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Ormand Lionheart

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Posts posted by Ormand Lionheart

  1. I never got it to work for well over a year (gtx 460's). Actually it was working in SLI except I went from 200 fps down to 20+ fps. You definitely have to set it up in the Nvidia Control Panel and try your viewers in Fullscreen mode. I did recently talk to someone who said it worked right out of the box for him and since the last time I tried It was bad performance I just went and bought a faster single card (GTX 670). Trying to film 30 avatars at 25+fps is going to be difficult with any system I suspect if you are looking at them all at the same time. Depends on the SIM and the avatars a lot.

  2.   Yes I notice your glitches. Is that after rendering out of premiere? I assume there is NO lag in SL for you. I'm not familiar with how well Premiere renders but Vegas doesn't have that problem to that extreme. I also notice ghosting which in SONY Vegas is preventable by disabling resampling. I generally record at 25fps. I might try 50 fps if I know I'm going to be doing some slow motion. As you know those live events really eat away your fps. I've definitely found some venues a lot slower than others. I would say the difference I found between my GTX 460 and 670 is how many avatars and or draw distance, scripts and object will give me lag issues. FPS seems to be similar. I will say ambient occlusion and DoF does not drastically reduce my fps anymore however. I was surprised that Linden Realms uses my GPU at 98%. There's not much there is there? Do you use the Nvidia game profile? That's a big help to me especially since Win7 was downclocking my video card otherwise and also my cpu was parking 2 cores while using SL? Apparently not recognized as a game so Win7 was conserving power.

  3. Firestorm viewer (using a game profile in NVIDIA CONTROL PANEL with no AA or FF so in theory using FXAA only) installed on a RAMdisk and SL cache folder moved to RAMdisk. Note in shadow mode overclocking the RAM and CPU was of no benefit. GPU usage was 98% in OC and stock settings suggesting an even faster card would benefit for more fps? However in HIGH settings there was a benefit of 25%. Disabling DoF only showed a 5 fps increase. Interestingly the Singularity Viewer is slower in HIGH but faster in ULTRA with everything enabled than the Firestorm Viewer. 200fps vs 275fps and 110fps vs 90fps. Surprisingly the LL Viewer is faster in Shadow and DoF mode at 125 fps compared to Firestorms 90 fps but slower in HIGH (240 fps). Ultra differences could be due to different default shadow and DoF tweaks. Comparing this to my GTX 460 no a huge benefit until you are at a venue with a lot of avatars and or particles then the 670 in my opinion has an advantage. Will have to install my older card to check.

    Using 1280x1024 resolution I got 115 fps in shadow mode. 1280x720 which is a good video recording resolution shadow mode is 138 fps.

    Stats using Firestorm

    i7 930@2.8mhz
    HIGH Settings=240fps
    Ultra settings Shadows and DoF=90 fps

    Overclocked i7 930@3.5mhz
    HIGH Settings=300fps
    Ultra settings Shadows and DoF+90 fps






  4. What I hear from people who don't stick is they wander around aimlessly with nothing to do especially if they join up and they don't know anyone already a member. I have met people who after being InWorld for a couple years hadn't even been to a "live" music event (didn't even know they were available). So the challenge is to make sure they attend events by possibly getting some kind of Welcom Notecard with links to current live events of some kind. Then they meet people in a social environment. Idle Rogue provided a free home to Noobs for a short period and the SIM has lots of "live" events and recieving mentoring from the SIM Group Members. You should contact Chryblnd Scribe for some helpful info. It appears to have been very succesful and has driven more avatars to their events.



  5. I had this issue with a GTX 460 after a couple years of no problem. Was an Nvidia driver update so I had to roll back and then no problem till it was fixed a few drivers later. I recently upgraded to GTX 670 and have the issue again. So the comment "The real solution is getting a higher performing graphics card and/or more system memory." is not correct? I have an i7 930 with 12 gb RAM. i think the issue is some conflict between Nvidia's drivers and SL code. Other programs were having problems for people if you check the forums including Photoshop.

