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Summer Logan

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Everything posted by Summer Logan

  1. I have a 1024m Waterfront parcel for sale. 351 Prims...Free Land Tier if your premium and this is the only land you hold. It's on the edge of the sim with a protected sailing sim in front. Sunrise view! It's a must see for sure. Price is set to sell, however I'm willing to take reasonable offers!
  2. Yea I know what you mean, I just box it in up and keep it in inventory lol Just deleted 2,300+ standard sized mesh cothing! Whewt lol
  3. I am cautious about this bake on mesh thing, I will save all my painted on stuff just to see if it's going to look good and work decently, there is one tattoo I desperately miss I wouldn't mind trying but then again maybe it just looks better in my memory...I might try it on and be like, uh what was I thinking? lol...but I've come to the conclusion that all the standard sized mesh if I don't have a real close memory with it I think I might just dump it all. Even though some stuff I know can be worn with a mesh body...I always hate having to adjust my shape and trying to figure out what spots to hide and what spots not to hide to make it look right...plus all the standard sized mesh has small boobies ROFL.
  4. My inventory is just under 21,000 lololol I get nervous when it's over 20k yet some have 200k and have been fine.
  5. I always think I'm going to wear standard sizing mesh but then I never do because there is so many Maitreya fit mesh stuff that I'd rather wear hehe
  6. I did see this and even tried it out briefly on a beta viewer, however even with this feature...honestly I don't really see wearing older painted on clothing even as an "applier or bake on" just for the simple fact of styles change and get old and sometimes newer is better =p
  7. So I'm currently 100% mesh...however I have all my old system body painted & standard sized mesh clothing/makeups/shoes/shapes/etc. In an attempt to clean out my inventory I've been repacking all system/standard mesh clothing into boxes and then packing those boxes into a box named after the store/creator so that I can compress everything down. My thought was that I don't want to just trash everything because I did pay for them, and they hold memories. Recently though I've been questioning myself like...why keep them...your never going to wear them...what's the point... So here I come to the community...what would you/have you done in this situation (being 100% mesh and dealing with all system body stuffs) ? Should I just trash everything and get over it? Should I save a few memorable outfits/looks and trash the rest? Or keep packing them up for safe keeping even though I'll probably never touch them again?
  8. It worked perfectly!!! @ChinRey you completely saved my project!!! Renaming the UVmap in the object Data was the key!!! This is so awesome don't need a prim to mesh generator!!! WUUUUUUU So anyone else who'd like to try prim to mesh use my steps and ChinRey's steps and it's perfect!
  9. Thank you so much! I'm going to try all this right now and get back to you. Do they all get the same name even if it's different materials?
  10. Here is the Models if you want to play around with them. First one is the export from SL no changes made https://www.dropbox.com/s/ru1jkmsjc15rg5v/FramedWindow (primtomesh).dae?dl=0 This one is after doing steps as listed above to clean up the verts and mesh but have not done anything with the UVs. As you can see in Blender though 3 materials are listed which is correct. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xybugf5bc8knag/FramedWindow (lowerverts).dae?dl=0
  11. Thank you so much, I did bookmark your YouTube videos I just haven't watched them yet. I currently don't do anything with the UVs in Blender as I don't really know how to. However I have tried Unwraping UVs and UV Smart Project I think it's called...but it still gave same results...granted....I just hit the Unwrap UVs button and that was all I knew how to do...same with Smart UV Project...I selected that option and it OK but that's as far as I went. I do look forward to watching the YouTube videos as I'm a visual learner and your right I might find something in there that will help with my situation. Would love that once I eventually figure this out I could make my own Video Tutorial to show/teach other people.
  12. Also want to add, I've tried different steps in blender as for cleaning up the verts and even leaving the verts as they were after joining them...but nothing made a difference...all the same results. I honestly feel if I could get this method to work...I wouldn't need to use a prim to mesh "tool" within SL...I honestly don't like using server based "tools" like that anyway because anything can happen to where you can't even use the "tool" anymore and then it's wasted money. I don't know a whole lot about Blender...but I love doing the Prim to Mesh...I love being able to size up my builds according to my avatar or other furniture...I know Mesh can be resized but not without changing the LI
  13. Ok here are my pictures to show the steps I'm taking, @Chic Aeon You want Consolidate Textures checked because then 1 texture no matter how many times you've used it counts as 1 face...when you uncheck that each side of your project considered a separate face even when using the same texture...that's probably why you said yours was to many materials. If that makes sense Here is my prim build Here is what the textures are supposed to look like on the final project. This is how I texture before exporting...I make all the stuff you can't see or not supposed to see is invisible. I used two different wood textures to create two faces instead of 1 on the wood parts and I made the "glass" part complete opaque so it's not skipped on export. My export window or "save as" window Ok now in Blender...This shows how the project is many objects...so I ctrl J to link everything together and make 1 object. Here is the window in Edit view with the messy verts and tris so I do Alt J while everything is selected to turn everything into quads Then I do limited dissolve to simplify the mesh Also remove doubles, as you can see much cleaner and low verts! Now to upload...I am using firestorm viewer if that matters...here are the settings...I didn't bother changing the LoDs because this was just a test on the texturing aspect. I could have raised the numbers higher infact! These last two pictures show after applying the textures...using the planar mapping to line everything up...it's all messed up just on the 1 side which is sooooooo annoying as all other sides are perfect!
