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Posts posted by TishaRogue

  1. It seems LL has been changing things again. Today I am having the toasts and stuff being so transparent i can hardly read them, especially if there is something with typing under it. I looked through the preferences and the debugging but couldn't find the relevant item i need. Please let me know where to find it and what it is called. (I use firestorm but have no groups left available to join it for the question)

    The corner notices that were blue before are now almost invisible. The pie menu (that I have set to not pie) is barely there with type that gets lost in whatever is behind it and the inventory when i right click a folder to take an action, I cant read at all with 2 layers of typing. I have also noticed when i open note cards the background is now dark grey instead of white and the attached textures etc lettering is in an orange. When i open a texture, where the alpha area used to be a white and grey checker pattern it is now solid grey. 

    I assume all these things are related to the same change but the one i most need to resolve is the toast being too transparent to read. 

  2. I agree with most of it. As much as the mesh has made so many more styles possible where the old ways just couldn't do some things it has made many of the designers limited. If you don't know how to make mesh in the out of world programs your at the mercy of the styles the ones that do know how will provides as builders kits. These vary in price so much it is ridiculous by the way. If a designer pays too much for one of these kits they will end up taking huge losses upon themselves just to have the item. The more affordable ones end up flooding the market. Just because one costs less than anther it doesn't mean it is less quality. I have seen some very expensive things that were garbage and some very well priced ones that are great. The ones that are affordable and really good end up in all the stores. An issue with using these kits  comes in the form of the customer complaints. If I'm at the mercy of the kit makers designs quality and sizing it can be very frustrating when a customer complains, slamming your work when the issue itself is in the mesh kit item itself. Not all of the kit sellers even offer demos and some charge up to 10L for these. Why should we have to pay for a demo of an item just to find out if it is faulty and not want to put it on our shelves for our customers to complain about. Once we buy the item, if we couldn't get a demo we are kind of stuck with it and if we don't offer it for sale we have to absorb the cost loss. 

    Having to use all these out of world programs isn't only an issue due to only some creators knowing how to use them but the longer the creators have to be out of world learning these programs and spending the extra more complicated time making things in them... the less time they are spending in world. Places that used to be busy are now ghost towns. The amount of new people coming in and asking how to "play this game" or wanting to learn about building on their first day has dwindled to almost nothing. Maybe the labs are still getting new accounts but it seems to me most of those are alts that have the knowledge already and not actually new potentially paying customers and or creators.

    The more population and merchant activity in sl the better off the labs are. It would benefit them greatly to give the build/edit/system cloth creation a huge overhaul to make more shapes etc possible. Even when people were using sculpt as the new great thing someone made it possible to do some types of that in world using their expensive tool. They would build the item with prims and stick it in the machine to have it morph to a sculpt. This way people that didn't know the out of world programs could still be part of the new direction of building. I cant see why something cant be put into the program or made available by the labs for creator purposes that allows someone to make a mesh in world.. yes even a rigged mesh. I don think it should be auto installed in every viewer download but could be an add on feature that the designers could go into advanced or something to activate. Id luv to be able to make my own mesh designs but between learning the free program that is very order of operations specific and very annoying... plus doing the uploads to find out that all that work i did something wrong and the textures don't work or half of it is invisible etc... well its not worth the time and frustration. I would be out of world working my butt off for one small item that would make me next to no lindens and id be lucky if it covered its upload costs at all and having to neglect my in world friends, store and business connections since id be too busy in the 3D program. 

    I suggest to the labs to look into some of the RL fashion manufacturing's pattern making programs (there are some affordable (I probably am not allowed to name) that the labs could get some framework ideas on how it should be done. These programs have the designer make flat pattern pieces with points where they get seamed together and shows the 3D model of how the pattern would look if sewn up. Yes draping, naturally created wrinkles and all. (not fit wrinkles unless you make the pattern piece and attach instructions to create that). 

    A huge advantage of having these capabilities in world is that the rigging would be correct as it would be based on the LL avi mesh and for the designers.. no upload and we could see what needs tweaking right away.

    It's possible that in world programing like this may open up the design possibility again for those of us that don't know how to use programs designed for making video games and animated feature films. Its for sure it would give the designers back their communication and customer relations that gets neglected being logged out for creating so many hours of our sl dedicated time.

  3. The cloths available on marketplace have nothing to do with being "machine made" vs "hand made" . Its simply a place people can sell their products. 

    Many stores have the exact same items from their inworld store on the marketplace as well. There are some old school stores that only sell in world. I'm not sure why of that since the overhead in world is much higher. Some stores put only some items on marketplace to get customers attention to look at their inworld location. Then there are many that only have their products on marketplace. This can vary from new merchants that have not yet become known enough to want to spend the kind of money needed to have an in world store, all the way to long time merchants that have decided the in world stores are too much work and expense to keep maintained but still want to make their product available to their long time loyal customers. The sizes of the merchant stores on marketplace vary from small even one product merchants to ones that have hundreds or more. The same can be said for the in world stores.

