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Tallion Vlodovic

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Everything posted by Tallion Vlodovic

  1. I might need to find a tutorial or something on what or how colladas work. I’m of the impression they’re essentially just a collection of separate objects in Blender that would import as separate meshes in SL. Reason I was attempting to import as a whole is due to the textures on my blender design having AO shadowing. Again, trying to essentially mimic the design and texture of the SL home so the porch looks as though it’s part of the house rather than just an add on. So like each column has its own shadowing texture from the rails and roof intersecting with it. Same with the rails and roof textures. If I import everything separately, I’m concerned about lining up those shadows correctly. Regarding that threshold, that’s really just there to align the porch properly with the house, after locating it in-world (by aligning it with an existing top step), and is intended to be deleted after.
  2. Attempting to upload my first mesh to SL that I created in Blender. I'm fairly new to this whole 3d modeling/texturing thing so it's been a fun, interesting and yes, sometime frustrating learning process. My first mesh is a porch roof extension for my LL home. I've run into a couple issues though I can't find a solid answer to or maybe I'm just bad at searching. 1. Is it necessary or better to do PBR textures or is a combined texture bake fine for a LL home addition? Obviously 3 textures costs me more to upload than a single and in my current project, I'd be looking at like 24 textures with PBR vs 8. 2. Bigger question. My project, in total, is showing as having about 950 triangles or a little over 2k vertices. Which, from the sounds of it, isn't really that bad. I've read about meshes with like 40k triangles. Note: this object is broken down into separate mesh objects within the same file (mostly for texturing purposes) like rails, columns, header, fascia, roof and then packaged into a collada file. My question is: when I have the various sections of my porch rails joined together in blender, I get the degenerate triangle error when uploading to SL. When I simply separate them and then try to upload, I get no error. Obviously, I could just separate it and run with it but I'd rather ask the question to see if anyone might know why its happening to better understand it for the future. I'll add too, I've gone through all the vertices and edges, one by one, to find any issues but came up empty handed and I can't zoom in on the preview any closer than shown in my photo.
  3. Not quite finished with it but couldn't resist sharing how my LH Tortuga home is turning out. Amazing what some well placed walls can do for a building. Still need to fix the trim around the additional doors (anyone know a source for some matching door trims to the original door trims?) as well as finish the front bath next to the entry (not shown). Also plan to change out a lot of the furnishings, kitchen, and definitely curtains with lower prim options and add decor but it was easier to put it all together while being able to visualize the final general goal. Also haven't gotten to the outside yet but already have an idea of what I'm doing out there.
  4. I'm a bit new to owning a place in Belli but does anyone know the current, average time for regions to be in the various states of construction? Full disclosure; I manage to nab a stilt house on pier when a couple briefly became available recently. Mostly by pure luck it seems. However, I'm honestly hoping to nab a better location. I see a number of regions that appear to be fairly close to complete, on the edge of area I guess people are calling Logland, and just curious how frequently I should be checking back. Not my idea of fun to be haunting those regions in hopes of catching them go on sale. I might just suck at searching the forum/thread but best I could find for an answer was that the regions I'm eyeballing have been under construction since at least late December.
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