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Everything posted by Aldenwise1488304029

  1. @Callum Owners that rent parcels on private sims pay LL whether or not their land is fully rented. What LL would miss out on is my tier and my $72. The private sim owners I have rented from in the past have always been far more supportive than LL when dealing with problems such as unwanted avatars Many of us that were being griefed tried Live Chat, the standard answer from them for abuse/griefers to submit an Abuse Report or Support Ticket.
  2. She/He is using pummellers, deformers, traps, beams, trackers, pushers and rezzing so much stuff it fills the region prim allotment. She is doing it from ajoining land and also attacking other residents in our region. As some land ajoining ours is 'for sale" and open to land and or rez on, she/he can sit and harrass us whenever she wants. I have asked the owners of said land to ban and remove objects/rez permissions but no response. About 8 of our friends who were affected also submitted abuse reports but NOTHING from LL. This avatar is still logging in and harrassing people. Premium means nothing today, as I told LL if they do nothing I will quit being premium and move to private sim and they can kiss my tier and $72 per annum goodbye.
  3. Despite repeated requests and abuse reports from many people about the same avatar causing problems, LL seem to completely ignore it. Do they want to lose more premium/tier paying members due to lack of action or concern? Getting really ticked off with the seemingly "we don't really give a damn attitude from LL!
  4. Same problem here, Linden Labs please fix this asap. As a club owner and DJ, it is making SL life miserable. I can't keep re-logging just to clear the chat box!!
  5. Boy, what a drama trying to find a place to relocate our music venue. I've been ignored, told to look elswhere and general been made to feel like I have the plague. Some so called land moguls are downright rude! We have a mid size country club, low prim, low script, usually around 15 folks at once and would like to find a half SIM for the old west style club building (no flashing laser lights). In addition, somewhere for the owners to call home. Wanna check our club out first? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dark%20Diamond/193/214/754 Looking to move around Nov 20th, so if you have anything available, please contact Aldenwise in world.
  6. Lovely beach and water for rent. 6144 sq meters and full 1406 prim quota. We do have a covenant on the land. Any small building or landscaping on the beach must be Tiki/South Pacific style and palm trees. A platform is provided to rez out a home at 1200 m or 2800 m high. L$2000 per week . Contact Aldenwise in world to view.
  7. Hey Padula, does your PC have the switchable graphics? If so make sure you set Second Life for High Performance. I have an HP Pavilion dv7 with this card and can only run on the "low" setting in Preferences> Graphics. Guess I'll just have to wait for LL to add it.
  8. Try turning off Atmospheric Shaders on Graphics settings. It does the trick for me.
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