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Kaylee Romano

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Blog Comments posted by Kaylee Romano

  1. I am a shop owner and I am not happy that people are able to create new usernames with only first names and not last names. Now people have the right to mess with my shop name and use it for a copy bot by creating an avatar with my store name. I am pretty sure that there are other shop owners that are also not happy about this. Please fix this or there are going to be lots of people leaving SL over this and I am going to be one of them.


    Because we need to ensure that Display Names operates correctly, we will not enable Display Names for the entire grid immediately. Today, it will work in a few thousand regions; once we see how it performs,  we will dial that up over the next few weeks until the whole grid is enabled. If you want to try using Display Names, then head to Blake Sea and Bay City, as those areas will be enabled first.

    The reason that you and your friends cant get it to work is because it hasnt been released the the entire grid yet. I have been working on grid wide hunts are some sims have it and some dont.

    I dont understand why you would have to trough so much trouble to get in your pics. I just go in my profile and there is a piks tab at the bottom. Also with you being a cloud maybe because you dont have a very good graphics card in your computer. I just bought my computer a couple months ago and with my old one I was a cloud all the time on the new viewer. I'm not anymore since I got this one.

  3. I really do understand some of your comments and concerns on this new display name features. I have also sat down and thought about the many reasons that people can use this feature to grief, but the thing is there is nothing on the post LL sent stating that you "had" to use it. There are ways that you can turn off the feature and see user names as you have always been able to. If someone uses your name and you have the feature off, you will never know that person is using your name and even if someone you know has the feature on, they can have it set up to see the user name and the display name. 

    I do know that LL maybe reading our feedbacks on this, I don't know, but I feel that since this feature has come out that maybe they should consider setting up this feature to only to the paying people. I mean there will be less chance for a griever to create on avatar just so he will have to pay a monthly fee to change his or her name to grief with. Yea, right! I know that isn't going to happen.


    Sorry, I had to put my ten cents in!

  4. Today, it will work in a few thousand regions; once we see how it performs,  we will dial that up over the next few weeks until the whole grid is enabled. If you want to try using Display Names, then head to Blake Sea and Bay City, as those areas will be enabled first.

    I didnt read on earlier so I miss that on my earlier post. I guess it will be weeks before the whole grid will have this new feature.

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