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  1. I think it would be cool to have other factors involved in the same hunt style but i don't know about the counts on a bucket. it would just create more spamming multiple times in chat. so there would have to be rules set. i don't think it would work very well.
  2. I agree on the not changing things up as far as teirs for many have put quite a lot of work in. I know myself have spent several hours all day this week litererally and up until wee the next morning a few times working hard in hopes to keep up. I never do these so I went for it. as far as the one that everyone gets, that is still doable as when a new bucket is rezzed or re-rezzed it does work. so nothing will prevent any newcomers from getting the participatory bear. fingers crossed that things do get fixed to perhaps get in those last goals for the "race to the finish line" or the final battle to top 10 between those that are very close to one another in the "end game" hehe. and hey otherwise next year was always better. Happy Halloween!! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ’€
  3. Thanks for the updates! now I just am hoping the buckets I clicked that were "busy" won't register that I had already clicked them or my Hud will update with those I did. lol. time will tell!! we're on end game now πŸŽƒ
  4. Here's my offering! Derender the house and have a stomp on the crunchy leaves. so satisfying. don't get spooked! or do. muah ha ha ha.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Worth/42/73/27
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