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Everything posted by DjWhiteBoi

  1. I'm looking for some cool fun and possibly silly Air Guitar Animations that I can rock out to on the dance floor at the clubs. Doesn't seem like there are a lot out there unless I'm not looking good enough. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks :)
  2. I browsed the MP for a good 30+ minutes looking for an authentic looking Christmas Elf outfit and couldn't seem to find anything. 90% of the ones I saw were half Tarzan half elf looking naughty elf style and the other 10% weren't that good in quality (no offence) I'm looking for the whole 9 yards.. green pointy shoes.. green hat.. tights.. etc etc. Anyone know a good one out there on the Grid?
  3. I tried the AO suggestion and used a standing animation. That doesn't seem to work. Still able to push me far away. Same goes for if I use ground sit on the AO without standing animation.
  4. Sometimes I like to use a text only viewer (Radegast) when I'm working or just browsing the web and stuff. But the problem is that sometimes griefers will end up pushing me out in water. Even if the land is set to no pushing. They are still able to do this. I've also seen them use some sort of bot/program that actually latches on to you avatar and no matter where you TP to in the region they will be on you moving sooo fast and pushing you around and the only way to get it to stop is to TP to a different region and back. And sometimes that doesn't even work. Of course, you can sit and that works. I need something to protect me from all that crap when I'm on a text viewer. I've tried a few freebie movelocks on the marketplace and those don't seem to work.. they aren't making me phantom or locking me into place. Anyone know where I can get something like this? Preferably inexpensive as I use alts to and would want to get it on them as well.
  5. That's fine. No biggie. Thanks all for the help! I did have one last thing tho if it's not to much trouble. With that script I listed above, is there any way to increase the number of saved avatars before it auto resets the list?
  6. Yea it sounds simple but that is a lot of lines for sure. I finally have it working. But the range seems a little low.. I was just playing around with it and set it to 500 range just to see how far it would reach and it doesn't reach that far. The max range on it is between 95-100. Anyway to increase max range over 100? Would help on a big sim.
  7. Doh that's the problem lol They started with // Sorry I did not know that. I'm not a scripter and it didn't tell me to remove the // Forgive my noobness.
  8. the notecard is named configuration all lower case. and I do have // in the notecard.
  9. Ok I found one that does just about exactly what I want it to do. But I can't seem to get it working if anyone could take a look at this for me plz: //********** VIRGIX NOTECARD, TEXTURE 6 LANDMARK AUTOMATIC GIVER *******************// By Virgix Bing - free to use!//Yet another script who gives everyone a notecard, a texture and a LM... or any combination of the three!//So, what is new? Basically, three things:// 1) Key of the avies...// this can be really useful to send automatic messages to your visitors;// 2) Auto-reset:// never go out-of-memory!// 3) Mail reports:// you get automatic mail reports, see example below.// 4) Fully notecard configurable:// set up once and forget it!// 5) you can choose the number of the items to give:// if you want to give three things, or only one, or a combination of the three...// simply put only a textute, name it as you like, and the script will give out only a texture!// 6) the usual help... simply say "#help" in chat (without quotes).////Mail report example:// Subject: Visitor list - update!// From: Virgix Notecard giver <dbcfd3dc-878e-c9aa-88c0-76449215d8ef@lsl.secondlife.com> to virgix//Object-Name: Virgix Notecard giver//Region: Epilais (255232, 263424)//Local-Position: (82, 180, 265)//Visitor List://Alex Astino , 96a51525-c63b-4471-8446-720d762ff742//Man Oxe , 4b352511-85bd-4320-8a26-d968a20bad86//Gillo Rax , e6252525-e702-46fc-8c8f-6d84fb09986e//Total = 3//* End of listing *//No need to configure from here: the script reads//the configuration from a notecard called "configuration"//see below for details://# This is the configuration file//# The name of the notecard you will give//notecard=MyNotecard//# Range form the object in which it will give the notecard.//range=50//# Email to send listings//email_address=virgix@virgilio.org//# Rate in seconds of scan for people to give notecard too. Should increase with range.//# NOTE: the lower it is the more laggy it is so think before you put it on 0.1.//rate=5//# Name of the object//name=Virgix Notecard giver//#hovertext is the text over the object: if set to "N" (without quotes) no text will showed//hovertext=Automatic notecard giver//# end of the configuration filestring notecard_name = "configuration"; // name of notecard goes here// internalsinteger DEBUG = FALSE; // TRUE;integer line;key queryhandle; // to separate Dataserver requestskey notecarduuid;list given_to;list given_to_name;integer max_length = 20; // Maximum length the list can reach before resetinginteger current_number = 0;// Config data loaded from notecard, with some sane defaultsstring notecard = "MyNotecard"; // The notecard to give (must be in objects inventory)string email_address = "unknown@noserver.urk";float range = 50; // Range form the object in which it will give the notecard.float rate = 5; // Rate in seconds of scan for people to give notecard too. Should increase with range.