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Marybeth Cooperstone

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Posts posted by Marybeth Cooperstone

  1. Yes, my avatar is exactly like me. When I first got on SL (it seems like decades ago, really just a few years ago) a friend helped me by finding a shape and skin and modifying then to look like me, and found hair to match my hair style and color. Now, some people say that my avi looks exactly like me. Also, the clothes I wear (I make them) are very much like what I wear in RL. Sometime they are the same as what I would like to be wearing, if I could find them in the right size and color in RL. That goes for underwear and outer wear.

    Sometimes I feel tempted to make a few "improvements" to my avi's body, such as a larger cup size, but I don't. Actually, I would like to have bigger boobs in RL, but that is another story. For now, that part of me looks the same on my avi as on the real me. Same goes for other areas that no one but me sees.

    I know that some people enjoy role playing on SL, so I certainly don't mean to disparage them, but I don't role play. I often have conversations with people in SL talking about RL things (usually kids and work), and I discuss my real RL life and work, just as I have on various bulletin boards.

  2. NealCrz:

    I have always thought that the SL technology would be a great way to make a "quick and dirty" picture of a model wearing clothes for a website or online catalog. It would be a particularly good way to show multiple items together.

    Do you know of any on-line "makeover" or "fitting rooms" similar to the Clairol one but by clothing stores?

    I have often seen, on major department store websites, a picture of a model wearing one piece of clothing. It was for sale in several colors, and clicking on the colors the color of the clothing in the picture changed, but it was the same picture of the model (looking at a close up of stray hairs - the color of the clothing would change but not the stray hair).

    Recently a colleague showed me an online catalog from a major store looking at lingerie and sleepwear. She showed me pictures of the same model with a couple of different styles of bras (not just different colors, but different styles), a night gown, and a house coat. In all, the hair of the model (at a high magnification) was the same - same stray hairs. Apparently they used one picture of the model and placed several pictures of different clothing over it.


  3. My Avi is very much me; as identical as I (with help from others) could make it. So I would expect it would be the other way around. I haven't changed over the last few years, except for a few years older. Clothes that I make for SL are either clothes that I have bought for myself (in RL) or that I would like to buy if they made them. So, as styles change slightly, what I make in SL changes slightly. My "work clothes" (suits) have changed very little over the past few years.

    One thing that I have noticed is that, when picking out clothes (suits for work or dresses), I tend to prefer things that can be easily made for SL using GIMP and uploading texture files, or things that work well in SL. For example, in SL patterns on skirts will get very distorted as the legs move. Also, if there are vertical elements in the pattern on a dress, it is difficult (but not impossible) to align them correctly between a shirt and a skirt files. I sometimes seem to avoid these in RL. 

    For example, I just bought a dress that, although the top part has a primarily vertical pattern, where (in SL) the skirt line would be the pattern shifted to horizontal. My reaction, on seeing that, is that would really be good in SL. So I bought it (I liked it for other reasons as well). I now have a similar one in SL.

    Also, I recently made a cute lace panty for my avi. Then I found and bought a similar one for my RL self.



  4. Bob and I work for the same firm, different buildings. He was visiting my building and used a computer in my office. Then, when I got on it I didn't notice that he had logged on. So when I replied it looked like it was coming from him but it was coming from me. He doesn't talk to himself (as far as I know :) )


  5. Rolig:

    "Not as dumb as I look"  - You don't look dumb!

    Thanks for the help with the resolution issue. I found how to change an existing file in GIMP. It is Image/Scale Image...

    I started several years ago by downloading .psd files from Robin Wood (http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/AVUVTemplates.html), apparently 1024x1024. Then I drew textures in GIMP on the templates, so they were 1024 resolution. Each article of clothing I make is in a copy of a previous file, so when I do a cami the bras that I have made are separate layers, to check that the cami covers every thing. Same with jackets, etc. So everything I have made is 1024.

    I have just been changing some of my 1024 clothing textures to 512, and found the following:

    • The size on my disk is much smaller, as you said it would be. So I assume this would also reduce the size of the file that is download to my and other people's computer, as you said.
    • For some simple things (e.g. no lace, etc.) there is no apparent loss. The 512 resolution looks as good as the 1024.
    • For one item (panties) that was full of intricate lace there was some apparent loss. The 512 looked blurry compared to the 1024.

    I will try converting other items, particularly ones that do not have special fabric or lace, to 512. I will also try drawing some lace in 512x512. I expect that it will look as good as the 1024, unless I need the ability to make more detailed lace or fabric appearance.



