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Karl Herber

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Posts posted by Karl Herber

  1. Right now I have one, the most I've had at any one time is two. Usually at least one of them will be a houseboar or a Stilt, because I love to be on the water. But after landing a really perfect Victorian, which is as close to water as a Vic can get, I think I am settled now, I have lost the desire to go looking for any more. 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I might be wrong, but I think your partner has limited rights, such as setting Home there. When my friend wanted her partner to be able to rez stuff, I walked them through creating a group & having him join it though.

    Ah no, in that case the partner gained rights by being in the group, not by being partner.

  3. On 9/13/2022 at 4:38 PM, Abnor Mole said:

    I think what were saying is no matter what settings you use "people are gonna people". My personal recommendation is to take those sort of things in stride as part of living in a vast virtual world where anything is possible. Rather than getting upset (even justifiably) I would do any or all of the following:

    • Kick and ban them
    • Point, laugh and compliment them on both their alts
    • Give them a landmark to a free part banging region
    • Rez an invisible object near them I can touch that makes the 'taking a snapshot' sound over and over
    • Start talking to them like I'm the world's worst dirty movie director
    • Send them links to the page where they can get their own home

    or my personal favorite (assuming they are sitting on something I own and can modify):

    Copy drag it outside with them on it and drop in a script that makes it temp, physical, with just a touch of negative gravity... and watch as they bump their way off into the sky to parts unknown.

    Not that I have ever actually done any of that. 🤭


    Thats similar to what I did once, many years ago. I logged in to my home to find a couple banging away on my roof. I have no idea why they chose the roof, when I had a perfectly serviceable adult bed underneath it. Anyway, there they were on the roof, all the moaning and ooh-aaah-ing in local chat. So I...

    ...turned my house phantom. 

    They dropped straight through to the downstairs room where I was standing. The guy teleported away immediately. The girl stayed long enough to apologise and then followed him.

    I wish I'd thought of doing the "dirty movie director" thing.

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  4. On 8/11/2022 at 7:55 AM, Christy Chattoway said:

     I detached my LeLutka eyes not realizing that, that would delete them. I just bought the head. What can I do?

    Aside from unboxing the pack again or getting a redelivery, which has already been addressed...

    Detaching an item does not delete it. It will remain in your inventory, it just won't be highlighted any more and if your inventory is poorly organiised, it will be hard to find. The inventory panel has a search box and you can type in there "Lelutka.eyes"  (Note that they put a dot/period between the two words. Typing "Lelutka Eyes" will not find it. The search terms are not case-sensitive).    

    As you are relatively new, I'll give you a very important piece of advice. I've been saying this to new people since 2006.



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  5. Many years ago, before mesh, I used to make and sell furniture in SL. So I used to analyse pieces of RL furniture, to count how many prims it was made of. Mainly to see if it was worth trying to build in SL.

    But there was one time when I was walking past a construction site in RL, they'd put up a big wooden wall around it, maybe 3m high. I could hear stuff going on in there and I wanted to see what they were doing. So I stopped, turned to face the wall, and actually did that little pre-jump thing, for a brief moment fully expecting that I could fly up and look over the wall. 


    PS: @Seicher Rae it looks fine in dark theme.

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  6. I'm on Voodoo's hit list (I believe it's because I soundly insulted the guy who made it on the forum way back when the thing was new).

    In all the years since then, I've only encountered one place I was actually banned from, and even that is gone now. 

    @xxSweetMuskxx I think (though I'm not 100% certan) that the land-owner can un-ban you and add you to the access list, so it might be worth asking them if they can do that.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, BobCates said:

    I'm a premium member.  With the space and prims allowable, I have a building (not one that came with premium membership) and items in the building.

    When trying to go the the building, the building was gone as in disappeared.  The building as well as a couple of other objects. 

    The building wasn't owned by me as it was owned by a landlord when I was renting his land and building before I bought the land from him. I was able to recover by just buying the same building on my own and rezzing that.

    I thought maybe he decided to delete the building and as a result, the building was gone.  But that wouldn't explain why also a couple of items that I own also disappeared.

    Is items mysteriously disappearing from land a common thing?  What would make this happen?

    Thanks in advance.

    The most likely explanation is that the items which disappeared were set to a different land group than the one you have currently got set, so they got auto-returned.

    Having things go to your lost and found is not 100% reliable, especially with "conglomerated" objects (when several things are returned together). I've been notified of stuff being auto-returned that never returned, no matter how many times I re-logged or used different viewers. Fortunately it was all "copy". 

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  8. On 6/26/2022 at 5:02 AM, Paul Hexem said:

    Looks like LL deleted the option to downgrade to a Basic Account from Premium. The only options now are Premium and Premium Plus.

    Is anyone else seeing this?

    You already responded in this theread, so you know the reason already;

    There is a bug in the page coding for people who pay quarterly.

    Solution; switch to monthly before your next quarterly payment is due, then switch to Basic before your next monthly payment is due. . 

  9. 12 hours ago, CaliRachel said:

    Second Life is becomming LESS.  when you cant log in on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Honestly!