  14. Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it. I will take and post pictures of my steps so maybe that will help show maybe I am doing it wrong.
  15. Yes Chic Aeon I've does everything with Texture Parameters, Removing Doubles, Joining etc. It's just the texturing issue...I know somewhat about UV mapping but I wasn't exactly sure the steps I need to take... I don't want the 1 wrap around texture for all sides...I wanted to drag and drop SL textures like before and then just do a simple line up with the Planar Mapping. Sorry if this doesn't make much sense...hard to explain for me
  16. Is there a successful way/method of saving prim as collada and reuploading as mesh? The reason I ask is because I've attempted quite a few times to right click a prim build and saved as collada....took file into Blender and made adjustments...then saved again and reuploaded...which does work...however textures that were perfectly placed/lined up before are not lining up perfectly after. Usually the texture params save decently but more times something will be rotated by 90 when originally it was 0 rotation. Like when texturing a box all textures will be at 0 rotation except one or two sides after uploading have flipped to 90 rotation. When saving as collada I have checked marked consolidate textures, skip transparent and apply texture params Any suggestions on how to properly make this work is appreciated. Even if I had to do an extra step in Blender, however I'm still new to a lot of stuff blender can do so if possible give steps I can follow. Thank you!
  17. Thank you Winterschains, I'm checking it out now.
  18. Thank you, I've already looked threw everything she currently has and couldn't find anything else I liked. That is why I'm trying to branch out and maybe find an equally good designer =)
  19. Hello, I'm currently living in a Linden home which I have fully decorated and it looks amazing, however I'm getting tired of my current furniture set and looking to get something new. I've tried searching the Marketplace but there is so much it's hard to find exactly what I'm searching for. I'm looking for good quality mesh furniture that won't cost a fortune, on the low side for prims as I mentioned I live in a Linden Home, and also I like matching sets like bedroom matching with living room and kitchen/dining room (takes the guess work out of decorating) I currently don't have purpose for a bathroom at this time. Including pictures of my current setup so that you make get a look at my style. My current furniture is from Bazar and it's all the Toronto sets...Toronto Bedroom, Toronto Living and Toronto Dining.
  20. Hello, I'm just causally looking around for someone who would be interested in making store logos. Project would consist of: Banners/logo for Marketplace In world store logos Logos for demo unpacking boxes/purchased unpacking boxes About Group Image Profile Pick Image Anything I might be missing that you could think of that I will need. Please send notecard if offline with pricing and samples. Or questions/comments. Thank you so much! Summer Logan
  21. I have been in Secondlife since 2004 (2006) on this specific character... I'm very neat (imo) with my inventory because I always get nervous about my inventory imploding. At one point I was over 20,000 and I was freaking out. I'm now at 16,000. The reason I get nervous is because back in the day when SL was still in it's early days...I had heard of people with such large inventories they couldn't login because the server just couldn't handle it. One friend of mine was having this issue and claimed Linden Labs had to step in and do something with her inventory. Another friend of mine is currently experiencing inventory issues but hasn't wanted to bring it to Linden Labs attention and they are constantly having logging in issues or if they do log in once their inventory starts fetching and loading they will crash. I'm sure SL servers are capable of handling more than way back when, however I like to be self conscious and aware of my digital footprint on the servers As for my personal inventory I like to "pack boxes" I could just delete all my system clothing and system layers (I'm all mesh) but some stuff brings back memories and I figure if I just pack it in a box and keep 1 box as apposed to an outfit consisting of 6+ items it is better for my inventory. I've trimmed down a lot of notecards, I have no sound files. I do have animations and tons of gestures but I recently went threw them and just deleted a whole bunch that were bad or not funny enough to keep. I need to be going threw LMs however I find that once I delete one LM two more take it's place lol. I was having inventory problems recently so I'm always aware of how much stuff I have. Recently my inventory wasn't fetching properly I had to clear cache and login to a debug server...after doing so my lost and found folder was full of system clothing and 20+ of the same LM...very strange (how do you lost and found LMs and system clothing? lol). I'm happy now at 16,000 and my personal rule of thumb is not to get beyond 20,000. I'll just keep packing stuff up I don't use which I know I could delete, but then I'll want it or need it later lol you know how it is. EDIT: Forgot to add, whenever I buy new stuff...I usually keep the mesh size that fits the best but pack up the other sizes in a box named EXTRAS then I put that box in the original folder. That way if I ever change my shape or sizes I still have the original sizes available to me. No point having xxs, xs, s, m, l, xl, maitreya, belleza, slink...etc. if I just need 1 size. It all adds up.
  22. I've searched the Marketplace but can't really find what I'm looking for. Don't know if it's been created yet or not but thought someone else might be able to help me in finding what I want. I'm looking for a baby monkey. One that wears a cute diaper, you can feed with a bottle and bathe it. Same concept as Zooby Babies...Except with a monkey lol. I'd like it to be an option to bathe, change diaper, and feed so the monkey doesn't get sick if you don't take care of it...but you can take care of it for the roleplay factor. If something similar to this exist I would really like to find it. If not maybe this is a good suggestion to someone who might be looking for something to create. A whole line of baby animals with diapers hehe. Baby leopards, lions, monkies, pandas ...etc.
  23. Thank you for the warning. I can't delete the post with replies I don't think...not option available but I've changed the title and contents.
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