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Luna Barak

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Everything posted by Luna Barak

  1. Hello guys I am having same problem with Firestorm and opened a JIRA I invite you to comment there to add your experiences so that they can have a better grasp of the problem http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/SUP-10356
  2. Yes making it darker or lighter wont work as the texture itself changes reflecting to the sl light so when the sun move the texture looks darker or lighter. You are right I will do better making the wall just in prims Thanks
  3. Hello people I am having an issue that maybe is common trouble for building builders and some of you may have found a solution for it. I am building walls with mixed prims and sculpts and applying the same texture over both but they keep looking different, the sculpt texture looks lighter. Is there any way I can avoid this issue ? thanks for any help
  4. Hello I was wondering if anyone of you knwo when and if Ray Casting will be out. Thanks for any reply
  5. Hello, I feel a bit drained really... can anyone help me in finding the BAD WORD in this text? I am not english and this sounds all correct to me but maybe there is something that have ambigous meanings (I feel drained and in rage too) Thanks in advance for any help *Precious Noble gown, soft velvet and golden laces, embroidered with golden pearls. Matching boots can be bought in the mainstore CONTENT: Sculpted and prim parts: (modify through script resizer) - Collar - Sleves with veils - Sleeves with veils - Sleeves standard - Belted Skirt - Hat - Matching shoes And: (NO modify) - 2 Jackets - 2 Shirts - 1 pants _______________ PERMISSION: All sculpted and prim parts are modifiable through a scripted resizer *********** MARFISA MODEL IS AVAILABLE IN OTHER THREE COLOURS *********** visit MOONSTRUCK mainstore"
  6. Thanks Biancaluce !!!!!!!! It is two days I am stucked ruthed, have had a long talk with SL Live Chat but the tecnichians have given me only the advise given in the Wiki. instead your CHARACTER TEST works!!!! I hope LL add this on the WIki.
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