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Everything posted by Davvek

  1. Hey Journey, Smiles right back at ya. Here is my karaoke song to sing this week.
  2. Nice to meet ya!!! What ya up to?
  3. Hey Andromeda!! Hey Everyone!!! Nice to meet ya. How goes everyone's day? I'm posting this hilarious commercial a buddy sent me. Now that's some funny ****!!! I love YouTube...send me one of your favorite selections (music, humor...)
  4. Hello Sokyda & Rose: Thank you for the very nice welcome!!! I have been meeting the most amazing people like yourselves. Lots of areas for music, exploration and good conversations!!! See you both real soon!!!
  5. Here's a classic song, that is timeless. Enjoy, my friends...this is to all of you!!!
  6. Hey there SassyOne...that name made me smile. Thank you for the nice welcome. Here's hoping your day is going great!!!
  7. Hey Heart!!! Looking forward to meeting you and hanging out. Thanks for the friendly "hi"... just saw ya pop in and looking to doing many things with ya.
  8. Hello there...new to SL & still getting my feet wet. Look me up and we can hang with a few friends and share a laugh. Davvek
  9. Popping in to say Hello!!!
  10. Hey there...So nice to meet ya! I'm getting settled in and meeting great people like yourself. Been jammin to some great tunes (classic rock, 80s, 90s hip hop and of course good jazz) at a few clubs. Scanning the sections for some "Live Performances" of various artists.
  11. Hey there: Nice to meet you & thank you for the warm welcome! I'll keep an eye out for ya. I just hit the race track last night with a friend and a couple clubs for some real good music mixes. I also heard they do "Live Shows" that's pretty cool. These forums have a ton of info for newbies like myself...but it certainly does help to have friends like yourself, steering us in the right direction. I am sssoooo impressed with the amount of detail the community has put forth all these years. Kudos there!!! Well cheers to ya and some kick *** times together.
  12. Hello there...I'm new to SL and wanted to send a friendly "heya" to the community. Just getting settled in and looking forward to meeting new people and visiting all the great places I've been hearing about. A little about myself...I'm an East Coast USA zone and usually on in the mornings 8am EST and into the day: 4-5 x week. I'm a night-time worker, who's looking to blow-off some steam, from a hectic RL schedule. Easy going guy, loves all kinds of music & conversations about anything. Anyways... looking for some new friends (guys/gals) to hang with via text or voice, share experiences and contribute to some seriously, laughing good times. Davvek Suun Ki
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