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Everything posted by Litella

  1. Ive had nothing but grief since the new SSB came into effect. I used to use Exodus viewer because it ran so smooth for me, after the SSB it was very chunky when I turned around and my FPS would drop from 35 FPS to the floor. I tried other viewers but they were worse. Thank god I saw this post and tried singularity because it runs smooth on my PC, screaming along at about 55 fps with no funky lockups when I turn hugs!!
  2. No I havent tried in those regions, the sim i rp in isnt that region. I used to rezz and with in seconds the sim would rezz, today it took almost 10 mins before everything had rezzed. Also took a very long time for my clothing to rezz. Another thing i have noticed is some prims even though rezzed will be invisable till you right click them...hair boots on Avs..or stair ways etc in sims. It may be server load im not sure, just its the slowest its ever been .
  3. Thnx to everyone who replied. Yes i noticed the error in that example and fixed it myself . Im getting to where i want to be with this script..slowly but surely. Im doing ok for a noobish scripter lol. Thnx again hugs
  4. The new server side baking as made my sl experience..ummm choppy. I cant look around me now without the viewer locking up and freezing before rezzing what i just turned to see. This is horrible and seeing i rp in a combat sim is making life hell. never had this choppy lock up when turning before the change. Also textures in sims takes forever to load now..so for me its been a step backward .
  5. Hi I have an RP object that gives another object when touched by the user. I have it so it deletes the object inside as well as the script after one use and for the life of me I cant figure out how to make it delete contents after 5 uses. Any help or hints would by soooo welcomed.
  6. Im having the same problem with textures for clothes. I can remove clothes but then none will wear...or i can change clothes but see no change in them although its says Im wearing them. On top of that I cant rezz objects but can wear them . When i cant see the clothes change in texture I can wear objects and see them fine. When this is happening I cant tp out , i cant cross a sim without being logged out etc. Ive been in contact with my Net provider and they have tested my connection while on SL and theres nothing wrong on my end. When i try to check my profile I get this message - Frame load interrupted by policy change This is becomming a real drag.
  7. Well I made some changes and started the first animation from a neutral like stand with hands at sides then let it roll onto the first animation and then ended in that neutral stance, did that for all animations and it all works together well :D. I have a smooth transition from animation to animation that makes sense YAY!!! Thanksyou so much HUGS
  8. Ok, so like I have to split them all into 3 and make them all start where the last one ended or looped? But wont that mean that I have to start each animation at the same place the very first one starts to loop which will be the very start pose which is also the end pose of the very first animation? Hmmm, I will give it a go and see how it plays together. Thanks
  9. Hi, I have been learning to make my own animations over the last few frustrating months lol and Ive made 3 for my AO. Thing is Im having an issue with getting them to play from one to the other without a slight stop inbetween, like it goes to the no animation stand for a split second instead of playiing the other animation in time smoothly. I dont have the animations playing over again, they play just once. Should I loop them instead? The play time for each animation is 30 seconds (300 frames running at 10 frames per second), is this too long making it pause between the animations? would I cut them into two making each 15 seconds long so I end up with 6 animations instead of 3? Any help would be much appreciated
  10. That worked >I not only got the items i was missing , but alot of IMs and group notices too lol. ty so much for that roseysun you rock!!
  11. Thankyou for the link i'll try it. Yes seems items sent from your shopping cart wont deliver .
  12. Well..im not buying nothing from xstreet any more. Ive been waiting 5 days for items i bought to be delivered, and also waiting for 4 more items i bought yesterday to be delivered. I have emails telling me they have been already...but hahaha, nope. i have contacted the creators of the products..and they have tied to rediliver them from xstreet and guess what...no joy :D. So i went to file a support ticket to market place ..and the page just says error http blaa blaa..so i cant send a ticket of the stuff i need xstreet to redeliver :D. great job guys, i wont be buying from xstreet again. be careful when making pirchuses people and be ready for second class support with your problem from SL....what a waste of time and money.
  13. Thanx for the replies. I like to point out that my name is made up and and has nothing to do anything else . My name makes me a child AV now too?? Yes I have been here in SL 9 days, i have a friend thats been here alot longer than me who has spent alot of time setting me up here, telling what to avoid etc, so at 9 days old my AV looks good. But thats due to alot of help here, most people are very helpful, tell you about mania boards and lucky chairs, they give you things to use like AOs and other things i wont mention . I like to explore, thats why im here, You want to see what my AV looks like, check out my profile. Ok this has happened in 2 of the 2 clubs i have been too, i have been to beachs (some of them are nude ones loll) and NOONE has hassled me once. Ive been to forests and parks, been sky diving, jetski riding, killing zombies all hassle free. If a club manager thinks im a threat to their club and LL might be called, then they shouldnt worry about it, im not a child AV and nor is my personality,. Dont worry ive checked out the LL policies and im not here to act like a child And for those who are wondering what i must of been wearing...Jeans and a black tank top with sneakers, what was i saying.."hello" "good thnax" "nice club" << all very child like huh, Yes sure i have some sexy outfits, i save them for beaches not clubs, my firends and i wear that stuff in RL all the time though without being judged as a kid.. I think it had to do with my height...Im a 6 foot amazon kid obviously. My shape is a sunshape, its not a kids one, my skin is a teen skin as mentioned in my first post, she has freckles and looks like a 18 year old does. Her breasts are very close to mine, im thin rl and as i said i want my AV looking as close to me as possible, and thats my choice not yours. But again breast size determains wether your a child or not?, i have breasts thats clearly obvious period. Some 14 year olds are taller and have bigger breasts than me Rl, so that must make them more adult than me? and im like 18. Sorry if a vibrant young adult look makes you feel threatened, get over it. If i saw a child AV in a club, i would IM them and ask them why they are there, adult clubs are no places for kids. And to those calling me a troll and making out im acting inappropriately, thanx, its nice to know what kind of people are around here, go get bent you losers.
  14. Ok first off i know we need to protect kids from creeps, and i have had my share of them in the little time i have been here, but im old enough to handle myself and anyone that tries anything on me. So heres goes my rant Im new to SL, been here about a week now. My av has a female shape that is NOT a child shape. My skin is a teen skin cos im 18 and i want to try to look like me. (by the way in my country 18 means your adult) ' Now my Av is 6 foot tall and has breasts, my demeana is that of an adult. So..why cant i go and dance at a club and listern to music without people Iming me and telling me im a child av and the owners asking me to leave? Im very insulted by this, Its my fualt you have creeps in your club? Im petite in Rl im acually shorter than my Av, but i can go to a club and noone will hassle me out because they think im a child, so why this paranoia in sl?. I have seen child Av's and they are nothing like me, let alone 6 foot tall with breasts. My friend whom bought me to Sl is in a adult sim where some pretty nasty things happen, her AV is shorter than mine as she is an elf and you are not allowed child AV;s there. So i could go there and noone will hassle me about my AV , go figure. Maybe if I dress as an elf people will shut up? So please for my sake and my enjoyment here..stop insulting me by calling me a kid!, kicking me out of clubs and get over your paranoia! To me that says the clubs in SL are full of creeps. Oh and you people who are always thinking about kids being abused..i suggest thinking about something else, its not a good look or healthy thinking. Rant over, hugs
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