// NOTE: the lower it is the more laggy it is so think before you put it on 0.1.string name = "Notecard giver";string hovertext = "Notecard giver beta";// is name on admitted list?integer check_given_list (string name){ if ( llListFindList(given_to_name, [name]) >= 0 ) { return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE;}}Reset_List(){ string body = "Visitor List:"; integer len = llGetListLength( given_to_name ); integer i; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { body = body + "\n" + (llList2String(given_to_name, i) + " , " + llList2String(given_to, i)); } body = body + "\n" + ("Total = " + (string)len ); body = body + "\n" + ("* End of listing *"); llEmail( email_address, "Visitor list - update!" ,body); given_to = []; given_to_name = []; llOwnerSay("Reset done!");}init(){ queryhandle = llGetNotecardLine(notecard_name, line = 0);// request line notecarduuid = llGetInventoryKey(notecard_name);}default{ state_entry() { llSetText( "INITIALIZING:\n please wait...", <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0 ); init(); } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == queryhandle) { if (data != EOF) { // not at the end of the notecard // yay! Parsing time // pesky whitespace data = llStringTrim(data, STRING_TRIM_HEAD); // is it a comment? if (llGetSubString (data, 0, 0) != "#") { integer s = llSubStringIndex(data, "="); if(~s)//does it have an "=" in it? { string token = llToLower(llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, s, -1), STRING_TRIM)); data = llStringTrim(llDeleteSubString(data, 0, s), STRING_TRIM); //Insert your token parsers here. if (token == "email_address") email_address = data; else if (token == "rate") rate = (integer)data; else if (token == "range") range = (integer)data; else if (token == "name") name = (string)data; else if (token == "hovertext") hovertext = (string)data; else if (token == "notecard") notecard = (string)data; } } queryhandle = llGetNotecardLine(notecard_name, ++line); if(DEBUG) llOwnerSay("Notecard Data&colon; " + data); } else { if(DEBUG) llOwnerSay("Done Reading Notecard"); llOwnerSay("-- Configuration as read from " + notecard_name + "--"); llOwnerSay("Email set to " + (string)email_address); llOwnerSay("rate set to: " + (string)rate); llOwnerSay("name of the object set to: " + (string)name); llOwnerSay("range of object set to: " + (string)range); llOwnerSay("Text over object set to: " + (string)hovertext); llOwnerSay("Name of notecard set to: " + (string)notecard); llOwnerSay("-- End of configuration of " + (string)name + "--"); llOwnerSay("** to change configuration edit the object and change + " + notecard_name + "**"); if (hovertext == "N") { llSetText( "", <0,0,0>, 0.0 ); } else { llSetText( hovertext, <0.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0 ); } llSetObjectName(name); llSetObjectDesc("Supplied by Virgix Bing"); llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT , range, PI,rate); llListen(0, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llSay(0, "Activated."); } } } sensor(integer num_detected) { integer i; integer group_members = 0; for (i = 0; i != num_detected; i++) { //annoto i visitatori if( llDetectedKey( i ) != llGetOwner() ) { string detected_name = llDetectedName( i ); if( check_given_list( detected_name ) == FALSE ) { given_to_name += detected_name; given_to += (string)llDetectedKey( i ); //check if list is too big if (llGetListLength(given_to) > max_length) Reset_List(); //Give al... if (llGetInventoryType(notecard) != INVENTORY_NONE ) llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(i),notecard); if (llGetInventoryType(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0)) != INVENTORY_NONE ) llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(i),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, 0)); if (llGetInventoryType(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0)) != INVENTORY_NONE ) llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(i),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0)); llSay(0, "You welcome, " + detected_name); if(DEBUG) llOwnerSay("Materials given to: " + detected_name); } } } } // since it uses notecards, change values when inventory changes changed(integer change) { // We want to reload channel notecard if it changed if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) if(notecarduuid != llGetInventoryKey(notecard_name)) init(); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if(message == "#help") { llOwnerSay("Here are a list of commands:"); llOwnerSay("#help - this message"); llOwnerSay("#reset - reset list"); llOwnerSay("#list - says the names of the avatars"); } else if(message == "#reset") { Reset_List(); } else if( message == "#list" ) { llOwnerSay("Visitor List:" ); integer len = llGetListLength( given_to_name ); integer i; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { llOwnerSay(llList2String(given_to_name, i) + " , " + llList2String(given_to, i)); } llOwnerSay("Total = " + (string)len ); llOwnerSay("* End of listing *"); } }} I need to make a ''configuration'' note card with this script. I did that. I changed the settings on the configuration notecard but those changes are not taking effect. They are keeping the default settings and will not update to the settings I changed. I have reset script and everything. Any help would be great. Thanks .
