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Posts posted by ObviousAltIsObvious

  1. what is new, just the suggestions on typing into the search field?

    was boolean (NOT) search intentionally removed? is there any new query syntax to restore this absolutely necessary functionality? the blog entry notes that this is not implemented yet, even though junk is the biggest user-facing problem.

    it's awflly slow on many searches, like a minute or more.

    the main complaints about marletplace search have been about demo clutter and a separate search hit for every color/flavor of the same item. this new iteration appears to address none of these things. are features to deal with this there but hidden?

  2. yes, some users are selected to be placed on these candidate viewers, then LL can see if things are OK before rolling to everybody. it is pretty much the same thing as the BlueSteel etc. channels on the server side.

    it's still OK to go back to the main channel if one of these viewesr goes sour, like it did for you this time.


  3. Bunyip Fanshaw wrote:

    I was under the impression that IP bans were not permitted after the Redzone thing, but learned from another av recently that he had been IP banned by a sim owner. Is this permitted under the TOS?

    estate bans employ some basic alt checking.

    that part is done on the server side, not by the estate manager, so it is not a terms of service issue.

  4. it is coming, but still in development.  if you go to http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers#Second_Life_Project_Valhalla_Channel there is a Project Valhalla viewer with an updated browser built in.

    the project viewers are still in progress and still buggy, but they are available so you can see what is coming, and if you choose, can report bugs you find before they make it to the final product.

  5. the Linden Homes are meant to be starter spaces to give people a taste for having their own land. they were designed to be pleasant enough, but with enough limitations to give you the itch to upgrade.

    real mainland, and estate parcels, are the upgrade paths to get full location, apearance and capacity flexibility.

  6. see if you have Received Items showing in regular inventory, even if the separate section at bottom is missing. also pick the gear button on the inventory windows and choose "Reset Filters" to make sure they are not hidden.


    since you are using firestorm, look in your preferences, user interface section, Interface Windows tab.

    inventory settings are at the bottom. If you have "Show the Received items Folder in normal inventory" checked, that is what happens, it looks like a regular invntory folder.

    if you do not have new received things, like after a relog, the Received button at the bottom of inventory will disappear unless you also turn on "Always show Received Items button at bottom of inventory" on that same settings page.

  7. there are several. all of them are a little different with shape, sizes and features.

    clothing is often made to fit only one or two brands, so it will be smart to shop for clothes first, then find what will ft your style. you may need more than one set to fit every situation.

    if clothes don't say they are made to fit these chests, they will probably be semi-flat to match the base Kemono.

    this search looks like it gets all or most on the first page. make sure you are logged in at MP and that your search preferences let adult items show.

  8. here is the usual fix for this problem, it affects Painter too.

    - press Windows-key+R, or pick Run... from the Start menu if your statrt menu has that.

    - at the Run prompt type in services.msc

    - look in the list for a service named Protexis and make sure it is running, if not, right-click and pick Start. startup type should be set to Automatic.  once that service is running, Corel apps should be able to start.

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