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Ren Toxx

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Posts posted by Ren Toxx

  1. There are two different issues here... one I agree with, one I don't.

    Yes, being bombarded by IMs, notecards, landmarks, group invitations and so on upon teleporting, is a bit too much, and many owners would do well to set up their landing area so that all those things are only offered on demand... I mean, even the newest of noobs know how to click a panel that says 'Click here to get our [whatever]'.

    But formality, in and on itself, is another thing, and I confess to being more than a bit puzzled about your annoyance. See, if you arrived at a place and the staff didn't greet you at all, and continued to do so after you greeted them, and still did so even if you asked them something, or answered with just the barest mininum info... now, THAT would be coldness. But you get riled up about someone saying 'Hello, how can I help you?' Jeez.... I hope that was just an exaggeration, because if it wasn't, then I honestly think it's not the other person who has an attitude problem.

  2. Rarely ever. I always wait until I feel I really have something interesting to say... something that actually helps the flow of the conversation, or at least goes with it.

    In most of the cases I've witnessed of people feeling ignored and getting pissed 'cause of that, it usually was right after they came said 'Hi' and expected everything to stop for a massive exchange of greetings, and/or said something that was either just indirectly related to the ongoing conversation, or with no relation whatsoever to it.

    And yes, in a public venue everyone has a right to being part of the conversation... but I see this as similar to joining a group of people who are watching a movie: yes, ideally they should pause it to exchange greetings with you; yes, ideally they should rewind it to the beginning for you to enjoy it as well; and yes, ideally they should even ask you if you prefer to see another movie. But if all those 'ideal' things happened each time someone drops by, chances are no one would ever get to see a full movie.

  3. A few of my deletions were due to the person being far more bothersome than at first apparent... once it turned out to be one of those disco PRs who befriend you almost exclusively to send you TPs when in session, to help them fill the place; the other was a crazy semi-noob who'd always ask me to TP him to where I was -in one memorable occasion, even after I'd told him I was in a romantic date with my gf.


    But mostly it's been the standard balance of how good the friendship was... when it was, and how long it's been since we last talked... and no, I don't open IM just to 'try and keep old friendships alive'... if contact doesn't happen naturally, it doesn't.

  4. Retaliation???

    Ok. Next time you come across a troll or griefer, keep this in mind: what you think of as 'retaliation', they think of as 'getting you to do EXACTLY what they wanted you to do'.  What you think of as 'making them angry', they think of as 'making their day'. What you think of as 'defending your honour, whatever the cost', they think of  as 'the fool's loosing a two-year account with thousands of items... we're loosing a two-day disposable account, exactly as valuable as the one we'll use in a few minutes with our next victim'... and so on.


    With trolls it's always a question of being smarter. Not tougher.

  5. Such people usually become overconfident (pretty much for the same reason they became abusive), and therefore flank-vulnerable. Send a calm & reasonally toned complaint notecard to the group owner; find others who've been victim to the abuser and suggest them to independently do the same; locate those with the same power level in the group, and privately ask them for advice about how to defend from further abuse.

  6. Teaching them those traits of common sense is harder than one might think. Most already spend several times their attention span learning the technical basics... by the time they're through all that, precious few of them are interested in getting into behavioral ones... al the more so since, whether they're adults or not, they're pretty much convinced they already knew those way before they entered SL.


    For each noob that's happy to learn from an orientator things such as not sending random friendship requests, not demanding RL info, or being careful with some kinds of too 'eager' help offerings... there are at least twenty noobs who cannot even be bothered to learn how to dress enough to not violate PG region rules, how to set up their mics and headphones to not abuse everyone else's timpani, how to stop pushing everyone around...


    For better or worse, most of us learn those things the hard way, at the expense of being laughed at, ignored or scolded... and of course also at the expense of everyone else's patience and tolerance.

  7. In the Preferences > Graphics > Hardware section, turn off antialiasing, then try enabling shadows again... and since they eat up a lot of resources, you might want to try with an overall lower graphics quality setting, too, and even a less than full screen resolution setting. See if that makes shadows work, and if so, then start slowly trying higher quality settings until your viewer starts choking again.