  10. I need a script that automatically gives out a notecard to ALL avatars in range each time they visit the sim. I know this is possible because I have seen it at many sims but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I don't want the script to keep spamming them with a notecard tho. Only a one time thing. Unless they leave and come back. Or if it would be better.. just have it keep a list of avatars that it has offered the notecard to and make it so it doesn't ever offer it to them again weather they leave and come back or not. But also have it so I can reset that list so after x amount of time I can just reset list and it will start giving it out to those people again (good for keeping updated contests/rules etc) Plz just IM me in world as its so much easier and faster to get back to you. Even if I am not online I will get your IM in just a few minutes on my phone. Thanks :)
  11. Well, I do not know how to script so I would be looking to buy one or find a freebie. I guess mainly right now I just need a script that gives a notecard upon arrival on my land (for rules n such) But I can't seem to find one. I found one that does this but it spams it, even after the person accepts/declines the notecard. default {state_entry() { llVolumeDetect(TRUE); llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); }collision_start(integer c) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0)); }} I looked around and it looks like I need one that can keep a list of avatars that it has given the notecard out to. That will solve the problem. And also have it where you can type in local reset list and it will clear the list of avatars it has given the notecard to.
  12. What about a script that sends a menu out to everyone in range asking them to join group, get notecard, url, etc etc?
  13. Oh ok. I guess I didn't look at it that way. I just know for me, that when I'm at some sims and I click to go to their webpage, I just hate clicking through buttons. Would speed up the process. But yea that makes sense I guess. And I knew about the media. Just most people don't use media (in my opinion. I know I rarely have it on) Never the less, thanks for your reply as you answered my questions Can close thread/delete if need be.
  14. I'm looking for a fairly basic url script and I can't seem to find one. What I need is a script that when you click on the object or prim it automatically loads the desired url into their preferred browser. Most scripts seem to do this but the difference with those is that when you click the object or prim it pops up a menu telling you to click the menu button to confirm going to the url. I want to remove that step and just have the page come up automatically when clicked with no menu. Anyone have a script like this or can point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  15. Please, anyone out there got anything similar? I need land ASAP. Thanks. Dont hesitate to IM me in world. If I'm not on I will still get it right away via email. Thank you.
  16. Buying land seems soooo confusing! And they say you don't even need a premium account to do so. Well how exactly does that work? Im at a place right now and it says its $4,400L. I'm guessing that is to ''buy'' it? Well then how much is that per week? That sounds like a terrible deal unless I'm missing something? Most places you can rent the exact same thing for $5,600L per month and have full owner rights to the land. In my example above (If I am right on this) you are spending $4,400L to ''buy it'' and probably $1,500L+ per week to still ''own'' it? That's $10,400L ! When if you just rent it, its a lot cheaper. And if you do ''buy'' it, you still have to follow the covenant correct? So whats the point in ''buying''? And how come when you ''buy'' you still have to pay weekly on top of that? Am I getting this correctly or do I have it all wrong? Please clear this up for me it's really giving me a headache as I'm trying to look for land and get the best deal.
  17. Buying land seems soooo confusing! And they say you don't even need a premium account to do so. Well how exactly does that work? Im at a place right now and it says its $4,400L. I'm guessing that is to ''buy'' it? Well then how much is that per week? That sounds like a terrible deal unless I'm missing something? Most places you can rent the exact same thing for $5,600L per month and have full owner rights to the land. In my example above (If I am right on this) you are spending $4,400L to ''buy it'' and probably $1,500L+ per week to still ''own'' it? That's $10,400L ! When if you just rent it, its a lot cheaper. And if you do ''buy'' it, you still have to follow the covenant correct? So whats the point in ''buying''? And how come when you ''buy'' you still have to pay weekly on top of that? Am I getting this correctly or do I have it all wrong? Please clear this up for me it's really giving me a headache as I'm trying to look for land and get the best deal.
