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Pryda Parx

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Everything posted by Pryda Parx

  1. Tracy has her interest engaged by a solar relay radiating in an unusual way; whatever is the matter with it... Future Shock is a new and original 9 part SciFi machinima series made in Second Life. It tells a story of a dark and terrifying future where technology dominates and where real life and virtual worlds intertwine.
  2. Future Shock Episode 2 - Accidental Damage has been released, I hope you enjoy it sirhc
  3. In a leisure orientated society people can choose to spend their time in a care free virtual world, but what happens when they run out of credit? Future Shock is a new and original 9 part SciFi machinima series made in Second Life. It tells a story of a dark and terrifying future where technology dominates and where real life and virtual worlds intertwine.
  4. Future shock is set in a dark future world where technology is designed to keep everyone safe and secure. At least that's the way it is meant to be. Future Shock is a new and original 9 part SciFi machinima series made in Second Life. It tells a story of a dark and terrifying future where technology dominates and where real life and virtual worlds intertwine. This video is a short introduction to the series demonstrating the styling but leaving plenty of unanswered questions.
  5. I've created a new video I wanted to share with the community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-agpca8UbDQ It is the story of Ayano the Spring Guardian fairy. I hope you enjoy it.
  6. A stunning, atmospheric new video with music by Hozier I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making the video and wings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpD9zWNzT9U
  7. I created a video which I'm very pleased with and would like to share it with the community. Thanks for your help Madelaine and Ohjiro, I posted it in the Art, Music and Photography forum at: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Art-Music-and-Photography/Sayuri/td-p/2922301
  8. Thought I’d post an update here as I eventually worked out what was going wrong. The free hosting I was trying things out with had a 2000 http requests from the same IP address limit for any 24 hour period. So when it went over the limit all of them fell into a hole never to reappear, so SL generated the 499 status after 60 seconds every time. The sim restart caused an IP address change so reset the 2000 limit. So, happy kitty again, now I know what’s up I can sort it out. Purrrrrrrr
  9. I have in world objects communicating with a web server using http request, normally it works OK but every so often nothing goes out of SL for a few hours at a time. Each request returns a 499 status and does not hit the web server, which I’ve been able to establish is fully functioning from non-SL requests. A sim restart fixes it and all works well after that for a few days. So, is there a problem with the sim server or am I doing something wrong? How do I get to the bottom of this?
  10. I still have reservations about this. Suppose there are large numbers of SL objects needing to be notified by the external application every so often, e.g.. every few days, but they need to respond rapidly. A polling option results in huge increase in message volumes. I appreciate the advice I'm getting here that XML-RPC if not going to be supported much longer, but it is perfect for what I want to do. Is there any other option I could consider for external actions triggering a script events. I tried http requests and failed because of web security and email seems heavy handed and still needs script polling.
  11. HTTP Polling would have the script on a short timer (say 10 seconds) making requests to external server to see if updates are available? If I have that right wouldn't it be bad for the scripts?
  12. I’ve been mucking around with external web to SL objects communications and mostly I’ve been using the http stuff effectively for SL objects talking to each other and getting data of the web database. But I hit a problem getting external events to trigger updates in the SL objects. I tried all sorts of ways to get http request from the outside but keep coming up with browser security issues or firewall issues because of the funny SL ports. I considered emails too but don't like the polling aspect of it. So I read up XML-RPC and it seems to be perfect. I don’t need to respond because it’s just a short update yourself message so the script delay is a non-issue, similarly the serialisation problems are not a problem for my intentions. My question is about the hints that those lovely people at the Labs might take it away and I’d be left having to redesign communications. Is XML-RPC likely to stay or would I be unwise to use is? What is a kitty to do?
  13. These days it’s possible to build objects with lots of faces and a low land impact setting the child prim attributes properly, which is great. However this only really works with a single script as use of multiple scripts starts increasing the land impact. Whilst it is possible to put all the clever stuff in a single script it’s not so good for maintenance and I’d rather build up the scripts with reusable modules. Low prims vs maintainable modular scripts; what’s a kitty to do?