  8. La descripción de tu problema, y particularmente el hecho de que se reproduzca con visores bien distintos, me hace pensar que la causa más probable sea que algo en tu sistema está bloqueando total o parcialmente tu conexión a los servidores de Second Life; lo más típico sería un firewall (“cortafuegos”), bien sea el pre-instalado con tu Windows o bien uno que te hayas instalado aparte; si es así, localízalo, desactívalo aunque sea temporalmente, y prueba de nuevo a entrar en Second Life... si lo consigues, entonces ya sabes que debes configurar mejor tu firewall. Otra posibilidad, algo menor pero todavía relevante, es que el bloqueo lo esté haciendo tu router... en ese caso, y consultando su manual de uso, accede al programa o página web a través de la que reconfigurarlo para que no te bloquee las conexiones a Second Life. Particularmente, verifica los ajustes de conexión TDP y el puerto empleado (en las preferencias de ambos visores, el oficial y el Phoenix, hay una sección en la que te indicará el puerto que se emplea por defecto... aquí tienes, si sabes inglés, un artículo que explica un poco el tema).


    Posibilidades inferiores pero aún así dignas de tenerse en cuenta, son que estés utilizando un ajuste de gráficos demasiado elevado para las capacidades de tu PC (en ese caso, en las preferencias del visor, sección Gráficos, reduce al mínimo el ajuste de calidad, que luego cuando consigas entrar ya podrás volver a subirlos tentativamente), o bien que la región o regiones en las que estés intentando entrar, tengan algún tipo de problema (en ese caso, en el desplegable que hay a la derecha de las casillas de nombre, apellido y contraseña, y que te deja elegir si entrar en tu base, en la última localización en que estuvieras, o en una región específica... teclea ahí el nombre de una región típicamente desierta).

  9. On that page you'll find links to each previous version... 2.7.0, 2.6.9, 2.6.8, etc. Choose one, and you'll go to another page which does have 'Installer downloads' for Windows, Mac and Linux, for the specific version you chose.

  10. Irene Muni wrote:

    ... me gustaría que hubiera algo que pudiera matizar ese criterio (o norma, o como la llamemos) sin quiutarle poder al dueño de un terreno pero, a la vez, sin convertirle en un "puedo hacer lo que me salga de las narices por mis santos testículos/ovarios"

    Lo hay... y esencialmente se acaba de ejercer aquí. De entrada, cada visitante maltratado es un visitante que no vuelve... y cada uno de ellos puede, a su vez, compartir su experiencia con sus conocidos o, como ha hecho Damián en este caso, publicarla en el foro. El proceso del “boca a boca” funciona en ambos sentidos, y lo mismo puede servir para labrar una reputación que para hundirla... de hecho, potencialmente incluso por encima de lo merecido en cada caso.


    Por supuesto, siempre sería preferible hablar con la dueña y aclarar civilizadamente el malentendido; pero si esto ya se intentó y ella desaprovechó irresponsablemente esa oportunidad, pues... :matte-motes-not-even:

  11. mithycayt wrote:

    I have indeed looked at the other threads in this forums and am doing so right now. Is this not the place to post threads looking for friends?

    It may be... there's something of a slowly undergoing debate about whether that's one of this forum's purposes.


    Anyway, I don't believe that's the real problem with these kind of posts. IMO, the problem is that they tend to transmit a somewhat passive attitude... as in 'post the ad, then sit back comfortably to wait for would-be friends to reach YOU'... as in 'let THEM do the hard work'.


    And yes, it's  hard work, from your own point of view: 'I'm pretty shy... I don't have the easiest time meeting new people'. So it's a bit of  'I want others to do for me what I won't do for them'... and that's hardly a good start.


    Second Life is a real-time, visual & auditive environment in which to meet people, so the dynamics of friend-making tend to be similar to those of RL, in-the-flesh meetings: you find places where people congregate (music & dance clubs, beaches, parks, popular shops, regional placess, newcomers areas, thematic events, expos...), and you start approaching them at your (and their) leisure: people alone, people in groups, people doing nothing (apparently... never mind those AFK or IMmersed), people doing something... my point is, do it as you would in RL.


    Some will approach you. You will approach some. Don't let it be '100% being approached by others', or you will always depend on others doing what you'll never learn to do yourself :smileywink:

  12. El problema lo causa una nueva incompatibilidad relacionada con la apariencia, surgida a raíz de los avatar physics; los visores antiguos basados en V1 y no adecuadamente actualizados mailnterpretarán a menudo los datos de apariencia enviados por usuarios de visores nuevos, y les verán con una shape deformada o incorrecta (la famosa “Ruth”), por lo menos hasta que el avatar mal cargado opte por cualquiera de las antiguas soluciones de-Ruth (lanzarse a las alturas y luego volver a bajar, etc, etc.).

    La solución permanente, por supuesto, pasa porque quienes tengan un visor antiguo se actualicen. Los usuarios del Phoenix, por ejemplo, no tienen más que descargar e instalar la recientemente aparecida versión 1102, que además de solucionar este problema, incluye de hecho la funcionalidad completa de los avatar physics.

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