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Ilyra Chardin

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Posts posted by Ilyra Chardin


    OK.  so I tried it. 


    I put in a keyword on the MP search and a product came up on the first page that had nothing whatsoever to do with the keyword that I put in.  I looked at the keywords that the person had used and they were perfectly legitimate.  The merchant had only 4 keywords (all appropriate) used on this product. 


    Then I read their very detailed, well-written description and that was where the word that I was using to search with was found. 


    So my next stupid question is: is it keyword spam that is making it difficult to find products or is it the algorithm used to display products when a user enters in a keyword?

  2. So this is a new one for me...

    A person, who I don't know, didn't know before today, bought an item in the middle of the night (in my time zone) and then within minutes wrote a scathing review.  Reviews are allowed.  I simply put a comment on the review and went on to start my day, knowing the review itself didn't make sense given the product and clear product description.  This person then IM'd me in the morning (my time) demanding money to remove the review.  I said that the review would stand along with my comment.  This person then deleted the review and wrote a new one.  Someone else that I don't know, posted a comment on her review.  She has subsequently deleted that review and posted a new one.  I suppose that she can keep deleting and posting reviews that are intended to harass with no recourse?

    Then a one month old avatar bought a product, leaving an immediate 2 star review with no comment on the review.  I didn't think MP allowed people to just put stars and no comments?  there is no way to comment or even flag it when that is done. 

    MP should enforce that any review contain the reviewer's comments, but apparently it doesn't and thus allows merchants to be targeted with, "give me money or else" demands.

    I'm not terribly worried about the bad reviews.  I am concerned with this type of harassment and feel that something should be done to prevent things like this from being allowed. 

    That's my two cents (L$5)



    You cannot hit the back button.


    If you make a mistake on a product page and click buy now, you can't go back...you're stuck in that new payment option screen which appears to be unconnected to the rest of the web application.


    Who builds a web page without the browser back functionality???  the payment options page should, at the very least, have a cancel button that puts you back into MP to the page you were on previously.


    And, For the love of God, LL, why don't you web-savvy people already know this?!


  4. I would think that they could potentially fund the work on this newest change by keeping all of the product sale price (rather than the standard commission) if it wasn't for the fact that the whole system is so slow and so bogged down that MP sales are in decline.

    The other day when this new change was being implemented, I saw someone post in the SL Commerce group, asking why everyone was so negative and assuming that a new feature rollout means problems.  I sure hope they're reading this and other threads.

    And cause I’m on a roll with this post.... who builds a web page without the browser go back or cancel functionality???!!!

    *shakes her little fist in the air once more, blows a stray bit of hair from her eyes, climbs down off of the podium and goes back to building and trying to correct a random rotation of 179.50 and make it the 180 degrees it should rightly be*

  5. If you make a mistake and click buy now there is no way to get back to MP.  You have to close out of that window and enter MP all over again and try to search for the products that you want.  The payment options page should allow you to hit the browser back button or should provide a cancel button that puts you back to the product page that you were on.

  6. I found that even when i deleted an item, and all of my things were fully converted to DD - magic boxes deleted, removed using xstreet, etc.  that my old deleted items were stil available to me via sku.  Actually, it made putting a newer version of the defunct product easier as i was able to use quick fill by sku.

    I just thought that was how DD MP worked - that your deleted items remained in the backgrouund.  I can see them when i want to show related items or when i want to do a quick fill.  They do not show up in my inventory listings.


    I find this a little confusing.  From what I've learned recently about copybotting the offenders only need to "see" the product and then can copy it using software on their own hard drive.  If you block sales / visits to your stores, aren't you also blocking honest people?  Further, can't a copybotter copy your stuff without ever setting foot in your store.  All they have to do is look at the item on someone or on someone else's land, right?


    Sometimes I think the minute I think up an idea and build it, I see it advertised in some group or some such thing.  I console myself with the fact that my ideas are boundless.  I can always think up the next thing that I want to make...usually before I’ve had time to do all the pics and put things on MP.  So I try not to worry if I’m being copied because I can't do a damn thing to change it.  The recent tide of limiting / blocking individuals or using a "must be over 30 days old," script hasn’t seemed to stop the copybotters and has stopped honest newbies from gaining access to your products. 