    I'm not sure what the other poster refers to with the machine vs hand made items. I assume they mean the designers that use the pre made templates as part of their creations. Hate to break it to that person but many in world stores have that too. Those templates aren't machine made since a person had to make the original template to start with. 

    As for custom made things . There are many designers that offer the possibility by leaving a message in their mail box. They still make their product the same way as other people. The only differences that might make something be declared "hand made" is if each template and object attachment be it prim flexi mesh sculpt whatever is made by that same person instead of using store bought supplies. 

    In the real world us designers still buy our zippers buttons fabric etc instead of reinventing the wheel every time. The only difference in the quality of those items is the quality of the notions we use, the fit of the pattern and the quality of the construction.  That goes the same in sl.. if the notions and supplies we use aren't done well then it will effect the over all garment regardless of how well we construct it. Or if we use the best quality components but throw it together it will effect the quality. 

    Bottom line for the original poster. There are items on market that are not available in world and items in world not available on market plus there are plenty of items available in both locations.

  4. Unless your friend is using this exercise as a learning experience trying to make it like the original creators it is rather pointless. The purpose of making your own template is so that is different from the original and since your friend has the template picture of the original it is there for them to use already.  I hope they aren't wasting their time trying to duplicate the look to use for actual sale.

  5. I'm sure i saw this same question and pic the other day with people giving answers. Not sure why the duplication. Hope your getting your responses from previous posts so all the answers aren't in vein.

    In case you don't know where to find the older post again to view the answers : When you are logged in on these pages your name is at the top. Click your name and it takes you to something like a profile page. All your Questions will be listed there so you can click straight to the thread. If an answer is direct to you you'll see a number on your mail envelope so make sure you click there if the number shows.

    It would be a shame if your missing all the great answers people give just because you cant find your way back to your original posted question.

  6. In preferences there is the option to auto accept some things. I'm not sure if it only works for notecards and textures or if it also accepts objects but if you enabled that it wouldn't matter if you were afk or not. It would go straight to the folder that type of item goes to. 

    There are a couple down sides to enabling this:

    1/ it wont differentiate between items. If a griefer is sending you something bad or spamming sending stuff it keeps accepting. also when you land on them welcome matts it will accept all those things that get sent so u could end up having tons of duplicate landmarks and notecards from places you go to lots.

    2/ if you also have your settings so it doesn't open the new item or the folder it is in then you might not know it was sent unless the person tells you. (often people would send me something like a pic and i would find it the next day totally missing the moment or the convo that went along with it)

  7. i've never had a premium account and have always got a response if i have put a ticket in. It may not have been the response i wanted but the issues did get addressed (in other words not put in the circular file before reading).

    From being in world for a while and having read a number of posts on these pages there are a lot of people that just find things to complain about or make trouble just for their version of fun. I can see how the labs would consider the premium members more likely to be sending in legit complaints since so many of the sl griefers use non paid accounts to cause their trouble on. 

    I'm not saying that all non paying non premium members are griefers but they must get bombarded to the point that it is difficult to see the difference between some of the legit ticket issues and the ones people are just trying to be a problem with.

    Often they will get tickets sent in for issues that they have already posted information on so people don't have to go through the motions of the ticket and be able to get the answers right away. Thats why they say to make sure there isn't already a jira open on the problem. The more repeated tickets the more time they have to spend syphoning through them.

    Imagine having 40,000 kids all wanting your attention at the same time, all asking questions talking over one another even if half of them have the same question.... That would be the peeps whose job it is to to go through the tickets.  Often when someone is having a strange glitchy issue... lots of others are having the same thing. So they post the information specific to the most common problems to answer a large number of them questions in one action.

  8. All the info sounds plenty enough to run sl. Keep in mind the more juiced up things are in the video and graphics cards the hotter it runs. I've heard a lot of horror stories of people getting their computer filled with tons of stuff and then it melts. Make sure the computer has lots of fan power in it. 

    Also as convenient as wireless is sometimes the bandwidth isn't the most stable. Make sure it has the option for wired as well so you have the choice if its needed. They usually do but check it anyway.

  9. I recently had problems with win 8 and the graphics drivers not installing properly. It caused sl to refuse to open. I shut down the computer and restarted it then it finished the instillation and all was good. The restart computer choice on the actual update instillation didn't work it seems so i had to do a manual restart.

    Also when i do recovery stuff and have to get a ton of back dated updates the first few days the computer doesn't do well. Lots of running slow since its trying to instal so many updates and stuff in the background.

  10. i seem to remember seeing one in the knowledgeable. There was a video how to get it from sl in world to computer then how to set it up once in blender. I don't have the link you'll have to look in them hyper links in the creation knowledge.

