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Voff Uggla

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Everything posted by Voff Uggla

  1. So what happened to the "Clear Cache Button", I've looked everywhere and can't find a way to clear cache, except manually. Go to 'Preferences->Setup' and you will find the button to 'Reset' the cache there (yeah, I'd have called it 'Clear' as well ) Thanks, I wouldn't have figured that out by myself and I'm not a newbie, I've been a resident for almost 4 years and tried many different viewers. Well my main viewer will be Phoenix until LL have come up with a user friendly viewer. Maybe I'll use SLV 2.4 for machinima, I get the best fps compared to the TPV's.
  2. So what happened to the "Clear Cache Button", I've looked everywhere and can't find a way to clear cache, except manually. The only positive I have to say about this viewer is that I get very good fps, so I'll use it for making machinima and no problem with the interface, cause you close it while recording.
  3. I have a better performance with this viewer, higher fps then any TPV. But as long as the sidebar remains which I totally hate and no choice of UI skins, only the dark depressing black, I'll continue using Phoenix and Emergence.
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