    That's my two cents (L$5)


  8. I'd like to see enhancements of the DD functionality as well, not just what you listed.  In the interim, out of curiosity, could you pull the notifications from your email?  All of the purchases that are made in your store or stores will come from "Service" and the first word on the subject line will be "Customer." 

  9. You know, you were gracious and really good with this last post up until...

    Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    If you can't understand this, I can't help you.

    Have a good day ...Dres

    I was so set to thank you for the way in which you wrote that, but...i think i'm gonna go get a cup of coffee instead.






  10. Should send the note as suggested to the owner of the land.  Also, did you try editing the market stall wall itself and seeing who the owner of the object is?  if that name is not the same as the owner, try to contact them as well.  Lastly for RP SIMs, you should be able to find a mod or admin.  They’re usually listed in the rules for that sim.  Try reaching out to them as well. 

    Best of luck. 

  11. When you rent a spot, you have to contact the land owner and get added to the group.  Then you can begin to set up your spot.  just paying rent on the space isn't enough, as those markets are set up as group owned and only group members can put out permanent objects.

  12. If you opened the map and clicked on copy slurl and then pasted it into the MP listing using ctrl V and are getting this error, I would reach out to support. 

    The only other thing I can think of (and I'm not really sure if it's an issue,) is if the product is general and the url is to an adult sim.  But you'd have to check to see if there is something that prohibits you from listing an adult url for general category items.

    I'm sorry that I can't be more help.

  13. I'm neither being obtuse nor ignorant.  But I suppose in the face of the logic that this is an error (whether or not it can be or will be fixed being irrelevant,) that your only defense is to resort to calling me stupid.  I suppose I could be apathetic about the issue and shrug it off as just another one of those very broken things in SL that LL refuses to address or I can choose to use the process as LL defines it to raise my concern.  I choose to do the latter and calling me stupid or any other such names will not deter me. 

    If people want to shrug this off and not file a case, which is their choice.  To call them ignorant, obtuse, stupid or any other name for doing what they think Is right is well…um… very LL-like.

    When I raised my concerns, I received the following responses for LL:

    Concern: The flagging of products appears to be arbitrary and it opens the door to abuse of the system by competitors and people with an axe to grind

    LL Response:  You can help us clean up MP by flagging items

    Concern:  There are hundreds to thousands of products out there with whiskey, beer, wine, alcohol, etc.

    LL Response:  We can’t just take them all away as something may be wine-colored 

    That is a great answer.  Too bad it’s not done that way at all.  If it was, items with XXS sizes or aquariums and hats would not be flagged as adult. 

    LL did not have a response to this at all.  Instead they redirected me to the MP guidelines in a circular discussion that was Joseph Heller (Catch 22) worthy.

    Right now, I feel this issue is double plus ungood.  Perhaps in time, I will learn to assimilate and love big brother.  Who knows?  This is SL where anything is possible and nothing can go worng.

  14. Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

    They're not to "make your voice be heard" because you're "dissatisfied with their inconsistent enforcement and approach to the maturity guidelines."

    The operative words there being "inconsistent enforcement."  which is an error.  Do you perhaps work for LL?  Should i begin to use terms like, "double plus ungood," when describing this blatantly broken process?  It doesn't work...it's broken...and that is exactly what the ticket system is for.

  15. Further "making your voices heard," is the BEST way to let the commerce team know that this is something that needs to be fixed.  As what you and I have now both cited CLEARLY says it is the ONLY way to ensure that the commerce team understands that there is an issue.

  16. May I direct you to the following from the Commerce Team:


    Best ways to contact the Commerce Team

    [ Edited ]

    ‎10-11-2011 10:02 AM - edited ‎10-11-2011 10:05 AM

    The Second Life Commerce Forums are intended for public discussions among Second Life Residents regarding commerce in Second Life. Linden Lab monitors the forums, as time allows, to determine if follow-up is needed by a Linden Lab staffer.  However, there is no guarantee that issues posted to the forum will be discovered in a timely manner, so please use the contact methods in this post to notify the Lab of any issues. Bear in mind, as well, that posts may be removed or edited if they are in violation of the Community Guidelines or Second Life Terms of Service.