  11. she could be referring to the style itself. bras with underwires have that dark channel u shape that shows even if it is on the inside the stitching and thickness changes the appearance.

    and what's with all these underwear bra questions does anyone ever use them anyway?

  12. As far as I know any rigged mesh that has other parts added to the style have them not linked. The mesh is put on and the other pieces are attached to the avi at the same sort of attach points you would have used pre mesh.

    So if you have a mesh skirt and your attaching a bustle they will be 2 separate objects in the folder and be attached to 2 separate points. You could attach them to the same point but some people have a habit or wearing instead of adding and will get frustrated at the one object being knocked off.

    I had tried something similar on my first mesh thinking i would add to the style making it more individual and ended up asking another designer friend the same question you have here.

  13. try some of the places that supply for the faun avis. you can get the names of the merchants by searching faun on the marketplace then look and see if they have anything that will cross over.

    Also try searching in the costume categories. Snowman or christmas costumes may have parts she can use too.

  14. Mesh has made mens cloths i SL come a long way fast. For males it is for sure the way to go. No more painted looks for you. 

    As a designer it is still more difficult and more expensive to find build kits for the mens items than it is for the females. I don't make mesh myself so I'm at the mercy of the mesh makers for their styles and prices. My partner is also looking for some nice mesh outfits for himself so i've been on the look out for the build supplies for it. If i found them i would make some styles available for sale but so far I am finding the male stuff is at higher costs. Maybe if they were more readily available and affordable more designers would be supplying. 

    Hint hint nudge nudge to mesh makers for full perm kits.

  15. I'm not sure how long you have had your Sl account so this answer may not apply. If you are new to sl then it is most likely the answer you need. 

    When we instal SL viewer it sets up default settings based on your computers capabilities. Often these default settings are higher than is needed and make things run much slower to get the pictures in. 

    If you haven't already set up this information to be custom to you... first go in the me menu and find preferences. In there you will need to find the one that says graphics. On the top there will be a slider with low to high. If your slider is anywhere past the first few notches then your default settings can be turned down some. The high graphics setting isn't helping you if the things aren't coming clear anyway. You can go ahead and turn them to low or try turning them down one notch at a time to see what works for you. 

    After you do that you will see a button that says advanced.. click this.. it makes the rest of the box filled with other sliders and boxes to customize your graphics. There is one that says draw distance.. 56 is usually fine for your every day needs. If this is set higher that often is why people stay grey. The computer is working to compute graphic information up to the distance set here. The lower the distance the less dada is being rendered in the same amount of time. You don't want this set too low or you wont be able to see as far as the next person to even see if they are grey or not.  You only need this higher if your sight seeing or flying. 

    While you are in there look for the slider nest to the object LOD... you'll have best results for items you see taking shape if you set that to 4.

    don't forget to save and apply.

    If you don't like the results you can go back to the same place and change it all back to the way it was before you gave it a try so don't panic if you want it back how it was.

  16. If you don't clear your texture cache now and then it gets full. In the Preferences you have how big of a cache is allowed to accumulate and when that gets filled it will no longer have the memory to store more as you told it to stop. You can increase this amount but still only as much as your computer can handle. Clearing cache is the medicine of many evils in these programs. Give it a try.

    In SL viewer it is under me/preferences/network and cache ... clear object cache here and increase allowed cache space.

                                              me/preferences/privacy .... clear history and texture cache here.

    for firestorm viewer the me menu is called avatar... in sl viewer the privacy tab may have a name like history instead. I'm not sure its been so long since i used the sl one.

  17. Try looking on marketplace using your keywords you used here. When you find items that are the similar style you seek check it that store has a link to the inworld maps and take a field trip to their inworld store. If they dont have the link you can record the name and the designer name to look up in search once your inworld. 

    I do this all the time as it saves a whole lot of teleporting to stores that end up being nothing like what I am looking for.

  18. Yes!! latest version is a must in the past few weeks. Specially for those of us that use firestorm. There was an emergency update not too long ago and the one being replaced was being put in the non supported pile. 

    If you have the latest version and it is still doing this check the sl webpage to see if your computer meets the minimum technical requirements. I had an older machine that when the updates pushed the minimum requirements to get updated I was able to instal the newer updates but they would fail to launch when I opened the app. At that point i had to stick with an older version until I upped the components in the computer itself. 

  19. Have you turned down your graphic settings in the preferences? Often the default that gets set based on the computer capabilities are way higher than we need unless we are doing filming of some sort. 

    Another possibility to look at is what daylight settings you have. Some of the selections make things appear very strange and if we had custom ones set before we did a clean instal the default goes back to the day cycles with sunrise noon sunset midnight. If its been a long time since we have set up our preferences we may have just forgot. 

    Hope its something simple like this so you don't have to mess around with old versions etc.

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