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Luvis DeCuir

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  1. Hey Lilmix, thanks so much for you reply. Its good to get some sort of feedback as to why it was removed. I wonder if you could expand just a little, and tell me what made my comment so different from all the others that were not removed. I know this reveals my ignorance, cause basically this is the first time I have been moved to leave posts anywhere, but I still dont really know what the difference was. What makes something belong on a forum and not a Jira, and vice versa?? And which carries the most weight C/- being heard and listened to?? And what would I have to change to make it acceptable on a Jira?? I know, so many questions If its too many I would understand if you did not reply, but if you or anyone else feels like responding, I would really appreciate it
  2. Hey Cinnamon, I am with you all the way, and yet another voice in opposition to these rediculous changes. I have had a post I left on the Jira removed twice in the past 24 hours, along with all the comments left in support in what I had to say, so I am posting here, just to feel like there is actually freedom of speech and what I have to say is valuable. Here is that post: Well I have read through most of the comments on this proposed change, and I have to say I am flabberghasted that Lindens are even considering it. I have read dozens of reasons for NOT making it, outlining the disasterous consequences of this action, but let me see, were there any good reasons for it? Well there was the whinging by a few people who got caught out lying, and want to be able to lie and not get caught, and all under the guise of wanting privacy LOL! When you step back and see this for what it is, it's actually pretty disgusting, and Lindens can feel very ashamed for ever even including the option to lie about online status in the first place. I mean, come one, where's the integrity in that? Oh, and there was the lame one given about griefers LOL! Geez, you people, learn how to submit an abuse report, and that problem is solved. But back to the right to lie that some of you want to call privacy. My God, if you dont want to talk to someone, dont talk to them. If you dont want to stay friends with someone remove them from your list. Rather than providing an option in preferences to lie, why dont the Lindens provide some free communications courses so that the ones who prefer to lie, rather than just let their friends (LOL! thats a joke!) know honestly they dont feel like talking that day, are able to communicate that to them in a kind and loving way. At least there would be integrity all round. And a win-win too, I imagine. Why am I concerned enough to leave this comment? Well I am not a content providor nor do I have an online business selling things that rely on scripts remaining unchanged on this issue, but I do have a few alts, and because the time I have available to spend in world is limited, I see the online notification tool that I use everyday as a Godsend. I can see at a glance which friends are on and instead of having to log in with each avi to see whos there, can just login as the one I need to catch up with a particular friend if I know she is online. Basically (Lindens) if you change the scripts in a way that breaks this tool, then you have lost me as a participant, so please, please, if you want to make a change, then make the only sensible one here, and that is to show (model) the fact that YOU have integrity (I'm sure you all do), and remove the option to let people lie to each other, and for heavens sake, stop calling it a privacy issue, because it simply NOT that.
  3. Hey Zanara, this is a very valuable thread, so thank you, on behalf of all who will be affected if these changes take place. Darrius, I just had to say something about your idea that Oz is reading and paying attention. It seems that depends on whether he likes what you say or not, and this includes whether or not he allows Jira (https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4823?) comments to stay posted or not. I have posted there twice in the past 24 hours, and both times, my posting, and all the comments left by people in support of what I had to say were removed. I dunno, maybe I broke some sort of Jira rule, but I thought my comments were very relevant, and find it frustrating to be allowed to have my say, so hoped it would be ok to post here, so that I can continue to believe in freedom of speech. This was my post: Well I have read through most of the comments on this proposed change, and I have to say I am flabberghasted that Lindens are even considering it. I have read dozens of reasons for NOT making it, outlining the disasterous consequences of this action, but let me see, were there any good reasons for it? Well there was the whinging by a few people who got caught out lying, and want to be able to lie and not get caught, and all under the guise of wanting privacy LOL! When you step back and see this for what it is, it's actually pretty disgusting, and Lindens can feel very ashamed for ever even including the option to lie about online status in the first place. I mean, come one, where's the integrity in that? Oh, and there was the lame one given about griefers LOL! Geez, you people, learn how to submit an abuse report, and that problem is solved. But back to the right to lie that some of you want to call privacy. My God, if you dont want to talk to someone, dont talk to them. If you dont want to stay friends with someone remove them from your list. Rather than providing an option in preferences to lie, why dont the Lindens provide some free communications courses so that the ones who prefer to lie, rather than just let their friends (LOL! thats a joke!) know honestly they dont feel like talking that day, are able to communicate that to them in a kind and loving way. At least there would be integrity all round. And a win-win too, I imagine. Why am I concerned enough to leave this comment? Well I am not a content providor nor do I have an online business selling things that rely on scripts remaining unchanged on this issue, but I do have a few alts, and because the time I have available to spend in world is limited, I see the online notification tool that I use everyday as a Godsend. I can see at a glance which friends are on and instead of having to log in with each avi to see whos there, can just login as the one I need to catch up with a particular friend if I know she is online. Basically (Lindens) if you change the scripts in a way that breaks this tool, then you have lost me as a participant, so please, please, if you want to make a change, then make the only sensible one here, and that is to show (model) the fact that YOU have integrity (I'm sure you all do), and remove the option to let people lie to each other, and for heavens sake, stop calling it a privacy issue, because it simply NOT that.
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