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Maddy Effingham

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Everything posted by Maddy Effingham

  1. ` LOL! Now THAT is a good answer hehehe. Fair enough! I WILL send a ticket pronto, and soon as I get an answer I will post it here for everyone else's benefit too, in case anyone else is curious. thank you ChinRey. You are an angel for cheering me up and making me laugh
  2. Thank you for your polite answer LiittleME. At least SOME people are more civil in their answers. I am not premium however I figured LL would not be to happy if I start creating tickets for such questions so I thought for something simple as this, maybe someone would know, but that's ok. But thank you for the suggestion. I appreciate it. I don't know how to access the chat and I'm not even sure I can being that I am not premium.
  3. How about you just DON'T READ THE POST IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT?!?!??! All I did was ask a question in a forum dedicated to the issue in hand. I didn't complain or rant about ANYTHING! If anything YOU are the one complaining and RANTING!
  4. So in the limits when it says US$ Process Credit (30 days), is it 30 days from when you submit or 30 days from when it passes cause if it's when it passes that can be more like 35 days
  5. Wow I have to confess I'm not at all impressed by LL's drop in customer service over the last 6 months. I find their manner to be insulting and condescending. And I quote: "These limits are in place to facilitate a business relationship between you and Second Life". Facilitate? Facilitate what? their pocket? Tell me you refuse my request and leave it at that. I'll accept it, but don't insult my intelligence by posting some response like I was born yesterday?? 2nd, have you noticed now how they like to have the last word by closing the ticket and no longer having a REOPEN button? NOT TO MENTION their emails say "To reply to this case, either Reply to this email, or visit ..." for which when you reply you get a nice little " This case is no longer available for comment because it has been archived." What wonderful ARROGANCE!!! So be it.
  6. We need to keep posting. Only our voices will can be our tools. I'm already talking to people around and starring things up. Legally, I suppose it's their right, but unhappy people are not what they want either. As I mentioned, it's not in their interest to lose customers and I am seriously considering leaving soon because of all these recent changes over last couple of years. ( years I have been in SL and in the last year and a half I find there are too many monetary changes too frequently. next they will increase MP commissions, selling % of L$, costs to log on? costs for viewer? If I didn't know better I'd say it's the act of desperation from a falling empire.
  7. Oh absolutely it's a squeeze tactic or as I call it: a greed tactic. It is their right to do so naturally, but is it ethical to so something like this? Obviously with a high limit, people like me who don't make massive amounts would accumulate our funds and transfer it at a more spaced out period, but with this tactic, my expense to Linden labs has increased roughly %500 to %1000, which is a grossly unfair change. Does Linden labs care about fair or unfair? Well, I guess if I was in their shoes I would probably respond with "fair has nothing to do with it; it's just business." But in the end, business is not just about the numbers. I find that LOYALTY plays a big role, something my customers have always enjoyed from my service because regardless of the situation, I don't "screw them over" by over inflating the prices to the point of a shock adjustment as they have done here. On top of which it was 2 changes. One is the max limit charge from $15 to $25 and second is the drop from $10000 to $1000. I suspect that this will only encourage more people to leave SL, unfortunately. What was that proverb? The more you tighten your squeeze, the more slip through your fingers. Stop squeezing us LL. You're not helping your cause to keep people.
  8. this is so infuriating. Sigh. First the fee up to $25 and now a drop in monthly limit. My costs would go up from like $30 a year to $300. This is absolutely insane
  9. No no sorry not upset at you. Sorry I guess that came off wrong. Apologies :). I'm just frustrated
  10. Here is a cut and paste from the knowledge base BLACK AND WHITE thank you: Is there a minimum or maximum amount? The minimum process-credit amount allowed is $10, plus any fees. The maximum amount per transaction is $9,999 minus fees. If necessary, you can process a larger amount over multiple smaller transactions. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/account-balance-r1/Section_.2.2?lang=en-US Go see for yourself.
  11. $1000??????? What kind of BS is that? that's absolutely ridiculous!! That can't be right! It must be higher than that. What happens for companies who make like $5000 a month? you going to tell me they do 1000 each day and get charged $25 each time?????? I think you have that wrong because I took at the conditions on their website and it say 9999.99 (in essence TEN THOUSAND) not 1000 so not sure where you get your info from
  12. I am getting this error: You have exceeded your tier level's daily payout limit. And yet the last time I processed a credit was 6 months ago. It's not the first time I do this procedure. Have done it MANY times as I have been in SL for enough years to know how to process credit. I looked up the knowledge base and it says maximum is $9,999.00 US$ which I am NOWHERE near that amount. I tried it like 4 times. The amount I entered is correct. I even cut n paste the value. I am not going to try lower amounts as I don't want to get billed multiple times for processing credit. The error keeps reoccurring. Why? thank you
  13. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. That means, whatever the reason, don't question it; let's be happy it is settling down. Will it return to 247? Maybe. Maybe not. Why it happened? Could be Aliens. Could be traders. Could be and act of GOD, LL "printing new money", Wil Smith pissed someone off in independence day 2, Area 51, someone stepped on an ant in a parallel universe an messed things up, a time shift causing a paradox.... or maybe the dog barked when she should have bit! We may never know. All I hope is whatever it was, it was rectified and all will go back to normal. To be honest, it's not unlike the true Stock Market where things can go to hell in a handbag and ULLLLLLLLLLLLLLTIMATELY stabilizes and goes back to normal. Good thing I cancelled my sales back when it was running at the 260's. Won't say I'd lose my shirt but rather sell in the 240's or 250's than 260's or even 270's. Actually I suspect the dropping to low 250's will slow down tremendously as the amounts selling below 254 are now entering much bigger quantities. We shall see
  14. Well I tried selling twice and each time my sale was burried buy bids placed at even HIGHER L$ (or lower depending how you wish to word it) now showing bids of 267 and decided I will not succumb to this insanity. I've pulled my sales and will now wait to see what happens. I refuse to participate in this fiasco of panic I think those of us who want to salavage the situation should also pull their sales or place them down in the 250's and hopefully stabalize the situation before it becomes so bad that we can never bring it back down. C'MON PEOPLE! We need to pull together!