  18. I know this probably isn't the right place for this. I've posted this in the land forums also. I hate spending hours on hours looking for a good plot of land. Anyways, I'm having a bunch of issues with the neighbors where I have been renting for a few months. I have a 4,096 Adult Rated beach plot of land on a corner parcel with full rights and terraforming. I get 1,000 prims and pay $1,400L per week I'm looking to move ASAP and am wanting to get the exact same set up somewhere else(or better) for the same price or cheaper. I usually pay rent 4 weeks in advance at a time. So if you can beat this or know someone who can, please have the message me in world Thank you so much
  19. I know this probably isn't the right place for this. I've posted this in the land forums also. I hate spending hours on hours looking for a good plot of land. Anyways, I'm having a bunch of issues with the neighbors where I have been renting for a few months. I have a 4,096 Adult Rated beach plot of land on a corner parcel with full rights and terraforming. I get 1,000 prims and pay $1,400L per week I'm looking to move ASAP and am wanting to get the exact same set up somewhere else(or better) for the same price or cheaper. I usually pay rent 4 weeks in advance at a time. So if you can beat this or know someone who can, please have the message me in world Thank you so much
  20. I've been renting my current parcel for a couple of months now. Having a bunch of issues with neighbors recently so am looking to move. My current parcel is 4,096 adult land on a corner lot beach with full rights and terraforming. Am paying $1,400L a week for it with 1,000 prims. If you can beat this price please IM me in world ASAP and I will come take a look at it. Thanks guys.
  21. I've been renting my current parcel for a couple of months now. Having a bunch of issues with neighbors recently so am looking to move. My current parcel is 4,096 adult land on a corner lot beach with full rights and terraforming. Am paying $1,400L a week for it with 1,000 prims. If you can beat this price please IM me in world ASAP and I will come take a look at it. Thanks guys.
  22. I've been getting the message "There was a problem charging your payment method" Before you copy and paste the phone numbers and possible reasons it isn't working I HAVE DONE ALL OF THAT. I've called billing and support. They have no clue. They say oh just delete cookies, remove payment options, and try again" or "Your bank is probably blocking LL" I've called my bank. The odd thing is.. my bank is receiving the hold and approving it! So the transaction IS going through, my bank IS approving the transaction but LL turns around and tells me "There was a problem charging your payment method" Before you tell me to double check that I have entered everything in correctly I HAVE. That's why my bank is receiving the transaction! The problem is on LL's end. Finally, the last person I spoke with sent my case to a higher rank ''specialist'' suposedly. And they are obviously wayyy too ''good'' to talk to you over the phone. They have to email you. I had to wait 3 days just to get an email response! And this is the best they could tell me "We belive we have had a system error. It should be fixed now. Please try again" Still not fixed! Now having to wait longer. And I have rent due in a few days and this has been happening for 3 weeks now! I'm really frustrated and getting kind of angry and fed up with LL. So does anyone else out there know what could be the problem? This is really stressing me out. I need lindens on my account ASAP!
  23. I'm about fed up with LL. My rent is due soon and now for some reason that no one knows why.. I get an error trying to buy lindens using my debit card. The rep said that he will have to send my case to a ''specialist'' and it would only take a few hours to get an email back from them. (It's been 7 and counting so far) I've purchased lindens before with no issues. I do have money in the bank. My card works fine EVERYWHERE else. Even went to see the Steve Jobs movie earlier today prior to purchasing Lindens with no issues. One rep tried to tell me my bank is probably blocking them.. called the bank and everything is fine on their end. They even said they approved the requets by LL but LL keeps telling me their is a problem with my payment method. Anyone else having problems? LL doesn't even seem to know what's going on and I really need to get some Lindeon on my account :matte-motes-stress:
  24. Been lookin on the MP for sunglasses just like those or very similar.. Having no luck. I would of just asked the guy but he's the owner of Henmations and I can never reach him. If anyone knows right off where I can snag a pair of these please let me know Thanks
  25. I have had the weirdest thing happen today.. Every 16 or 17 min there is a sound of a male voice saying "Wow!" I have been hearing it all day so I was like wtf is that. I go to my land and I still hear it. Someone told me to check sound sources (I'm on latest Firestorm btw) So I figured how to do that. I enabled it to hear avatar sounds and sure enough its coming from me. I'm only wearing a basic mesh outfit and a basically boy AO and it still happens.. I've edited everything and there's no sound files on anything on me (as far as I know) I tried following advice from THIS THREAD about enabling beacons for sound. But nothing is showing up. What can this be? How do I get rid of it? Like I said I'm on the latest Firestorm. Thanks. EDIT: It's definitely not my gestures. I don't have many active. and I can check the time intervals on the sound sources window and its the exact time every single time between plays. I've even just stood here not pressing a single button and it's done it twice in a row no ever 16 n a half minutes. Double Edit: Turns out I looked at my gesture list and that sound was on there as F5 trigger. I remembered that on my Razr Naga mouse I had set up a macro to press F5 every 15 min or so for when I'm asleep and working it wont log me out of a website lol sooo long story short I must of pressed that button on my mouse by accident earlier . I should of been blonde :(
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