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Everything posted by Bellimora

  1. Best I could suggest for now is smacking everyone who steps into experience with an invisible temp attachment for llMoveToTarget purposes. Now you got a nice little relay on your customer's attachment you can use for events. Also useful for adjusting buoyancy. From there you can take controls to rob motion and use llMoveToTarget to take them to, or hold them at any location you want while triggering your animations. Of course there's a fair chance you already knew all of that or are doing it, in which case forget any of that. If you have the sort of customer base who are not bothered by RLV you could hit them with a version check for that and just use the RLV force sit command. I generally avoid it because there's some stigma surrounding it, and it requires specific viewers. Though RLV and Experience do Voltron in interesting ways since you can temp attach your own relay nicely and quietly and RLV requires ownersays to work. If you do temp attach a relay to your customers though, strip it off as they leave. Sim owners are going to love the extra scripts associated with people wandering in from a variety of experiences with barnacle attachments
  2. I noticed a number of discrepincies between the wiki pages associated with experience tools starting here and oozing into the llKeysKeyValue page. I've gone through and tried to clean some of it up and make current reality and wiki match. I'm mentioning these changes here in case other people want to look over and make sure everything is clean and legit and I didn't mess up any information.
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