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Everything posted by TrunkzTomorrow20111488313311

  1. Not saying what should be fixed in what order. Just saying its broke too and havent seen anything posted about updated search results and I wanted to vent cause now its not running through my head 50 times a day
  2. You see LL...now you are making girls cry...Hope you feel real good about yourself Glad I stayed away from DD
  3. From what I can tell the search rankings havent changed in days. Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone know whats going on and or what is being done about it? Going to complain now a little to make myself feel better so you dont have to read on.... Alot of my listing were getting ranked very nicely for awhile and my sales were at all time highs then MP went to hell. My listings dropped in rankings and now they freeze the rankings with my items hardly seen. I spent many many hours of work, time, deals, gifts and who knows what else to get my items ranked higher only to have it screwed up by this. It would be nice if search was reset to where things were when this all happened when this gets fixed. AND stupid me thought it would be a good idea to give away the farm to get my things ranked higher only to have them stop updating the ranking. IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IF I WOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS IN ADVANCE!!!
  4. As far as kickers go the creator and ower each get 10% of everything put in the other 80% of every play goes to the spots. SO with those owners and creators never have to pay out their own money.
  5. Could you tell me where your shops are located so I can check out the area - I checked your pics inworld but didnt see a way to get there
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