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Iexo Bethune

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Everything posted by Iexo Bethune

  1. Another scenario where this would be useful: Nuke sirens that go off around the sim when it's about to restart. Every combat sim will want them!
  2. The inactivity fee seems to only apply to USD amounts from sold L$ that have not been processed to the user's bank for 12 months, in accounts that have not been accessed in any way (including just logged into to check on) in that time. The verification seems to be a preemptive form of the current process by which a person's SL account gets locked after a certain amount of L$ has been withdrawn, until that information is provided. It seems that this will prevent SL account locking by requiring the information only for the financial aspect, and will do it up front to prevent surprises at bad times. All in all, it should make SL's financial aspect easier to use and less daunting to up and coming businesses. As for Linden purchases, it doesn't look like the information will be required for that, since the money wouldn't be held by Tilia, but instead would be going directly into the purchase, but I could be wrong. Is kinda a shame they aren't doing SL account verification, though, getting sick of all these griefers that are pointless to Abuse Report, because by the time the report's filed they've already thrown out that alt and made another.
  3. If people needed to actually travel to the busy places there are on the mainland, others may be more inclined to buy parcels for shops between there and the telehub to take advantage of the traffic. That's how it was before point to point teleporting.
  4. I agree that reducing group limits for free accounts is a very bad idea, which is why I'm glad they didn't do that. Instead, increasing them for premiums seems like a much better idea. However, if they want to nerf free accounts, perhaps they should consider limits on point to point teleporting on mainland sims for free accounts (not for private sims). That's a change that could actually have a positive economic effect, in driving vehicle sales, and even adding a niche for taxi/airline services.
  5. Totally a trailer park. Premiums fall on hard times too?
  6. It's not as if people who engage in SL combat are griefers, any more than people who play CoD go out and shoot people. Even within the "combat area" of the Gulf, civilian vehicles are left alone, and those that don't leave them alone are considered griefers even by the local combatants, and often banned from their sims to prevent rezzing of aircraft there, and even abuse reported. I sail my steam-modded Mary Celeste and Bandit 60 in the Jeogeot Gulf often, just to relax. Always wished it was bigger, though, and if a passable sea-connection is made between there and the new sea channel to Belliseria, I may well be getting my wish, in a rather extreme, dramatic, and awesome manner. It's just a pity none of the connecting water sims seem to be rez-enabled. While it could be fun for combat RP to have such places as interception points for moving fleets, it would also be nice to have a place to re-rez a sailboat should a border crossing go awry, as they are often wont to do. Perhaps even a strip of rez-enabled sims alongside the non-rez-enabled ones, the latter being set to no-object-entry...
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