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Xiola Linden

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Blog Entries posted by Xiola Linden

  1. Xiola Linden
    We all have our favorite spots to spend our time in Second Life, but it’s good to get out and experience something new - maybe even meet some new friends. The Second Life Destination Guide is a fount of spectacular places designed by Residents, populated with stuff made by Residents, and full of Residents themselves - so get in there and see what’s all around in the Second Life community. Here are just a few new spots you should make some time to visit.
    Pandora Box: 003 - The River Dream
    Pandora Box of Dreams's third dream (The River Dream) is open to the public. Pandora Box of Dreams is a creative sim setting that opened for the visionaries and creative minds who seek a place where dreams come to life. They also have a flickr group where artists can share their experiences: http://bit.ly/1KPz8Jz.
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Kingdoms of Giliath
    Welcome to Giliath, a world like no other. Will you enter in and discover your liaisons with the light or the darkness? Will you follow the paths that the ancients once walked? Will you learn to cast the magics that were handed down through the generations? Are you worthy to sing the song of the blade? This is your choice. Adventurer, what will it be? Choose wisely.
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Missing Marbles: A Cajun Comedy Hunt
    Boudreaux lost his marbles, and he needs them back in time for the tournament! Wearing your HUD, find all twenty marbles and hear funny stories along the way. When your HUD is completely filled, return to hunt HQ to collect your rewards. The hunt takes place in New Toulouse, an early 1900s-themed Louisiana community celebrating its 7th year in Second Life.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Galanthus - The Ice Keep of Niphus
    Winter came with draught and suffering. Lords of the north had little choice but to retreat. A land so fertile and green but winter came to Galanthus as much as it came to all.
    Visit in Second Life  
    The Lemonrock Cafe
    Experience live music from top Second Life musicians at the Lemon Rock, a place to hang out and chill for fun nightlife and live music entertainment.
    Visit in Second Life Many of our featured Pic of the Day pics come from great places like these - so share your snaps on the Official Second Life Flickr Page.
    If you’re looking to get your spot in the Destination Guide, be sure to hit us up via the Destination Guide suggestion form.
    Catch you inworld!
  2. Xiola Linden
    The weekend is just within reach - which must mean it’s time for another edition of Second Life Destination Guide Highlights - a satisfying sampler of some of the newest and coolest places to pop up in Second Life. The teleport button is waiting to happily guide you to your next great adventure.
    6th Republic Event
    6º Republic is a new decor and landscaping event showcasing a broad selection of designers in one place. Creativity, passion and uniqueness are found in exclusive 100% original mesh creations inspired in the theme selected for each round. The theme for the current round for May is Industrial, with small contemporary and rustic hues.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Life in a Bowl by Cica Ghost
    On a deserted tropical island, captive giant fish languidly survey the landscape in Cica Ghost's latest art experience and installation.
    Visit in Second Life  
    City Inside Out
    Walking into any interior reveals only exteriors. The sense of personal space is absent. How is a city experienced when there are no comforts for the soul, no home?
    Visit in Second Life  
    Nairb's Skydive Center
    What's there to do in Second Life? SKYDIVE! Get started here with a free basic parachute. Jump using the pod from 4000 meters or the two base jump platforms on the tower! Nairb's Skydive Center also features monthly contests and more.
    Visit in Second Life  
    Nightingale Isle
    Nightingale Isle was created as a space to encourage, challenge and support nursing students in their journey to become nurses. NI fosters collaboration, research and education between nursing students, educators and healthcare professionals.
    Visit in Second Life There is plenty more where that came from - the Destination Guide has a wealth of spots you should venture to - but if you have a region or location you’d love to show off that’s not there,  share it! As you cruise through the sights and sounds of new places, don’t forget to take some snapshots and upload them to the official Second Life Flickr Page.
  3. Xiola Linden
    Second Life is turning 12 this June, and we’re planning a few extra special ways to help commemorate a dozen amazing years with our Residents! You’ll have to stay tuned to this blog and our social media pages for all the exciting things as they roll out, but today we’re announcing auditions for … (drum roll, please) … the Second Life Music Fest - sponsored by Linden Lab - a two day music-extravaganza inworld to celebrate!
    Second Life is full of talented musicians, and we’re hoping to draw out all you guitarists, bassists, drummers, singers, tambourine shakers and other music makers to come audition for the festival. All genres are welcome!
    The Second Life Music Fest is an opportunity to perform at one of the biggest celebrations in Second Life, and it’s a paid gig!
    To sign up for an audition, please complete and submit the submission form no later than 05/20/2015. While we encourage everyone to sign up, it is not a commitment on your part and does not guarantee a spot at the auditions. We will review all submissions and extend audition invitations via email to the designated contact. Each invited act will have a short audition time (5 minutes max) to play and leave an impression on a panel of judges made up of Lindens and Residents. This panel will select acts to be invited to perform at the Second Life Music Fest. Upon completion of a half hour slot at the festival, the designated contact for each act will be eligible for payment (subject to Linden’s terms and conditions).
    All Residents are welcome to participate in the auditions as audience members. For those who are interested, the auditions will be held at the Lavender Field on the following dates and times:
    May 22nd noon - 2pm (SLT)
    May 23rd 6pm - 8pm (SLT)
    It should be a few days of great music and good times, and we can’t wait to see and hear some of the best musical talent there is, and spend some time rocking out inworld!
  4. Xiola Linden
    It’s just about inworld meetup time, and since we’re in the habit of sharing some of our favorite spots from the Destination Guide, this weekend, we wanted to flip the script and find out from you what spot you think is one of the best to visit for our next inworld meetup.
    Share your recommendations in this forum thread - links to Destination Guide entry or SLURLS are best - and we’ll pick one to have our next inworld meetup.
    The next meetup is planned for Thursday, May 14th at 1 PM SLT, so get your recommendations in soon!
    As always, if you have a region or location that you would like to show off - be sure to share it, and we always love to see pics of your adventures on the Official Second Life Flickr page.
  5. Xiola Linden
    “Everyone has their own interpretation of the future as something different, but this is our interpretation of it.”
    Meet StarRavenSAT, General Manager of InSilico, and Stark Osterham, Manager and Lore Master, in the latest episode of the Drax Files: World Makers. StarRavenSat finds hope even in the throes of a desperate civilization, and Stark shares his creative process with his daughter who serves as a source of inspiration even as she herself learns the importance of creative expression from her father. Populated with a full cast of characters improvised by Stark, InSilico’s history is created in realtime by all participants - from builders, storytellers, scripters, and players. This type of spontaneous collaboration focuses different flavors of creative energy into creative play - leading to an immersive and exciting experience.