    As a rule, Linden Lab does not address support requests or bug reports through the Second Life Forums. If a Linden Lab staffer is made aware of a customer service issue on the Forums, you may be contacted directly or asked to submit a customer support ticket or JIRA.

    Submitting a Customer Support Ticket

    If you have an issue with the Marketplace, submit a customer support ticket,

    I feel that this is an issue.  Pissing on my feelings about this won't change them one iota.  I am following the process laid out by Linden Labs to contact them the Commerce Team and let them know that their maturity rating system is in error.  That is my prerogative.  I will further direct your attention to the countless posts on this board about people dissatisfied with this wholly dysfunctional system.  Please read the post where a merchant was selling a skirt as XXs (meaning extra extra small) and had that flagged as adult. 

    If you are satisfied with the way the maturity system works and don't think it's broken, then you don’t have to open a case.  For others who have encountered these issues and feel that something needs to be done to correct this, by LL's own words, the best way to contact them and alert them to this is to file a case.

  17. If the ticket system is not supposed to be used to report things that are BROKEN, then exactly what IS its purpose?  And yes, people complain that lots of things don’t get fixed.  There are open JIRAs out there dating back at least five or more years relating to errors on rotations and alignments of prims that are still not fixed.  That doesn't mean it's not an error.  It just means it hasn't been corrected yet. 

    I don't know if the maturity rating system will be fixed either.  What I do know is that it is VERY broken. 

    That's my two cents (L$5)

  18. The ticket system is to report things that are broken, correct?  The maturity rating system is wholly broken as evidenced by numerous complaints on this board.  Posts like, "i go crazy, why is my aquarium adult?!!!" or "my product was given an adult rating because i used the number 42," etc.  It's frustrating and, I believe, that the commerce team needs to know that this needs to be fixed.  I can think of no better or more appropriate vehicle than the ticket system as all of those countless posts have been ignored.

    But, as usual, that’s my two cents (L$5)

  19. For all of you that have responded to my posts and for those countless people who have, in the past, complained about the difficulty of using certain keywords or listing your products - or of having your products flagged by the commerce team, please let your voices be heard.

    Go to support and open a case under: General Marketplace Issues

    Let the commerce team know that you are dissatisfied with their inconsistent enforcement and approach to the maturity guidelines. 

  20. LOL!

    There is a very old thread on this board that read "I go crazy!  why is my aquarium adult?"

    Not only is there no rhyme or reason, but here is an apathetic response when you raise these issues to the Commerce Team... almost as if you're bothering them with your problems.  I wonder if LL feels equally bothered when they have to extract their monthly payments for the island and tier for the mainland parcel?

    Some things just make you go, "hmmm"

  21. I'm sorry that this happened to you.  I had a similar experience quite a number of years ago, trying to buy a boat from an in-world store.  I never heard back from the seller, never got my purchase, and consoled myself with the fact that 1000 lindens equals roughly $4 US.  But I never went back.  I never bought anything from that sim again.  You can certainly do the same, and if enough of your friends boycott that particular market, it should certainly have an impact.  I think that people who rent out space for shops and earn in-world income from that should have skin in the game, too.

    But that’s my two cents (L$5)

  22. Thank you for your very well written post.  You've expressed my frustration very well. 

    Even when the items do fit the guidelines of "mature," the commerce team is extremely lax in enforcing their policies.  Why are only some residents penalized while others' products with similar characteristics continue to be listed as general and open to anyone who has not logged in as mature or adult? 

    I did a search today, setting my preference to general only, with the keywords of: bar, tavern, wine, tequila, alcohol, and beer and each time the results were in the hundreds to the thousands.  I opened a case and pointed this out to the commerce team, whose response was essentially, "we'll get to it when we do" and "you can flag those items."

    *head desk*

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