  14. Wow!! Gadget, that's the great answer. Local textueres do have UUID's after all. The loss of visibility for others is still an issue but you have solved my main problem. Thanks so much. lick nose
  15. Local textures really don’t really work for me. My wings have a single texture and a script which places parts of it all over around 100 faces. I can’t do that by hand using local textures and I haven’t found the script options for local ones. At present I’m a bit stuck, options I can think of are all unsatisfactory: 1) Place the local textures on all faces in one go and ignore the ones that use a different texture 2) Load multiple textures before I can it right, maybe 10 times the cost 3) Try working in the beta grid 4) Abandon the wings business and focus my attention elsewhere, but I really don’t want to do this I’m still after all that stuck for showing others before committing to the texture upload. The best I can come up with here is uploading snapshots to flickr or something. What is a kitty to do!!! Any other ideas?
  16. I think this is mainly a failing in the support systems. We need the Labs to be successful and profitable otherwise SL would disappear and quite frankly that would make me very unhappy. Software has bug that's a fact of life, so the marketplace has bugs, they didn’t test it well enough before going live and as a result there is a big mess. I'm sure they are trying to sort it out as best as they can. And I'm sure that our interests align to those lovely people from the Labs. But what I take issue with is the minimal feedback to the merchant community, the cycle of raise a support issue, response as raise a bug report, close the support issues, raise the bug report, close the bug because it's a duplicate. For me that's not good enough. All I really want is a "sorry Pryda, we are trying to sort it out and you should have your money in a couple of weeks". How hard can that really be for them?
  17. I'm missing at least 2 payments from the marketplace, maybe not as much as others but it takes time to look into. The order item numbers on the marketplace orders are not the same as the ones in the SL transaction history for example. I've been though the usual process of logging support issues followed by logging a bug as advised by the support. What I was wondering is will they work out all the amounts that need reimbursing (kitty wonders optimistically) or maybe we have to do all the reconciliation and tell them what's missing for verification by those lovely people at the Labs?
  18. Thanks Charlotte and Josh, I've found it now. Cut the description till it started working. This was the bit of the description: "Akemi is an exuberant, wild, outrageous fairy full of energy that she uses to revitalize nature and those around her. Her leafy bright wings reflect her juvenile spirit. Her job, in the fairy world, is to care and heal those who are injured in soul or body. The wings in lily white are also perfect for tinting." All pretty innocent stuff I thought, aparently they don't think "juvenile" is appropriate. I changed it to "youthful" and it listed OK.
  19. There is nothing remotely adult about my latest fairy wings but when I try to list them I get "At least one product could not be listed due to a violation in our Adult Content Guidelines" So what's going on here? Obviously I could list them as Adult - BUT THEY ARE NOT!! What is it the marketplace is objecting to and who can I complain to?
  20. I've got a store in the marketplace and done the banners and profiles and policies and stuff. Which is all good for the kitty products business? But now I've turned my paws to products for fairies, with a new business name because on the whole kitties and fairies do not spend time in the same places. And guess what, all the fairy wings are listed under the kitty shop name, which must be quite off putting for the poor little fairies, if not threatening. I don’t want to list things under an alt because I made the stuff and it seems like too much effort with permissions transferring it all. I really want 2 different business names under my account. Any thoughts on the subject, someone must have encountered this problem before?
  21. I've been in business about 2 and a half years and there has been a big decline in the last year like Medue says does appear to correspond to search changes. SL is a really great place to spend recreational time, it's not just about shopping but shopping is a big part of the whole experience. Lucky chairs and in-world freebies are also an important part of the SL experience. I think the marketplace has been too successful and it is killing in-world shops and devaluing the entire SL experience. For me sales are half what they were a year ago and in that time I've released loads more products too. For the sake of SL's future the Lindens need to switch the balance back to shopping in world. I think a big hike in marketplace commission would help and a fixed monthly fee per shop rather than per product could also help with improving the quality of products in the marketplace. In return in-world shops need more support. Classified ads are a waste of time as they stand, hugely expensive and ineffective. We need something like classified ad's associated with keywords. I love SL but Lindens please GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, the kitties need your support.
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