  15. Well looks like that TRADING theory may be true. Someone JUST dropped 5 million on $265. COINCIDENCE? I doubt it. Could have easily put it at 264 or even 263 but why help improve a bad situation when you can make it worse? Like to drop a piano on that seller...sigh. Sorry...just very agravated.
  16. I don't like bad mouthing the Lindens but...it doesn't seem like they care. Or if they do, it's not very clear what they are doing if they are doing anytng at all. Would be reassuring if they could say something to reassure us, but as far as "Trading" or whatever, yes I would tend to agree it looks like something fishy is going on. It makes no sense that currency exchange should drop this quickly in value. This almost like a stockmarket crash or something.
  17. Forget 263. It's already reaching 265. I don't like to say uncle but wonder if it's time to cut my losses and sell.
  18. I'm starting to wonder if I will still be in business in a month or 2 from now. The L$ is losing value at unprecedented rate and the way the BUY column is presenting itself, looks like people are leaving Secondlife and only people running businesses are left. Whether it is Sansar or Linden Labs sabotage or the US$ fluctuation or any other conspiracy theory people may believe, the fact remains, the L$ is going to "hell in a hand basket". With a 7% change in less than a month, I can't see things getting better at all anymore. If buying doesn't increase anytime soon, Secondlife may see its demise a LOT sooner than potential forecasting may have predicted. It is truly a shame. I have to wonder if LL's decision for SL2 was a smart one. What's that old expression... Be happy with what you have; don't be greedy. Allegorically speaking it is the same mistake Apple made when they put the first MAC computer on the market to succeed the Apple 2 and all they ended up doing is bringing Apple to the brink of bankruptcy. Sigh.... sometimes progress is NOT the answer.
  19. OMG I am only gone 2 days and what in GOD'S name has happened? It dropped 7 points when I last saw it at 251!!! I'm sorry was my post not clear? PEOPLE! Stop panicing! This is frustrating. I'm not one to be hasty but this has me having 2nd thoughts wondering where we are headed. Cut yer losses and sell or risk losing a lot more and wait for the hurricane to pass through.... Any suggestions?
  20. I must say I am saddened and angered by the arrogance and stupidity of impatient people driving the Selling value of Lindex up so quickly. Forgive me if my words are harsh but I find this upsetting. For several years the Lindex was at 247 and actually when I started in SL 8 years ago I believe it was up around 251 (I don't recall for sure) and gradually came down. Now in a space of 2 MONTHS it has lost 5 L$ value going up to 252 because people are IMPATIENT and don't realize that their own greed is costing THEM as well as everyone else a better return. SO WHAT if you have to wait 4 or 5 days more or a week more??? If you sell once a month at say end of month every month, it's exactly the same as a credit card company who gives you 3 weeks to pay. Everything is off set by that delay. Meaning if you sell on 1st of every month, you will always receive your amount roughly 30 days apart from last month anyhow. I can't believe that the people who sell their L$ (small time sellers) are in such DIRE need of their money that what....they will end up in the street? Lose their home? Have ROCKY BALBOA come break their arm? Really? People! Those of you in such a rush! SLOW DOWN! Stop and smell the coffee!! Don't like coffee? GET TEA!! I'll even pay it for you! But think of what you are doing! Sheesh!:smileymad: K I said my peace! Anyone got crumpets to go with that tea?
  21. But why can't it fluctuate downwards instead of upwards? LOL. THAT would make me (and I presume many others, too) VERY happy :matte-motes-big-grin:. By downwards I mean back to 247 rather than up to 251...or 252..etc... But yes, that is the market. Patience is rewarding, usually.. Let's see what happens over next few months.
  22. Better not to rush it and have it come out well (or as well as can be expected for a Beta version) than to rush it and it be a flop. As best as I can imagine, this is not a simple video game they plan to launch, so let's just be patient. I am sure they will keep us in the loop as development progresses.
  23. Well the respond I got from Dakota Linden is that it may take up to a week for the refund/compensation...so I suggest just keep a close eye on your SL transactions for any transactions relating to the irginal failed payment
  24. I have to say I am disturbed how when we ask a question in our tickets, 9 out of 10 times they refer us to posts or threads of everyone else complaining about the same issue. However they always tend to close our tickets without a resolution. Can't say I find their methods and handling of our problems in a very inspiring way. I'm not saying the reps from LL are bad or mean, but, having worked in customer service and call centers for over 10 years, I find the response method cold and lacking in personal approach to our dilemas and issues. They are making money on our sales and our creations. Don't we merrit a little better in service than to just say, " Please refer to the update posts from CommerceTeam Linden on the Second Life Commerce Merchants Forum thread, located here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/New-Payment-System-Questions/m-p/2067699#M35956 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/New-Payment-System-Questions/m-p/2074707#M36137 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/New-Payment-System-Questions/m-p/2076265#M36211" ??? Sigh... How about just setting up a team to refund us while they attempt to locate the problem?? Why do we always have to wait?
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