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Everything posted by TwyztdValkyrie

  1. Even when I go to "clubs" and talk to people, all it is is randomly talking to people. I do what the "instructions" say about "making new friends" and it just does not work. For the love of... you'd think more people were looking to actually make friends and hang out and maybe do stuff around here, with the number of threads dedicated to this very subject. Yet no one actively within SL ever takes an interest in anything but... watching themselves dance. Or strippers.
  2. Does anyone here have friends they've made in SL? The only people I know on SL are the ones I know irl. Is there anyone out there that does somethign except scream emotes and watch their avatars dance for hours on end? PLEASE?! I'm so sick of not having anyone around!
  3. For the life of me I just can't find people. I go do stuff, hop around, talk to all sorts of people, etc., etc., but I just cannot find friends o_O Those "help" links really did not help, they're going over everything I already *do*. Still nothing.
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