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Dakota Reverie

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Everything posted by Dakota Reverie

  1. I paid fora stream rentalwith aplace Ihave used formonths and the owner without notice abandoned his land and left. You can't even find his stream rental place in sl searches anymore. I filed a fraud complaint but it hasn't gotten any notice... any ideas?
  2. Sometimes when I log in on Firestorm, I am a red cloud. Nothing I do helps-cleaning cache, relogging, moving on to another place etc. I hit upon something which worked but I'm not sure why or how. I was frustrated enough to jsut hit the character test (female) and some of the ruth items came on-but the rest of my avi returned with the shape, hair, shoes, etc she was wearing before. It was jsut to take off the Ruth stuff put back what was missing (one of my finger nails came off-only one lol). Not sure what this worked but it did..
  3. I started a new avi and was doing those requirements sl wants. I gave my email adress and was waiting for a confirmation email to click the link to complete. But it never came to my email. I know the emial works beause i tested it-sent emails out and got answers back. Now, the avi name is stuck in cyberspace. I can't load the name and passie since it bounces back. Any ideas?
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