    InSilico is a cyberpunk roleplaying region set in a dystopian future where a big bad corporation seemingly calls the shots, and ongoing wars between rival groups of locals require citizens to be experts at self-defense. Rife with both wonder and danger, it’s everything you might expect from a 25th century city floating in the upper atmosphere after the fall of civilization on Earth.
    Watch the video below, then login to experience InSilico inworld. Even if you’re not an avid roleplayer, you won’t want to miss out on the unique aesthetic and appeal of InSilico.
    Want to see more personal Second Life stories? Find all the previous episodes at Draxtor’s Website or below:
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 1: Kriss Lehmann
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 2: Jo Yardley
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 3: Eshi Otawara
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 4: Fantasy Faire / RFL
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 5: Engrama

    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 7: Rod Humble
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 8: MadPea Games
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 9: Elie Spot
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 10: Robin Sojourner
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode11: Dwarfins
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 12: Ole Etzel
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 13: Creations for Parkinson's
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 14: Rose Borchovski
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 15: Scottius Polke
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 16: Feed a Smile
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 17: Zachh Barkley
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 18: Paradise Lost
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 19: Virtual Chemistry at Texas A&M
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 20: Flockers
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 21: Editorial Clarity
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 22: Virtual Health Adventures
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 24: MadameThespian Underhill
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 25: Oblee
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 26: Absinthe
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 27: Nylon Pinkney
    The Drax Files: World Makers - Episode 28: Whiskey Monday 
  6. Xiola Linden
    "I have been having nightmares as long as I remember,” says Kiana Writer - one of the many talented creators behind MadPea’s latest story-driven survival/horror game in Second Life,“My first one was at the age of four when I was being chased by rhinos in the dark woods. I thought everyone was dreaming like me and was surprised when I realized this wasn't the case … Second Life gave me the tools to have my nightmares become fully immersive games!”
    UNIA, the newest game from MadPea has hit the grid - and it’s a big one! Over the past two years, the MadPea team has been creating and scripting a story in which you battle the odds to unravel one piece of a larger mystery. The scope and magnitude of the project grew with the introduction of Experience Tools in Second Life - an opportunity that the MadPea team saw to optimize the gameplay and interaction of the experience you will have when you join the game.
    UNIA is a spooky adventure into a nightmarish world; a survival/horror game with twists and turns lurking in every shadow. Prepare to solve puzzles, fight monsters, and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of this adventure.
    You can check the MadPea website for question on How To Play or jump right into the action. Bookmark this blog for your teleport to play.

    Unia is an immersive horror survival game bursting with twists, turns and fight-for-your-life experiences. Players will need their wits about them to solve puzzles and find clues to what’s really going on with the mysterious disappearances in the sleepy town of Molimo. Who or what is behind this horror?
    Visit in Second Life  
    While UNIA should keep you busy for hours of gameplay, MadPea is already working on the next chapter, and has given us the exclusive scoop that their next game will be called The Collection - where you can expect the same level of story-based gaming and immersion that MadPea is known for.
  7. Xiola Linden
    Fantasy Faire in Second Life opens its 7th year on April 23rd and runs through May 3rd - boasting some of the best fantasy designers and performances for the benefit of the American Cancer Society. Fantasy Faire is one of the most popular events put together by Relay for Life of Second Life which organizes several successful fundraising events inworld each year.
    In addition to all of the wondrous clothing, accessories, and whatever fantastical things you can imagine, this year’s Faire will also host a Literary Festival with workshops, storytelling, open mic sessions, and opportunities to meet and discuss work with authors.
    The regions have been lovingly crafted by some of the best fantasy builders in Second Life and must be seen to be believed. Bring your photo-taking skills and prepare to be delighted.
    Start planning your adventure by visiting the full calendar of events, dust off your “bag of holding” for all of the great finds you will walk off with, and come shop for a great cause.
    Fantasy Faire 2015
    Visit the seventh annual Fantasy Faire April 23rd through May 3rd. Step through a magical doorway to thirteen regions beautifully brought to life for the largest celebration of fantasy art, artists, and enthusiasts in the virtual world. From the Spires of Andolys to Poseidon's Abyss, get ready for an amazing time of unimaginable proportions! Best part, it all benefits the American Cancer Society.
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