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Daphne Dench

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Everything posted by Daphne Dench

  1. I agree with: "In fact, it is against the TOS to out other users RL information without their permission to do so." And even this rule is not repected by 90 procent of SL's citizens, not even by LL people. SL can be a fantasy world, but it does not give you the right to play games with other people's power(s) of observation. As a person you should know the borders of playing games with other people's feelings.
  2. The primary post, thus the discussion, is not about how your avi looks, it is about what is in your profile about your real life gender and age. So please, to make this conversation meaningful, stick to the questions asked.
  3. You all had this Second World to make something more beautiful out of it than the first one is, you all had new people from around the world to interact with, and read here above what many of you have done with these wonderful opportunities.
  4. I am very glad that I read this, and I am shocked about what I read here. All that you guys have proven to me, with your posts here, is why my friendslist is this short, and why I do not connect with so many in Second Life. Why they feel to me like they are frauds. The answer seems to be: Because they are! If everyone is a fraud, and so many do not want to level with their co-citizens, how can friendships even begin to start. It appears to me that most of you are not adult enough to even live with themselves, let alone with others. And it also explains to me why so many are suspicious. One trusts others like oneself is. With what I read here above, it seems to me that you guys are ruining a very beautiful world, called Second Life. And not only that, you also proove to me you hold in contempt everyone you meet there. Daphne Dench - August 24 2023
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