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Posts posted by Pushit1488312089

  1. Thanks rolig... that´s a smart solution, the problem is that this is an applier for creators to just write their UUID... I´d like them to o it only once.


    Freya... sorry about the code.

  2. Thanks for the reply freya... here´s the complete script that goes in the HUD

    integer channel = -1000001; // Channel for comms (Must be same as reciever). string texture = "3190028f-1397-4b3b-bc8d-23c5bb7b250d"; // UUID of Texture to apply   integer link = LINK_SET;  // Link number to apply the texture to (LINK_SET for all links).   integer face = ALL_SIDES; // Face number to apply the texture to (ALL_SIDES for all faces).string SR = "*"; // Seperator to use in the list, must be the same                 // as the seperator to be used within the reviever                 // script.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////default{    touch_start(integer total_number) // When object is touched.    {        // Say each texture property with the seperator inbetween so the reciever can parse it.        llRegionSay(channel,texture+SR+(string)link+SR+(string)face);    }}


    I don´t need to select different faces... just prims (linked parts of the mesh)

  3. Hi, Ip urchased a full perm script to change textures on a broken mesh avatar from a HUD.

     integer link = LINK_SET;  // Link number to apply the texture to (LINK_SET for all links)

    The scripts works great on all sections of the avatar (link_set) or in 1 section of the avatar (integer link = 4; for example)


    My quiestion is:

    How can I choose 2 or 3 different sections of the avatar?


    I tried integer link = 4;5;6;

    or 4,5,6; etc

    with of course no success.

    Can anyone help me? Thanks

  4. Hi, I´d like to know if everyone knows a script to make a HUD to change textures.

    I bought a script and it works perfectly (I press the HUD button, a menu pops up, I select the name of the texture and the texture of the object changes).

    The problem is that when I wear the object, the HUD button works, the men pops uo, I select the texture, but then nothing happens.

    I bought a couple of meshes in which the skin texture could be changed via HUD, so it´s possible.


    Could anyone please guide me to where to find a script like that?

    I´d be very thankful.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. Hi, I´d like to know if everyone knows a script to make a HUD to change textures.

    I bought a scriptand it works perfectly (I press the HUD button, a menu pops up, I select the name of the texture and the texture of the object changes).

    The problem is that when I wear the object, the HUD button works, the men pops uo, I select the texture, but then nothing happens.

    I bought a couple of meshes in which the skin texture could be changed via HUD, so it´s possible.


    Could anyone please guide me to where to find a script like that?

    I´d be very thankful.

    Thanks for reading.

  6. Thanks for the reply Rolig, the problem is that this is a script I bought NO MOD so there´s no way to see what´s inside. Maybe this is the wrong place but what I need is to know if its possible to change textures to a worn object via HUD.

    I know its possible when the object is on ground cause it works perfectly, but when I wear the object it just doesnt.

    Thanks again.

  7. Thanks Nuclear... you are right.

    Unfortunately now the problem is

    OWNER_KEY = llGetOwner();


    it asys type mismatch :matte-motes-confused:

    I´m sorry to be a pain... I can not script as you can see.



    EDIT: hahaha sorry Keluura I should have looked up that one in google... shame on me :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

  8. Thanks a lot Kaluura for your time and help. I tried but still didn´t work, I´m obviously doing something wrong in the HUD script. Let me show you...


    integer ci_SYSTEM_CHANNEL = -1409001000;        // Base Communications Channel for NI01 Project.key gkOwnerKey;string gsOwnerName;integer giSystemChannel;//integer giSystemListen;unStartUp(){    gkOwnerKey = llGetOwner();    gsOwnerName = llKey2Name(gkOwnerKey);    //giSystemListen = llListen(ci_SYSTEM_CHANNEL,"",NULL_KEY,"");}default{    on_rez(integer eiStart) { unStartUp(); }    state_entry() { unStartUp(); }    touch_start(integer eiNum)    {        if( llDetectedKey(0) == gkOwnerKey )        {            integer viLinkNum = llDetectedLinkNumber(0);            if( llGetLinkName(viLinkNum) == "HUDBUTTON" ) 
    { llRegionSayTo( gkOwnerKey,ci_SYSTEM_CHANNEL,"NI01|MWS|NULL|USERINPUT|"+(string)llGetLinkPrimitiveParams
    (viLinkNum,(list)28) ); } } }}


    And this is the helmet script

    particle(){    I didn´t paste the code to save space in the post       }default{    state_entry()    {        particle();//start the particle effect        llListen(0,"","","");    llListen(1, "", NULL_KEY, "");    }        changed(integer change)    {        if(change & CHANGED_OWNER)            llResetScript();    }    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string msg)    {       if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner())    {            string msg = llToLower(msg);                        if(msg == "l1")            {                particle();//turns the particle on            }            else if(msg == "l0")            {                llParticleSystem([]);//turns the particle off            }           }    }}


    THanks again

  9. Sorry for the confusing title hahaha... but that´s what I was looking for.

    I have a helmet taht turns on a laser particle when I use the chat comand "/1l1" (it´s a lowercase L).

    Ihave a hud that works for other functions, but I wanted to add that one. My question is... can I put a script in the HUD button that simply "recreate" the chat command"?


    If not I´ll post the HUD script I have.


    Thanks a lot as usual.

  10. Sorry to insist... but I really need to know if anybody knows anything about this issue.


    One more hint... it only happens with rigged meshes, rigged worn meshes.

    I have an AMD Radeon HD 6700 series and tried with every single viewer... the same with all of them.



  11. Hi... I´d like to know how to (simply if possible) make a knife able to make damage in combat sims.


    I bought and setted the NOIR set of scripts and animations. It´s great, but apparently it has no damage.


    I tried with every single free full perm sword but had no luck.

    I looked for full perm knives too, to see if I could exctract the scripts, but I dont find what I look for.

    If someone can point me a direction I´ll be very grateful, thanks.

    BTW, I was reading this topic... HERE

    it´s interesting, still doesn´t help me very much.

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