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Amza Hydraconis

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Everything posted by Amza Hydraconis

  1. Greetings. For a while now, i've been wondering if there is a wiki page that shows the top toolbar icons and their meanings. My search doesn't seem to work or I'm not doing it right. Would love to know what some of them mean, especially ones that popup now and again. I know what most are like no rezzing, no flying, no voice, no pushing, etc. One that pops up looks like an "s" or the number 5 with the top part of it looking like an arrow. It's white and will have a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it. Sometimes the red circle with the ban line going through it. Help in finding the wiki page or deciphering the description will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Amza Hydraconis
  2. Hi. Lately, I've been shunted to an adult sim when my home sim is unavailable due to sim restarts or such. If I change my access content from gma to just gm, will that shunt me to a sim that isn't adult when the aforementioned happens? I really don't like being bombarded with sex toys when I arrive there. The sim I've been getting sent to is Arapaima. Thank you.
  3. Hello. I was wondering if there was someplace where someone can make suggestions to LL for improving or adding something? I have a group and it's charter specifies what kind of notices can and can not be sent. Recently, I had to eject someone from the group for posting a notice not related to what was specified in the charter. I think it would be more helpful if the group owner can have the ability to just delete the notice from the notice list, rather than eject someone from the group. I did try to look for something like that, but all I can find are listings for reporting bugs. Thank you for your help and time. Amza Hydraconis
  4. Hello, I have been trying to find out some information. Not getting anywhere. I don't have a premium account so my questions is this: As a basic accoount want land could I "buy"? Do I have to have a premium account in order to "buy" land? Thank you for your time and consideration. Amza Hydraconis
  5. Hi Perrie. Just put in any one of the SL route numbers (1-7) in Search and tp to the spot. Travel along the road and sooner or later you'll come across a few along the road.
  6. Hi. When I've got nothing else to do, I usually travel the SL roads to see what changes have been made since the last time I've been on those roads. Lately, I've seen avatar names with Harmless-Light-Legal above the account name. And I mean I see the names. The avatar itself is either invisible or under the ground somewhere. Only the name with the tag shows. I tried to talk to one of them via local chat and IM, but got no response. And I have seen them on all the SL roads except for a couple of them. I know they werent' there when I first discovered the roads back in 2009. Any one have any idea who they are or why they are there? Just curious. Thanks Amza Hydraconis
  7. Hello, I am a group founder and I specify the type of notices that can be posted. Is there anyone way I can delete notices that are not in those specifications? Thank you for your time and consideration.
  8. I guess I'll give my description of what is a game and what isn't. Before SL you had all these video games to play. They were scripted games. You had to follow the path of the game in order to finish it. You can't deviate from the scripted path. After you reached the goal of the game, you could start again and play it over and over and over. But it's the same game. The characters in the game aren't real and there are no feelings to hurt. SL is not scripted. You can deviate from any path. There is role play and there is no role play. There are rules of conduct within SL. A lot of sim owners post them. You have a choice of what you want to do but there is no clear path to follow and no goal. Going to clubs, dances, etc isn't a game. There are all kinds of genres of music that everyone enjoys and they meet people with those same interests. There is dancing and conversation. There are even real live bands that stream in their music for others to enjoy as well as DJ's. There is no competition and no goal to reach. People mutually agree to meet and talk and dance. Most form actual friendships. There are strict role play sims and some not so strict but it takes research and study to role play on those sims. Again, no compeitition, no goal to reach other than the enjoyment of pretending to be someone like in a stage play but with a more realistic background and a learning curve. There is no How-to book to tell you how to do it. Those sims will have instructions on what you can and can't do but otherwise you are on your own with a little help from the long time residents to get you acclimated. There are educational sims also. Again, no compeitition no goal. In the end, without a goal to reach, SL becomes an ever changing world depending on how you use it and behind every avatar is a real person. They have feelings just like you and to treat them like a game character is unfair to them and can result in them muting you to avoid you all together. Something you can't do in a game you can play over and over. I hope this clears it up. =^.^=
  9. Hi. I'm planning to change my password and need to know how many characters are the maximum. It's been advised the longer the better. Thanks.