  6. Re: slowing down to 2-3 fps I have experienced that as well. No idea what is doing it and sometimes it's an avatar with some kind of attachment. If you have the derender tool in your viewer you could remove things till it improves and see what the issue is. It is a mystery.

    I purchased the Asus Direct CU II GTX 670. In High with no AA or AF it's basically the same fps as a GTX 460. However if you disable Avatar Imposters it does not slow the card down with about 20 avatars around which is really only important if you produce Machinima. Also the draw distance or Depth of field is not as dramatic an impact. Application of AA and AF is virtually no slow down at all. In shadow mode is where I see a doubling of fps (140 fps at Linden Realms with Singularity). You definitely have to use the Nvidia Control Panel and create a viewer profile as otherwise the video card will downclock (need to enable "prefere maximum performance for the power profile). I expect that is the case with your card too.

    Only issue so far has been that "driver stopped and is not responding" in shadow mode when it's working real hard. So I installed the software  that came with the card and re-installed the driver. No issue in one small test yet. I had the same problem with my GTX 460 SC after a Nvidia Driver update so had to roll back and it wasnot fixed for about 4 more versions. SL may have patched something too but there were other programs having that issue in forums such as Photoshop etc. So not SL specific problem. I think I read it was the slight overclocking of the card that was the problem with Windows timing out in 2 seconds when the card is working hard.

    So for the typical user a GTX or similar card would be the max you would need. Now will that change in SL with MESH who knows?

  7. Yes in shadow mode at 1280x1024 is a large increase in fps compared to if you were in 1920x1080. I just installed a GTX 670 and what I noticed is their does not appear to be a fps increase when usin with no shadows, No AA and AF. However handles avatars better with Avaar Imposter disabled and enabling AA and AF seems to not reduce performance. In shadow mode I am getting double the fps comapred to my GTX 460. My advice would be unless you need amazing performance then a GTX 460 is all anyone would ever need. Now if you are doing Machinima then if you need an upgrade it can be a big positive however I have done well with a 460 but of course I have to adjust seetings and derender a lot of avatars in a busy SIM for great results. I can't think of anything else in SL that would require a 600 series card. Possibly in the Fashion field during events etc but most people with those issues have laptops with far inferior vid cards. maybe the 600's seies for the laptop people could be a MAJOR advance though. And of course if you pay other games then a 600 would be of benefit. I have had an driver error occasionaly but I also had that with the 460 with a driver change so that may disappear eventually. Only used it for a day so far.

  8. I produce machinima. So if i start off with 200 fps by the time I enable shadows, projected light or depth of field I am well below that. Also at Live events other avatars, special effects and particles etc can eat fps dramatically. I generally record at 25 fps so I want to stay above that while reducing graphic settings as little as possible. In shadow mode increasing the size of the window from 720P to 1080P affects fps DRAMATICALLY. On occasion I might want to record at 50 fps for some kind of  motion manipulation in Post Editing.

    I used a utility program and it does indeed show SLI working as both cards have equal GPU usage however the fps drops dramatically and has other issues as well. Tried every configuration in Nvidia Control Panel in windowed and full screen mode. Same crappy results. I even emailed Nvidia re: their support of SLI for second and of course no reply.  A google search indicates it used to work a few years ago but not now due to "viewer" changes?

    So as a single card solution for most people a GTX 9800 is probably a decent choice unless you want shadows and then you want a GTX 460 at minimum? I have evidence a GTX 580 (probably a 570 too) at least a 50% benefit and the prices on those cards is going down nicely now.

    Would like to see what benefit a GTX 670 or 680 would be. Possibly the result being Higher graphic settings at higher maintained fps and faster resolution of particles? Less performance hit when increasing shadow quality and farhter draw distances?

