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Posts posted by SLtesterL2

  1. I believe you are misinterpreting what I'm saying. I'm not stating SL is dying, I'm merely asking what the users think about this statement and the future of SL in their opinions. Im also stating mine on what SL should do for the better in MY opinion meaning it doesn't have to change yours since everyone is entitled to their own. Also if I am or if I sound like I'm "complaining" then I'm doing it as much as you make your rude comments. Ever heard of the phrase "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all"? Don't twist my words. I'm done with you.

  2. Or maybe you just don't know how to take a joke....by no means am I comparing SL to a game, just the graphics of one which of course doesn't make a game in a sense "better" in it's form a gameplay (which SL doesn't have I believe which is nothing which isnt wrong and some people don't like the idea of scores and such) but don't you think it would be a nice bonus for some to be upgrade from kinda blocky to beautiful? But do remember also not everything is about graphics and not everyone cares for them which I know. By the way, I bought a new laptop for my laptop for my my online games and especially SL which I know sucks for SL (didn't know about that before purchasing unfortunately...) but it was way better than my old computer which I later upgraded a lil bit after words.

  3. But isn't the world of SL a place where you can get those luxuries(not the PhD) for a dollar's worth? :matte-motes-big-grin: But I see your point, nothing is truly free and to get those things you need commitment to find out how to get them. I think that LL in the past from the way you state it did a wrong turn of how to teach the people on the basics. If people want to build, they will go out and find a class on their own to do so because they have the drive to learn the skill. However, I just thought LL should put more thought on how to pass that curve by doing simple tasks like teaching how to dress up your avatar, how to use the search bar properly, and as said before, how to open a box and properly use the contents in it. Just the basics that EVERY average avatar should learn and not just the more complex teachings for builders and scripters in the making


  4. I agree with everything except the graphic settings and maybe the learning curve bit. Honestly, some on my friends and most people I login with IRL only get to play at least on Med if they get lucky even thought they have a fairly decent computer and still sometimes lag like mad. True about the commitment bit but why shoudn't anyone be able to use SL? Im not saying it's for everyone but shouldn't everyone have the choice to enjoy it and not be turned off by how many options and features it has and requires you to learn on your own? I mean of course you do have to do it mostly on your own, I'm just saying maybe LL can give a bit more tips other than moving your avatar and maybe add in tips or tutorials like how to unpackage a box or something like that.


    Happy Easter BTW! :matte-motes-big-grin:

  5. ...Is what some people are saying :matte-motes-wink-tongue: (please don't hurt me...)


    But honestly, what is your opinion on this statement? I haven't been here THAT long so I don't know much about Second Life's past population status or how much it has gone up or down but from what I've heard, it seems that Second Life never really lost it's users, but never increased it's amount of them from listening to some videos on Philip Rosedale. I think I heard something about SL becoming popular in 2007 and it was kinda of a fad that slowly dimmed leaving the passionate users and alot of unactive accounts behind. What is your opinion on this "SL is dying" statement? How are things today different from the past and where do you see SL in the years to come? I honestly believe SL has potential, I just think LL has a tough time showing it (which is ironic cause the amount of cool things you could do here are amazing and even the people I show SL agree and ask why aren't there more users). I think it has to with the steep learning curve, the system requirements it asks for, and maybe the sketchy content for some users who are offended by it. Thats my opinion on what I think is keeping SL from growing more or maybe it is slightly and I'm not realizing it. Please give your thoughts! I would happy to hear what you guys have to say about it! :matte-motes-big-grin:

  6. Got any links or places I can go to so I can find some. I went to CheerNo and browsed the marketplace but I would like to know which are the best ones where I can move my fingers and bend my feet rather than staying stiff. Thanks! :)
  7. I agree. It more annoying to me than anything and some do take the situation too far and to me its not the fact that I worry about what teens see since they probably have seen worse its just that for the people who don't care for pixel bumping (heh heh clever) it can bit a vexing. :matte-motes-confused:

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