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Everything posted by Alexandreeanna

  1. Thank You, I wondered myself, I've looked into the mesh bodies, this must be a style going around so the prices are WAY up there, I prefer the classic myself, the mesh bodies have weird shadows along the waistline and behind the knees so yea I'm agreeing with with one we should have the enhancement features of the chest up to 150% and adjusting how perky they get would be a plus, I'll set it usually at around 75 from the front it looks good and firm but from the sides they appear to droop, the ability to angle up at 10 20 30 40 would be a plus for me I need my confidence when on stage.
  2. I have wondered about that as well, I visit Harley's shop or did when I got the message of can't access the region, I don't know why the land owner did this , when I last visited the other day there were at least 6 rented parcels there, some friends tell me the land owner just ejected the entire region and blocked access, it seems plausable but why would they do such a thing, to block a public region
  3. Rather then the grey box going through the info, it should have just an animated spinning gold coin with the hover text above it, this could save a few megabytes for each update
  4. I've had the premium for a long time, it's only cost me just to get more lindens never been billed the 9.95 tho
  5. 3 times i have gone through the buy lindens 1165L each, same message box shows up but doesn't update ever tried the next day same exact thing, just hope Linden Labs isn't holding the lindens on purpose otherwise there will be hell in Second Life :smileyvery-happy:
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