  6. I too like the ability to pick someone who is within sight to focus on (ctrl-alt and click on avi). I frequently am in a group, I pick the middle avi in the group and focus on her. Then, pulling my camera back I can see the entire group (usually). But I don't like the "zoom-to" feature in the radar window in Firestorm, where I can focus on someone not otherwise visible.

    It is not that I am uptight about my body. In RL I have been on certain beaches in Germany and France and dressed appropriately (topless or naked). I wear a skimpy bikini on US beaches. I dress in professional suits when working in the office or in court, casually when working in the yard.  I am the same way in SL.

    But in RL I would be horrified and mad if someone surreptitiously peeped into a dressing room when I was trying on a bra. Likewise, in SL I do not like someone staring at me when I am undressed in a place, such as a dressing room or empty room with a closed door. Since I make my clothes, including lingerie, I am frequently trying clothes to make adjustments in the texture. The other day I was in a closed room looking at a half made bra, with only one side made. Then some one with a male first name IMed me commenting on my exposed boob. I did not appreciate that at all. Since I learned how, I have turned on the "cross hair" feature and I display the avi names of those watching me. Just the other day I IMed someone who was "peeping" into a private area.

    I am sure that some of the people with "relationships" in SL would not like people watching them have sex.

    Since there are "adult" areas and nude areas in SL, anyone who peeps into a private area such as a dressing room or someone's bedroom is, in my opinion, a pervert. But they do exist in SL.

  7. Pussycat,

    The St. Andrews Cross flag (diagonal lines from the corners, crossing in the center) is the flag of Scotland and is part of the British "Union Jack", It is also used in several states, and was used before the KKK. The "Red Neck Flag", which also uses the St. Andrews Cross, was never really the flag of the "Confederate States of America" but was a CS Navy flag and used by a regiment from Virginia. The real confederate flag was not used in battle because it looked white.

    That said, as a native Southerner, I think of  the Red Neck flag as racist.

  8. I would assume that it could be done with a shape and skin. Female shapes have breasts that are correct, looking at a side view.

    But then you would have the problem with clothing. All clothes, except skirts, are painted onto the skin. So a male shape would look correct naked, but rather funny with pants on. You would have to wear a kilt!

    Thinking about this makes be ROTFLMAO. I am glad that I am female (SL and RL) and don't have to deal with this (SL and RL)!

  9. I make ruched system skirts, tops, etc. by taking a photo (cell phone camara) of a piece of cloth (such as a dust rag torn from an old t-shirt), putting it into the shape I want (ruched, pleated, slight wrinkles, etc.), then taking the photo into GIMP. Then I orient it vertically or horizontallly, and add it into what ever I am making. You can hold one end of the cloth with a book or something, and then cut that off in GIMP. Start with a white cloth and then color it the way you want,

  10. I assume you are talking about making a skirt with the bottom part of the jacket as a part of the skirt. 

    I have seen it done and thought about it. But I would rather be able to mix and match my skirts and jackets like in RL - that is, wear any skirt with any jacket (as long as I like the color combination), or wear any skirt with a top but not a jacket.


  11. Morgaine,

    I agree that the "system" skirt in SL has serious problems. However, I wear them.

    The reason is that I like to design and make clothes for SL. In fact, that is the main reason I am on SL. When I have time to kill, such as on a long airplane trip, I often go into GIMP on my laptop and work on clothing design. Then, when I can connect I upload them into SL and try them on. I have made everything from lingerie to swim suits, to dresses, skirts, jackets, camis, and other tops. I usually make clothes similar to what I wear in RL (or wish I could find in RL). I know that I could make much better skirts using Prims and other techniques. I don't sell clothing; that would be work and I just do it for the fun of making a new design.

    I wish it were possible to put belts on the skirt layer for use with dresses (tops plus matching skirt) or to have suit jackets that went over the suit skirt. 


  12. Just as an example, I have a bra and a cami, both on the undershirt layer. If I have nothing on my upper body (the SL mesh is divided between upper body and lower body) I pick the bra and select wear. Then I select the cami and select add. The cami is then over the bra. If the cami is slightly transparent, the bra will show through it (like in RL). The same goes for all other layers other than skirt. Another example, I made some necklaces on the jacket layer. If I wear a jacket and then add a necklace, both show, unless the jacket covers part of the necklace.

    My dresses are made of a shirt and a skirt with the same color and pattern. I have belts that are on the shirt layer just above the skirt waist. I wear the shirt and skirt and then add the belt.

  13. Skirts are higher at the top (waist) than pants, and cover everything. That does create a problem for skirted suits (I frequently wear skirted suits in RL, I would like to in SL). If I wear a skirt and a jacket, the bottom part of the jacket is inside the skirt. So in SL I have made some short jackets that do not go below the skirt waist.

