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Judas Shuffle

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Everything posted by Judas Shuffle

  1. Loves some of these ideas still own my land with an avatar i dont use anymore would be great to merge them together some how. One of these vr worlds gave all times in your local time for events and everything I love how i can edit text I allready posted in discord . Wonders how sl would run if you could cache it all into ram, and I do mean all of it LL could supply us all with a googleplex of ddr5 each
  2. Would be nice to install the various avatars into the edit appearence thing, so they can have all their own custom setups and sliders instead of a hud.
  3. Ai is a minefield of exciting .Make me a sim that looks like this Heypresto . Im choosing to belive creators will still be the go to people for this.
  4. No I want the viewer buillding into Blender, Blender already does PBR and all that cool stuff. I miss colaborative building. Its probably not possible but why not dream big
  5. I was thinking about what I would want in the viewer if money and difficulty and legality werent an issue. I have a couple of ideas but what are yours? Remote assistance- If it could be made so you dont have all your money and details stolen I would love a feature so I could give control of myself and my inventory to a friend and they could remotely fix whatever is wrong with my avatar for me. I could even watch what they do and learn how they did it. Like teamviewer but in sl. I also want the viewer built into Blender . Then I can stand around in world and make things socially with my fave 3D package and people can tell me im doing it wrong your turn...
  6. It all got tricky, i could have quoted arluelle but then it would have doubled up the entire video post bit. Would all this be easier if i just bought a new pc hewn from solid gold
  7. Henri, So interesting to see the vids of specifically the busy clubs.Did you sit and let everything load in before recording the clips or does it just all load in that fast for you? Yes I do have a 4K Monitor which I tend to run sl windowed in. I went full screen to do more a apples with apples comparison. I also get the feeling that you are the other person with a space pilot controller (best impulse buy ever )I should try it at just hd size see how i get on
  8. Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4008 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB With all Firestorms 's graphics maxed out im getting a blistering 12.5 fps in the same location. But nothing seems maxed out in a less scientific task manager. So it looks like a 3070 may double my fps, What processor do you have?
  9. Its interesting stuff. I'm at that maybe ill upgrade my pc stage but theres so little posted showing the benefits to a high end system with second life. My pc is about at the end of its upgrade path. The processor dosent support win 11, the power supply dosent support a 3080 and above so im still using a 1080. What did make a ton of difference was upping the ram to 32 gig.I was amazed how much ram sl will use when given it. I want to see a high end pc log into a full club like Peak Lounge with everything on full to see if the wading through soup effect still happens. Sl needs a benchmarking sim with a standadized experiance and a way to post specs and fps. Ill throw some money at it to get a wow factor improvment .But if spending 3 grand gets me an extra 2fps , ill spend the money on cake instead
  10. Just had a play with it. I like it. which usually means its doomed to failure. Its lovely not having to load in the textures on to the model one at a time. I like that its using gltf, Blender and substance both support that. It would be nice the viewer could import the gtfl mesh allready textured, maybe it can only had a quick play. Im all in favor of anything that removes the tedious parts of building and so far this is doing that so yay. But this is secondlife and as we know untill the firestorm people pretend to have invented it no one will like it
  11. To get a better understanding of what is being done here, i stuck my nose in their code a little. They seem to be using a plugin or 2 to get this all working i think - mediapipe https://google.github.io/mediapipe/ This means they havent spent a year coding this from the ground up and that they are just playing with connecting the tracking stuff to their existing puppetry code. The code comments seem to be mostly about getting the tracking to play nicely with the sl rig, just the head and arms so far. Keeping tracked movments aligned with the avatar can be like making kittens stand in a row. The existing sl avatar has i think fourty somthing face bones in it. The face mesh part of media pipe tracks over 200. I would hope they are on with attaching one too the other to see if it can be made to work.
  12. Uses for this tracking technology. Posing for photos, tired of searching for that perfect pose. Performers will love it, think Shakespeare in the park. Imagine if you could record the performance and then play it back in world but with the actuall avatars replaying their movements and speech.the video of the future Going to a club in sl to dance would become a workout. It just seems like fun , people wouldn't be compelled to use it, but bringing some of your personality into your avatar whilst retaining your privacy has an appeal. Having tried this out for a few days I can see theres alot of work still to be done to it, and it throws up many questions about what will be added into it, full face and finger tracking etc potential performance hits with many people using this at once, but I suppse thats what they are testing.
  13. Im beginning to get excited about this project , it has lots of potential.Facetracking and motion capture can really ramp up prescence and immersion without all the VR stuff getting in the way. Waving at somone and having them smile back at you is one of the best feelings I ever had in a virtual world. Chaser Zacks spent an age helping me fix my install and get it all working. I made copious notes and have tried to make a bit of an idiots guide to getting it installed and working. https://judasshuffle.blogspot.com/2022/09/second-life-has-just-put-out-test.html if i have missed anything out let me know.
  14. thats a really good idea, even more than a day old would stop that dead, nice thinking
  15. Just seems when somone is AR'd its either ignored or the offender is back with an alt in seconds. Its harmless in the fact there pretend virtual toy weapons. I just feel It would be stupid to get upset or annoyeed about it, and moving the rez area would cure the problem with the least amount of drama.
  16. I spend my days at bay city municipal airport. Over and over people grief the place from the rez zone beside it. Who do i need to speak to get the rez area moved to the adjacent sim. I know griefing is harmless fun but noobs are the life blood of secondlife and its future. Chasing them away on day one helps noone
  17. In the v2 beta i see a stepped diagonal band diagonally across the screen, its transparent , its asif somone put sticky tape on the screen im using a ati raidon 5800 graphics card, is this a known issue? it it jsut me whats the correct name of this effect. thanks CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz (2508.37 MHz) Memory: 8192 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series  hi tried ur suggestion it remained the same, its not a huge problem jsut curious if its jsut me or not
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