  10. I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned, SL is not a game. It isn't like you are playing World of Warcraft, Monster Hunters or those race car games, etc. You are dealing with RL people from all over the world. There are businesses and higher education schools here. They aren't treating SL as a game, but as a tool. Others just come here to have some fun and meet people they otherwise wouldn't meet. Some come to live out a fantasy they couldn't elsewhere. There aren't just clubs here. There are period sims; interests they couldn't do in RL but can here. They explore their creative abilities. This is no game. When others come in to grief, steal, and con you out of something, it becomes a problem for everyone. Being mean about it as one person has very much made known about themself, isn't going to make the problem go away. If this happened to you in RL you would be whining. Telling others to not say something about it is idiotic. You have a right to complain as it also warns others of the problem. Having your money stolen isn't somethng to keep to yourself. Also consider that whatever furniture was also taken was probably not transferable. That's money done the drain as well. SL is not a game. It's called Second Life for a reason. It's having a second life that you couldn't do in RL. It's doing things you coudln't otherwise do in RL and when some fraudsters and jerks make it difficult, you have the right to complain about it. Do what you have to, to protect yourself. NEVER, NEVER give out any personal information to anyone. If you make it difficult as possible for anyone to hurt you financially or personally, then they'll go away. Mute them so they can't grief you anymore. And be cautious if someone different approaches you, as some jerks come back as someone else.
  11. We are in need of some advice. Some background. Please read this carefully so there are no misunderstandings. My husband and I rezzed the same day back in 2009. I went exploring around and found a nice Renaissance village that turned out to be an educational sim. I've been very lucky in this respect. My husband on the other hand, decided to go the vampire route. Things were fine until he found another group and joined one of the hunting games within inworld. For about almost a year, he has had to suffer the voice chat abuse of one avatar. In order to keep the peace and harmony, my husband just turned the other cheek. I don't blame him. A few months back, he purchased a group and settled in as a Lycan clan group owner. We are not financially able to buy land so he can have a permanent home. As such, he is relying on someone else for a place to call home. In the meantime, he is still suffering the voice chat abuse from this one avatar. This avatar has called him names, a liar, a stalker, and other things I can't remember my husband has told me. I have heard this avatar when I pass my husband while he is online and he has a very toxic personality. The sad thing is, except for a few, the others believe everything he says and will not listen to the other side of the story. The latest is being called a stalker, which he has never done, and this avatar has threatened to have my husband removed from SL and if that can't be done, removed from the game. My husband is so frustrated at this point, he can't think or speak straight. Another thing we've discovered, if an abuse report is filed, the text chat logs of avatars he has chatted with, can be edited to show what the accuser wants someone to believe. If there was a way to not be able to edit the chat logs, this issue would be easier to resolve. He doesn't want to leave the game in order to avoid this avatar, but he is getting more and more frustrated. And to make matters worse, if this avatar manages to get my husband off SL, I will be extremely upset. My husband and I are planning to be married in an SL Renaissance wedding in July. This wedding will be recorded for the sim's website to promote it. I don't want to have to tank it because of this avatar. The advice I'm asking is what can be done since the majority of this abuse takes place in voice chat and therefore difficult to prove in an abuse report? Thank you very much for any help you can give.
  12. Yes. My husband and I use a prepaid money card (credit card) inworld all the time. No matter what store offers the card, Visa or Mastercard are behind the card. This is a safer method than using an actual credit card or debit card in case it gets compromised. Only the money that was loaded into the card can be stolen. Just remember to reload the card from the store you got it, to prevent a zero balance when you go to use it.
  13. I'm using Phoenix. I didn't like the format changes on Viewer 2, especially the search window. The mini-map is not accurate for me. I can be face to face with someone and they will not show on the mini-map, especially when zoomed in. And the people I know have always shown up on the mini-map. No one does now, old or new. My husband, who is also on SL, told me that when he sent me a message, it told him I was offline when I wasn't and not in busy mode. There has been no change in the computer setup. We have Wins7 which is nearly a year old. We did have to change a router, but that was nearly a year ago and there were no other recent changes in any of the computer equipment. Up until now, we've had no problems with this issue, so it's puzzling. If I have to I'll use Imprudence. Until Viewer 2 or whatever is being used currently changes back to the old tool bar format when it was Viewer 1(?), I won't go back. Thank you for your input.
  14. There have been some issues with the friends list and the mini-map. Friends list: Even though I can be in IM or face to face chat with a friend, my friends list will show they are not online. There are times when someone will send me an IM message but I don't receive it. They get a message saying I'm not online when I am. Mini-Map: I sometimes view the mini-map to see who is on the sim I rent a house in, but lately I don't see anything. But when I view the Main Map, there's several people on the sim. Is there a glitch in the system that is causing this? I have tried several times of clearing my cache and relogging but the problem persists. Will I need to send in a ticket to resolve this? Thank you for your time and consideration. Amza Hydraconis
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