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carley Greymoon

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Posts posted by carley Greymoon

  1. Thank you so much Ruthven it worked! :)

    It took a little bit to find the right place to insert the code but i got:)  again a very big thanks to you Ruthven

    here is the script in case anyone else can use it.

    integer gIntSwing = 90;
    rotation gRotSwing;
            gRotSwing = llEuler2Rot( <3.0, 0.0, (float)gIntSwing * DEG_TO_RAD> );
        touch_start(integer total_number){
            if(llDetectedLinkNumber(0) == llGetLinkNumber())
        touch_end( integer vIntNul ){
            if(llDetectedLinkNumber(0) == llGetLinkNumber())
             llSetLocalRot( (gRotSwing = (ZERO_ROTATION / gRotSwing)) * llGetLocalRot() );






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  2. i'm trying to find a simple solution to hiding a hud i built. i thought i found the answer using a simple door script that flips(rotates) the HUD off screen. that works perfect, i put the script in the root prim and when clicked it hides the HUD. the problem is when i click a child prim in the linkset it also hides the HUD.

    i've tried to solve this but i don't understand what i am reading well enough. from what i understand by default when the root prim has a touch handler and the child prims don't, when a child prim is clicked it passes that touch onto the root prim and it's script is executed. there is a Pass_Never flag that when used within a script that is placed in each child prim, the child will not pass the touch onto the root prim.

    that is what i need to happen but that would mean every prim in the linkset needs it's own script. that's not feasible for my project. is there a simple way to do this without putting a script in each prim?

    i know very little scripting and at this point my head kind of hurts, if someone can just help me get past this sticking point it'd be very appreciated. Thank you.

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