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Sugar Cookie

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  1. Currently, the thumbnail images in the Outfit Gallery tab of the Appearance window have to be uploaded to the servers for 10L and then downloaded back to the client every time that tab is reloaded (if not currently cached). This seems wasteful in multiple ways: the cost, the bandwidth, the storage, and the delay in loading. As the user that made the thumbnails is the only one that will ever see them, there's only one reason for them to be located on the server at all, and that's if the user logs in from another computer. For many people, that never happens, or happens exceeding rarely. And in those cases, not having the thumbnails wouldn't stop the outfits feature from being used. For those that switch computers frequently and who want to have thumbnails, they can still use in-game texture assets to populate it. But I propose adding a feature that allows for local storage to be used for the thumbnails. The menu will be much more responsive, save on bandwidth and storage, and be far cheaper for those with many outfits. I have over 600 now, and that number is always going up. The ability is almost already there in the form of the Local option for texture selection. This mode is disabled for the outfit thumbnails, and these local image file references normally clear when a session ends. But instead of disabling this feature just for Outfits, it could be implemented as a permanent local reference that spans sessions.
  2. Do meshes for middle-aged dads who never go to the gym or drink kale smoothies exist in Second Life? (Asking for a friend, natch.) It’s hard to sell a new player on SL when their only choice to look good is to be someone they are not.
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