    You should have been here back in 2006 or so. When region updates" meant taking the whole grid offline and closing logins all at once, for many hours, sometimes days. There were many occasions when the grid went off on a Wednesday morning and no-one could log in again until Friday night. Now, it's done just a few regons at a time and they're back up in 5-10 minutes. 

    I have seen many changes in sociability in SL and I don't think it's SL's fault. I think it's more to do with changing demographics and changing ways that people use the internet. Back in 2006 you couldn;t log in to SL and expect to run anything else at the same time. If you wanted to be in SL and chat to someone else, using local or IM chat in-world was the only way to do that. But as someone said previously, we can now sit with SL in the background while we browse multiple tabs, stream a movie, play something else on Steam. I feel like most of the chat isn't happening in SL any more because it's mostly moved off to Discord and Facebook and other social platforms.  The social groups made in SL still exist, but they're using other platforms to connect and chat now.

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  10. 2 hours ago, SheMakesYou said:

    OK, some time has passed, I hate it when it just stops and all the advice people gave it is unknown what use it was.
    Well still say, all the advice I received was helpful.

    Status today.
    I have now kept my Genus Head, it works well for me. (another day?)
    I had, still have a [Classic body] and I now have the Midnight Madness Lucy Body which is very good. It fits the Maitreya clothes quite well although I am having trouble with some Latex kit that just dose not even show up 
    Thanks All

    Lucybody is not compatible with mainstream appliers (Omega, Maitreya etc) and it does not have Bakes on Mesh enabled out of the box. You need to buy the BOM relay from the main store (around L$200 I think). Buy the Bom applier, wear it, click it, (turn red) take off your body alpha and you're done.

    Once you have BOM enabled on your body, you can wear the exact same system layers that you wear on your Classic body. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Flower Caerndow said:

    As it has been pointed out repeatedly on this thread, the Premium Plus package is not worth it for any one of the benefits.  It is the combination of multiple benefits that make it worth the additional cost.  It is for people who can see beyond their own one need or want.

    But who is going to pay for needs and wants that other people have and they don't?

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Orwar said:

       Or you can just pay the tier fee of $7/month for the extra 1024 sqm, just as someone who wants a home (that isn't a Linden Home) and doesn't care about the 'basic' premium benefits such as the group count or weekly stipend might already choose to do (though arguably the ~$48.50 per annum worth of L$ stipend gives an annual subscription the edge). $84 for 12 months of 1024 tier vs. $99 annually for premium (or $144 if you're paying it monthly).

    Thats not as cost effective; 12 x 7 = 84 but once you factor a stipend into it, you get about 60 bucks back on an annual Premium.

    The only circumstance I can think of where paying $7 a month tier is more economical than a Premium alt would be either someone who never ever spends any money inworld, or someone with  a business who makes so much bank that L$300 a week is a drop in a very large ocean.


    Oh another one - when you already have a sizeable chunk of land, you want a little bit extra but the next tier jump is more than $7 a month extra. Rather than jump your main account up to a bigger tier, get a premium alt instead and jump that one by a lesser amount.

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  13. On 6/22/2022 at 5:02 AM, Prokofy Neva said:

    I always thought the old homes had LESS space but you're here to say they made you feel you have more. It sounds like the blinds made the difference. It does look more spacious in what you show here. I hope you will be able to find peace in a new home. Take lots of pictures!


    Most of the old ones have more interior space - each of the old houses (except the Elderglen ones) fills an entire 512m parcel, right up to the edges. There is no available garden space whatsoever (beyond a small patio in Meadowbrooks and Tahoes).

    In Belli, only Newbrooke and Sakura have houses that are so big they would fill a 512m parcel (thats why half the options are only available if you take a 1024).  Plus, interior walls make a building look less spacious than it really is, so even the biggest ones still feel smaller.

    I'd lke to see some of the old builds moved to be adjacent to Bellisseria, like they did with the Galaxy. The dragon could go on the Fantasseria coast somewhere.

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  14. There's another one called Northern Ops, by North Crannock, which is gaining popularity. The initial game kit isn't cheap (L$500) but once you have it, bait is free and there's never anything else to pay. If you join the in-world group there are numerous contests going on throughout the week. I go to them quite regularly, it's great fun.  Also with N-Ops you can fish in any Linden water, it doesn't require a server setting up. There's no gifts and no fish you can keep but there is a website where you can keep track of your stats.

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  15. I have spotted a horrible mostrosity of a fullbright glowing nightclub encompassing an entire Houseboat parcel. However, none of the AR categories seem to fit. Why isn't there a category for Linden Home covenant breaches and until there is, what category should be used instead?

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  16. On 6/11/2022 at 2:23 PM, Nalates Urriah said:

    Now that Applier bodies are mostly a thing of the past and skins are now mostly tats or system skins I do not need to make so many copies of the body. I can do the tan to blue change more easily as part of the outfit using system skin. Appliers just don't work well with outfits, unless you make copies.

    I still use multiple copies of my bodies even now I'm using BOM for all of them. Because the furry ones need specific alpha cuts for the legs, and also they always have black fingernails, so it saves me messing with the alpha hud and nail appliers. I do the same as you and keep nude outfits, so when a body gets updated, I have only a couple of outfits to correct. Firestorm's Auto-Replace Links feature is incredibly useful for this.

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