community beaches, etc.

    I don't know, just thinking out loud is all.

    • Like 2
  13. As others have said, if you feel uninspired by Second Life then simply get away from it for a while. Log off, plug back into the real world, and find other things to do with your time. I don't mean this negatively. I'm speaking from experience. Pretty much once a year I take a break for a few weeks, maybe longer, just to recharge the proverbial batteries. There's nothing wrong with that. 

    I'd also like to repeat the advice; find something that you enjoy. If you simply cannot find a single thing at all that you enjoy about SL, or you find logging in feels more like a chore than enjoyment, listen to what your brain is telling you and step away. But if there's still some small inkling that makes you want to stay, even if you don't know what it is, get out of your usual routine. Go to places you usually wouldn't frequent. Find events that you've never considered before. Talk to people if you're usually not the talkative type. Basically step out of your comfort zone or keep repeating the same history.

    If you truly have been everywhere and done everything, kudos to you. You've lived a very full virtual life. If after all that seeing and doing you still haven't acquired any intention to do something productive like create or mentor, then maybe you've reached that point of no return where you can log out and not look back. Only time will tell. But you can't miss something if it's not gone.

    And one last point: make sure you're not just burned out. Again, it's very easy to log in daily, nightly, for hours at a time, and lose yourself to a virtual experience. It can be addictive, less for some, more so for others. If you spend more time online literally doing nothing, are you here out of habit or because you actually want to be here? If it's habit, deal with it as you would any other you'd like to break. If it's boredom, go find something else to distract you. 

    Regarding what I feel and what in my opinion needs changing; more than I probably have room to type here! Honestly, I'm a flighty person, so I will be either extremely invested in something or walk away from it. I took a five month break at the end of last year and the start of this year and have recently come back to investigate all these changes LL are in the process of implementing. I think for the most part these are great and overdue. But what I most think needs changing LL cannot fix. It's us; people. The collective online mentality. For the most part most people are nice enough, but there are and always will be that element looking to ruin things for others. Personalities like that thrive in an environment such as Second Life. There's nothing I personally can do about it, but I'd definitely be a lot happier if said people were gone.

    The TP issues lately aren't helping. Sometimes I crash so much I just stay offline and return an hour or two later. It's not ideal, but there's not much I can do about it. I'd love to see costs on land lowered further, technical issues fixed, the poisonous trolls permanently removed, and I'd love to have enough Linden to buy whatever I want whenever I want and basically live a perfect fantasy virtual life. Since I can't have any of that, I'll get off my soap box. But for now I'll stick around and enjoy SL for another day. I'm not bored enough of it again just yet. 

    • Like 3
  14. Probably pointless, but can't hurt to ask. What about the option of including a few of the LH trees in the Content Creation pack included with the homes? The potted plants included are great, as is the inclusion of fences and hedges, but even despite the generally high Land Impact it would be nice to add a few more trees that exactly match what LL and the moles have already included in the neighbourhood, especially the Cypress trees, rocks, and bushes.

    @Patch Linden Would this be a possibility in some future update at all?

    7 hours ago, stlshayne said:

    Has anyone found any (preferably cheap and low LI) trees that fit with the theme? I feel my yard looks a bit bare as-is.

    Try Little Branch Sea Almond (I couldn't find the link on MP but you might be able to still find it in their in world store). Each tree is 6 LI rezzed but they are mod and you can lower LI by reducing size. In the picture below the LB Sea Almond is on the left. LH neighbourhood tree on the right. Except for the bark texture they are almost identical, and are less than 1/3rd the LI. Hope that helps!


    • Like 6
  15. I think I'm too fussy. Already exhausted my 5 attempts today. There's just no pleasing some people! >.<

    But the world is SO much better in general than the former SL homes. Some of the beach and coastal areas I saw are fantastic! Well done Linden Labs, I say!

    And now... back to vicariously living through your pictures, and of course, waiting. 

    • Like 3
  16. Coming from a remote town in Australia, my ping times are pretty pathetic in general. But I've managed to load SL semi-consistently for the last 7/8 years. I've even upgraded my computer twice to keep up with the specs. I'm no stranger to regular crashes, but lately it has been noticeably worse. Instead of crashing maybe twice a night, it's now almost every time I teleport. Before the recent update I even seemed to crash further still just by standing idle or going away/afk and would come back to the 'Darn, looks like you've been logged out of SL' message or something to that effect. But again, recently SL has become almost unusable. 

    In Ebbe's recent video posted elsewhere in the forums regarding the future of SL, he did mention a shift of servers not just closer to their base of operations but also internationally, which might (hopefully, possibly) help those like me struggling. I'm not sure if that will drastically since my internet speed isn't a SL issue. But if they are in the gradual process of shifting servers then it stands to reason why some things aren't stable, or are likely to get worse until the move is done. Or maybe that will bring about its own set of headaches. Hopefully there's some contingency for that. Not sure what, I'm not tech-savvy at all. Just hopeful and a little frustrated, but I also understand the frustration on LL's end with conflicting issues that aren't across the board or affecting all accounts at once. The constant crashing is doing my head in, but all I can do is wait and hope things are repaired fast. Or I take an extended break and find another less-than-productive use of my online time ;)

    As for the feeble and unstable part relating to the player base... that must be up there amongst topics we can't discuss along with politics and religion, surely! 😛. Regardless, it's all open to personal interpretation. I personally feel a lot of people have issues with interpersonal skills these days more than ever before, especially in this day and age of connectivity where we're all plugged into electronic devices and happy to talk to screens rather than flesh-and-blood people seated beside us (and yes, I get the hypocrisy in such a statement being made via computer on an online forum). I also think anonymity makes a safe mask for people to hide behind online, but that's just my opinion. Feeble and unstable in the real world translates to some form of it here too. That's unavoidable. And now I'm getting down off my soap box because this lofty height is giving me a nose bleed *lol*

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