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Everything posted by danicah

  1. I just thought about that... Is it possible to have my Display Name displayed? I checked the Forum settings, and i put "Dani Resident" as my name, but it doesnt show. It still shows "danicah" as my name on the forum posts.
  2. Deja Letov wrote: Luckily I grabbed a few names I wanted in case I ever wanted to make alts. I think many others did the same when the naming system got changed. They just registered new names as long as they were available. Even i created two at that time, and one of them became my main. And these accounts get older too, so people won't think of them as "noobs" when they start using them. If i remember right, Rodvik once said something like, since they changed it there are more signups and less names being abandoned. Well, have you ever asked yourself why? I think it's because people wanted to grab some good sounding names while they are available. And they are not abandoning their names either. I do have an "old" account too, which i hardly use, but i like this one better tbh. I am keeping my old one tho if i need some time for myself or if i want to check out stores without getting bugged.
  3. Just wondering if i can do that too, if i am NOT the creator, but i am sure the object (or texture) was stolen or copybotted. Can i submit an IP complaint (or DMCA or whatever its called) then? Or can only the original creator do that? And what if the original creator doesn't exist anymore in SL?
  4. Well i think some creators REFUSE to release new scripts, and its probably alot of work to send out updates, maybe thats why. I do like Scripts which call me by my DN, very much so. But there are some people out there who use their Display Name as an additional title. For example: Somebody sets their DN to "The King of ..." but still has "john.doe" as legacy name, and wants to be called either John or Mr. Doe. Now try to tell a "DN-friendly" script to call him John. The script would probably call him just "The". People can always set their Display Names to whatever they like, for example if you look up Truth Hawks, you get 3 results in Search. And only the 3rd one is the 'real' creator of Truth Hair. In my opinion, it wasn't necessary to get rid of last names at all, because the Display Names would still work with the "old" naming system too. My suggestion: When creating names, people should be more creative. Create a nice name like "AbbyFraser" or something like that... makes it look like there is a last name (Fraser) and it looks much better than "j46g28". I have seen alot of people doing that. I also have seen some couples who are partnered and set their DN to "something Resident". So there we go... it IS a last name :-P
  5. ok i have a planet which is suppose to rotate, but the axis is tilted by 45 degrees. It might look better tho if the axis is tilted by like 26 degrees like the original Saturn ... However, i can't get it to rotate right. Here is my script: default { state_entry() { llTargetOmega(<.8,0,0>,.02,1.0); } }My planet just rotates around the X-Axis but i want it to rotate properly, like it is suppose to (look at the picture). Can anyone help me?
  6. I think they should bring back last names, so newbies can actually have a nice name again when they sign up. And creating alts is no fun because you can't make any names without the 'Resident' thing at the end. Unless you create a name like for example "MelissaSmith" and set your DN to "Melissa Smith" but then it would sound silly if their name is "MelissaSmith Resident". But right now they have to think of a name which is not taken, even if its a goofy name like asdf1234. And many newbies dont know how to set a display name... So, if you want newbies to stick to SL then please bring last names back. It makes SL more attractive too.
  7. According to my web profile i have 88 Friends, 4 "following" and 0 "Followers", why is that? I thought new friends/contacts are automatically following me? My settings allow "second life" to follow me. And everybody can see my feed. But why do i have 0 followers then?
  8. I have a question... After i cancelled an account i am usually still able to login to the beta grid (Aditi). BUT: Some cancelled accounts can login, and some can't. Why is that?
  9. i have seen many people with a disclaimer, saying something like (to put it short): "It's against TOS to share conversations, but i will share yours, if you like it or not..." Well that's basically what it says... but why do people put that in their profile after all? Doesn't make sense to me. Sounds just as logical as someone who says "i'll drive through a red light if no car comes"...?
  10. I have a question... If i use clothing templates and put a texture on them (for example the UK flag) and someone else has the same idea, can one of us get in trouble for using the same idea? And... What about if my creations look similar to some clothing that was already been made by someone, but the store has closed and the owner is gone from SL? Could i get in trouble for that? No i am not trying to "copy" anything, just trying to get some ideas and using my own textures ofc. I mean, many designers use templates and they just put their own textures on them. So they should not complain if someone makes something that looks similar...?
  11. yay... thank you! :smileyhappy:
  12. i am looking for this outfit, the picture was taken in 2009 and looks like a neko outfit. Does anyone know who made this outfit? I am pretty sure it was from a neko store...
  13. ok i was just wondering because you can find hundreds of clothes with hello kitty, barbie, bratz or whatever on them... Does that mean those designers had to ask permission too before putting them on their clothes?
  14. I have found a funny Hello Kitty-picture on the web where she's holding a kalshnikov and it says "Kalashnikitty" on the bottom. I thought it was funny... Does anyone know if i need to ask permission to use those pictures on my T-Shirts in SL? And if yes, who do i ask? Maybe the picture was made up by someone without permission too, who knows? You can find funny pictures everywhere on the web, so i am not sure if i can freely use this "Kalashnikitty" picture?
  15. thank you, but they stilll do play "clean" and "Radio edit" versions of the songs. But i am looking for radio stations where they play the "uncensored" versions of the songs. For example, if they play Eminem i would want to hear all the bad words he sings...
  16. Are there any radio streams with "uncensored" songs? If you know what i mean... Mostly they play "clean" versions of songs on the internet radio. But i would like to hear the "non-clean" versions of the songs too. Are there any stations playing that? I prefer Top 100 hits, if possible... thanks
  17. oh ok. Well i have a NVidia GeForce 405 (512 MB) , Intel Core i7, and Windows 7 Home. My graphics in Firestorm are set to Ultra. Or could it be that i need a better graphics card? I am not a computer expert so i dont know if it has something to do with the graphics card? I am just curious if others have the same problem with big prims. They seem to stay invisible longer, and the smaller prims rez faster for me.
  18. Sometimes i have problems seeing big prims properly. Is that a common problem? They just stay invisible for a little longer... Seems like smaller prims (like 16x16) still rez faster than the bigger ones? So when i build a large floor or wall, should i rather use smaller prims then? I know i'm addicted to the 48 and 64 size prims, but if they dont rez right then i'd rather use smaller ones...
  19. thanks for your answers. i was just being curious because i have read a message from a friend here and none of his buddys left any comments... Yeah i guess they wont really read it unless i would show them what i write...
  20. Just curious: Let's say i write something in the forums. How big is the chance that someone (in SL) who knows me will read this someday?
  21. i am looking for a tool that checks local chat for swear words, and if a swear word appears then it would look like the avatar gets his ass slapped and makes a jump I have seen that before on a place, cant remember where it was... Does anyone know where i can find this tool? Or can a scripter make something like that? Would be cool :)
  22. When i make DEMO shapes, i usually make the hands and feet bigger, so people can see its a demo shape. But since Mesh came along, people can theoretically use Mesh feet and hands to cover it up. And nobody would know they are using a demo shape. Thats frustrating just thinking about it... Is there another way to make a demo shape, so people know its a demo?
  23. How long does it usually take until the name of a deleted/abandoned sim becomes available again? Just curious... Or will that name be unavailable forever? I have tried to give my sim a certain name, and a sim with that name existed before and was deleted sometime in 2011, but the name is still unavailable.
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