  9. Well i didn't try disabling VBO. SLI did work as a utility program did show it sing both card equaly the problem was instead of 200+ fps with a single card i was getting 20-30 fps with SLI and/ or flickering. Maybe my Power Supply s not enough? Corsair 750W. Seems most people do not get a performance gain anymore in SLI. Maybe if you are running a 590 it works because it's on one slot? I've tried every config in Nvdia Control Panel know to man. Fullscreen and windowed etc. I don't have any other game so I couldn't test SLI but I assume it works. I guess I should have benchmrked SLI with Furmark etc. so will attempt again.

  10. I found a unigine test for the 680 with OpenGL then did the test myself on my 480. Results suggest a 2 1/2x benefit however may depend on how the SL viewer handles OpenGl as I heard they are not one and the same?

    Settings: 1920×1080 fullscreen, tessellation: normal, shaders: high, AA: 4X MSAA, 16X anisotropic filtering.

    - EVGA GeForce GTX 680, R301.24 (Win 7 64-bit)
    - 1661 points, 65.9 FPS



    My test results: GTX 460

    Settings: 1920×1080 fullscreen, tessellation: normal, shaders: high, AA: 4X MSAA, 16X anisotropic filtering.

    - EVGA GeForce GTX 460, 768M (Win 7 64-bit)
    - 647 points, 25.7 FPS






  11. Does a 590 actually improve SL performance. I thought they are treated as SLI? Or is it treated different that 2 SLI 580's since a 590 uses one slot? I know SLI for 2 cards is not an option since my 460's in SL sucked in any manner of configuration. I know a 580 is about 50% at minimum better than my current performance in shadow mode. But they haven't come down in price much with the release of the 680. 670 looks like the better option. Maybe drivers will catch up?

  12. At Linden Lab Realms I get 250 fps in HIGH with no AA or AF and in shadow mode close 100 fps at 1080P. With a GTX 460 768 mb EVGA and a i7 930. I know someone gets about 50% more in shadow mode with a GTX 580. Then I know a guy with a 580 getting maximum 20-40 fps and down to 6 fps with shadows enabled. Plays DX11 games no problem but SL sucks. We checked his gpu usage in gpu-z and it was a lot lower than mine. Could be different brands even though the same gpu are optimised differently? I have used Furmark to benchmark OpenGl however not sure what is good or bad and I heard the isses can be LL's version of OpenGl comapred to Nvidia? I was going to upgrade to at least a 570 or 580 but when the 670 came out was going to go that route. In theory double the performance of my card however I only play SL so waiting to see if anyone has seen better performance.

  13. I did  test with my i7 930 chip. With hyperthreading enabled I get the same fps as when I idsable it. However the cpu usuage goes up to 50% from 20% so if I was running another program like FRAPS etc I'm gonna have some issues possibly as it maxes out. I have heard it said i5 is great fro games I guess the one shortfall would be multitasking although these chips are so fast these days even that's not a HUGE issue. I know I can have Firefox and 2 viewers running with no issue as far as the PC goes. GPU is a different matter as I have to reduce viewer settings considerable for 2 viewers to run without lag. I have a GTX 460 so an upgrade may be a huge benefit in that regard.

  14. To see the effect of multiple cores I think you have to enable it and then restart the viewer. To me I beleive it's a help but that could be due to my specific cpu. Not all cpus are using hyperthreading so maybe that explains some people benefitting and others not. Enable VBO for Nvidia cards is a definite benefit maybe up to 30-40%. Window size especially when in Shadow mode. For me installing the viewer and Sl cache in a RamDisk is a benefit.


    SLI has not been of any benefit for me. 2 GTX 460's and the fps will plummet 20-30) fromm200+ fps with one card. I have tried everything suggested on the web and it acually seems to work it's just that the benefit is VERY POOR.


    The GTX 670 recently came out for $400. Benchmarks indicate maybe up to par with a GTX 680 (about $500-530) and about 30% better than a GTX 580 (which is still expensive). Now a GTX 580 is about 50% better performance than my GTX 460 in SL as I compared with another avatar especially in shadow mode which is where faster cards will profit. Of course this is not necassary for most people but I produce Machinima so I nned maximum performance to broaden my film ideas.

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