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Amethyst Rosencrans

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Blog Comments posted by Amethyst Rosencrans

  1. I am constantly using various viewers, Phoenix, Snowglobe, Viewer 2... Viewer 2 for me is by far the worst performance-wise.  Before writing this post I checked frame rates with the exact same settings for the latest RC of Phoenix, the latest version of Snowglobe 1.5 released and Viewer 2.4 beta. I let them run for about 5 minutes before taking readings to make sure things had rezzed.  Both Phoenix and Snowglobe averaged about 41 frames per second... while Viewer 2.4 averaged about 31.

    Viewer 2 has some improvements like HTTP Textures which will improve rez times... compared to 1.23 but Snowglobe and Phoenix have HTTP textures as well and remove that improvement.

    I did not run them for 24 hours but rez times were clearly better for Phoenix and Snowglobe on my system... I have these issues particularly with avatars taking forever to rez in Viewer 2... every single release I have ever tried.

    Not sure how you manage to get better performance from Viewer 2... any tips would be appreciated since when I do have to use Viewer 2 it is a pretty miserable experience for me.

    Also... does anyone have a workaround for the problem that Viewer 2 freezes up for like a minute while loading scripts in the script editor?  That really makes it hard to use Viewer 2 to script.

  2. I am both a premium and concierge customer.  I have in the past year filed several support tickets which have been open for months before being handled or auto-closed.  I currently have one open for more than a month.  I sometimes wonder what kind of support basic customers get if high end customers get treated like this.

    I really hope there are improvements because the current system is one of the worst I've ever seen.  I applaud that you recognize this as a problem, but I've heard before that you were focusing more on support... it did improve for a while then... but then degraded into what it is now.  I hope this time around the improvements are sustained.

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