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Ren Toxx

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Posts posted by Ren Toxx

  1. Any countermeasure has to be carefully weighed to avoid being itself abused by dishonest users. I, for example, have been tracking a serial scammer not unlike those you described, so I can spot each of his new listings the moment they appear, before anyone falls for them... but of course I can't post my warning review unless I buy the darn things myself... and yes, I sometimes wish I could post free reviews; but if I could, what's to prevent dishonest competitors and otherwise malicious users from unjustly attacking perfectly good items?

    You mention LL getting involved in hypothetical buyer complaints... but I wouldn't bet they have anywhere near the necessary human resources to effectively manage that... not when there's ample evidence that they're already quite short-handed with the current system as it is.

  2. Back when that was a frequent problem for me, I used to have an alt looking at me from a different viewer with different cache folder, etc. Sometimes a trusted friend did the trick.

    Nowadays I just wait until my avatar fully rebakes on its own between 5 and 20 second after I make my last layer-based outfit change... that spontaneous rebake coincides in fact with the moment your changes become visible to everyone else, so I just have to wait for that.

    On the rare occasion where that doesn't quite happen, I just re-wear the whole outfit (which I always save) from my inventory, since that seems to force a higher rebaking priority; or I just relog. No big deal.

  3. anonlebow wrote: “... pero veo que para cualquiera de ellas debo tener una región completa...”

     No es preciso regiones completas... una opción muy habitual es alquilar parcelas, es decir, porciones de una región con una fracción del tamaño, capacidad en prims, y precio de aquélla; perderás alguna opción de control del lugar, tal y como la de reiniciar el servidor en que se aloja la región, etc., pero aun así una parcela retiene casi todas las que la mayoría de usuarios necesitan.

    Sólo con que busques por “rent” (o “alquiler”, si quieres más probabilidades de que el casero sea o hable español), ya te saldrán muchos lugares que en esencia son regiones ya pre-divididas en parcelas, para que tú elijas la que más te convenga.

  4. Si puedes ver que sigues siendo nube mientras estás intentando vaciar la carpeta de caché... es que estás intentando hacerlo con el visor en marcha... y si intentas hacerlo con el visor en marcha, el borrado nunca terminará porque algunos de esos archivos están siendo usados por el visor en ese momento, y por tanto, “bloqueados”.


    Cierra el visor, y con él cerrado vuelve a intentar vaciar la carpeta.

  5. By all means, do fill up your profile a bit... I just wouldn't make it my first priority; especially if, after doing so, you kinda decide that 'ok, now that I have a good profile, I can really sit comfortably and wait for others to contact me without having to move a finger myself'. That would only compound the main problem, which is this:

    Kat Pollemis wrote: [...]
     I hate being the first to IM someone [...]


  6. As already answered, the Marketplace (which in fact now has a specific subcategory for feet) will easily let you find many of them, most with available, free demos. I use SLink rigged mesh male feet, the best I've found so far, and this store offers quite some variety of female ones.


    You may have trouble finding “noob proof” feet, though; try as they might, creators simply cannot prefit their products to essentially infinite variations on shapes and skins (and, for that matter, also personal preferences regarding how your feet should look); the best they can -and often enough- do is to offer one or more approximations to standard-built feet, plus abundant explanations through notecards (and sometimes webpages), plus a big, colourful, decently illustrated HUD to find the best tone match for your skin (and, if the feet aren't rigged mesh, also the best size fit). It may take patience and trying, but it's worth it. And it's also unavoidable, unless you're incredibly lucky that the creator had your same exact skin and shape in mind when he designed the product.

  7. carolinestravels wrote: '... He really was standing out of the crowd... '

    For a surprising number of them, that's exactly the point. Not all, of course... but the ones that do it for that reason are easily identified by how fast they start ranting about 'all those pretty 20 to 30 avis'  :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

  8. Darren Scorpio wrote: “... a public forum is not the place to be IC...”

    Indeed, but in this case it could be that Hanna /Chloe isn't so much actually roleplaying for the rest of us, as advertising her roleplaying skills for those who'd be interested in 'fwiending' her :smileyvery-happy:

  9. RoseBeMine wrote: “... Are there any nice places just to go walking through that have hardly anyone there...”

     If you think about it, it's quite logical to expect that nice places will be populated -and thus laggy. Whatever places you're recommended here, YOU will go there (adding lag for yourself and whoever else is there), and it's not unreasonable to expect others will, too :smileywink:

  10. Both features are v2/v3-specific, and therefore not available (or easy to implement) in a v1-based viewer like Phoenix.

    You could manually set the camera for a front view, either in Preferences or through advanced debug settings... but then you'd have to also manually set it back to default values whenever you wanted rear view again. Easier solution? A scripted object (HUD or otherwise) with camera moving abilities and angle presets.

    As for the Destinations, you can always browse its web-based source here.



    This doesn't mean Phoenix is underfeatured... quite the contrary, it's got a [bleep]load of extended functionality compared to either the old v1 or the new v2/v3 official viewers; so many, in fact, that it'd be totally beyond the scope of a forum post to describe them all in sufficient detail. I suggest checking out the 'Phoenix' menu (before the 'Advanced' one) and the 'Preferences' > 'Phoenix' section, to get an idea of all those additional goodies... and then, for specific questions about what any of those mean, join the in-world Phoenix support group (there are several, for different languages).

  11. Mayalily wrote: “But, the OP may want a role play type of SL...”

    In which case she'd have specified that she wanted a role play partner, and probably wouldn't have put so much emphasis in his treating her OK, being sensitive, not playing games, etc... stuff usually reserved for people who kinda truly care for the other person and don't treat her as a disposable rp character.

  12. Looks in SL can so easily be changed... not only you can put into whatever appearance with just a click or two... you can also put out of that appearance just as easily, if you're not really comfortable with it.

    So, when you find a seemingly nice candidate, give him emo/goth skins, emo/goth hairs, emo/goth eyes, emo/goth clothing, emo/goth jewellery, etc., and tell him that he must wear all that stuff whenever he's with you.


    If he refuses, there you have a potentially good man :smileyhappy:

  13. Tanjee wrote: “[...] I said,
    "Stop that"
    , and then [...]”

    Besides all the good advice that's already been given to you... don't say that to the griefer; actually, don't say anything at all to them. They know they shouldn't do it, that it's annoying; and in fact, that's exactly why they do it.

    A good tactic against griefing is to deny them any sign of their attack having any effect at all.

  14. When someone announces to you that (s)he is in the last minutes and about leaving Second Life for good... run!! Don't get suck into their black hole, or you'll painfully come to understand all that stuff about time relativity and minutes stretching into months.

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