    Regular jackets, like suit jackets, work fine with pants, so I often wear pants suits in SL.

    One proplem (bug, I assume) is that, although you can wear multiple items on the other layers (using the "ADD" option) you can wear only one on the skirt layer. So I made a belt on the skirt layer (actually, a very, very short skirt). When I was wearing a skirt I added the belt and the skirt disappeared. (Fortunately I was wearing panties!!). I took off the belt and the skirt came back.

  14. In real life I wear what looks good to me. I don't follow any rules.

    I am a lawyer who frequently must attend meetings with state officials and legislators, and argue cases before state and federal appeals courts. So my work clothes are very professional. I don't know or care what the rules are; I wear what I think is appropriate and looks good on me. I don't wear black accessories with brown clothes; I have brown belts, shoes, and purses. But that is not due to any rule, just my own taste. I like white and wear it well after labor day. I wear green and blue without any other color.

    When not at work I am the same -- I wear what I think is appropriate and looks good on me.

    In SL my avatar looks like me and the clothes (I make all of what I wear) mostly look like my RL clothes. Since I design and make them they are exactly what I like without regard to anyone else's rules.


  15. Everything I have I design and make. My main interest in Second Life is designing and making clothes - lingerie, nighties, professional clothes, etc. I make them by drawing the textures in GIMP and uploading them. I frequently, when at the airport or on a plane, use my laptop to design clothes.

    System clothes allow me to easily make clothes in GIMP, try them, and then make any changes for appearance. While I like what can be done with prims and meshes, it would be much more work to make them, particularly on a laptop while killing time waiting for a plane.

    Another advantage is that system clothes fit all avatars. There are some limitations, however. Patterns on the side of the bust will distort with medium or large busted avatars (my avatar, like me, is small busted). Since I make clothes only for myself and a few friends, that is not usually an issue.

    So, for me, it is system only. But I do like what can be done with prims. If I bought clothes, I would probably buy a mixture.



  16. I had never heard of ARC. So I checked mine - 16535. So I took off all my clothes. Naked I was 16353. So it was the hair (Sirena Trinity - I can change the style, but I usually leave it alone). Detaching the hair it drops to 1000. With clothes (all systems clothes that I made, including underwear, skirt, jacket, cami, bra, panties) it was 1200. I guess I should find some hair that is not so "ARCy"!

  17. "I hope it will be fixed so my avi can wear skirted suits (with jackets that fall over the skirt) rather than just pants suits and short jackets with skirts."


    That is the primary reason to want multiple itemson the skirt layer. In RL I wear pants suits about 1/2 the time, and skirted suits about as much. But in SL I cannot wear jackets and skirts together because the skirt is over the bottom part of the jacket. I would like to have, in my "outfits" jackets (on the jacket layer) and jacket bottoms (on the skirt layer). The only problem is that when I wear that outfit the jacket works ok but the skirt disappears.


    Making a belt for a dress as a separate wearable, as a very, very short skirt would be nice, but it is the jacket/skirt problem that is most serious.

  18. Helium:

    Thanks. I created a JIRA. Thanks for the link. I was not at all familiar with the JIRA system, so that was a big help. I hope I get results.


    I just tried that. I have a slip (just a white skirt 50% transparent) so I tried that, a belt (extremely, extremely short black skirt), and a yellow skirt. Which ever was on top, all other items on the layer would disappear. With the slip on top, the yellow skirt and the belt would disappear. Remove the slip, and the next item would appear. Remove it, and the next one would appear. Also, the belt would have to be on top or else the skirt would cover it. But thanks for the suggestion.


    Thanks, I tried wearing nothing but a skirt and the belt. Again, only the top item would be shown. (made me look x rated with a belt and nothing else :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ) So it doesn't have anything to do with the maximum number of layers or items on a layer. I normally wear multiple items on a layer, and all other layers but skirt work.

  19. "I think you have an obsession with lingerie..."

    Many women in SL have an obsession with lingerie. But then, in RL many have an obsession with lingerie. At least, we like lingerie for more than just functional value. In RL I wear lingerie that (in my opinion) is very pretty, feminine, and in colors that are attractive to me, even if no one else will see what I am wearing. Same in SL.

  20. I make my own. What I like is the same as what I buy in RL. I typically like lingerie to be feminine, some lace. I usually wear a demi cup bra without much (or with out any) lining, so what I have in SL are demi bras, slightly transparent, with lace. Typically matching panties. Of course, in RL comfort and fit are important and I don't have to worry about that in SL. I do like SL lingerie (and clothing in general) to be detailed and correct, so the backs and straps of my SL bras look real. I just bought a RL bra that has a red cup with white lace above the cup, so I made the same thing for SL.

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