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Fayette Charron

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Everything posted by Fayette Charron

  1. Everhad, here is a link to the templates you would need to get started. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/72/40762/1.html I suggest looking at a lot of youtube videos and playing aroudn with it. If the videos don't help try finding a class to attent. When you start, try making things you like, don't focus on what others "might buy" for your first projects. It gets too frustrating that way. Have fun with it!
  2. At the very least you can easily change the folder name where it is stored. Simply right click and select rename. You may be able to change the name of the skin and shape as well depending on the permissions. Hope this is helpful.
  3. Kwarkkeide, In say that, you answered my questions. When I was on SL before (a few years ago) I never looked into the beta grid, so I had little knowledge of it beyond tidbits I had found looking up other information. I didn't realize that the beta grid was logged into from the same viewer by changing options on the viewer itself. I looked up how to log in and will attempt it when I an able to log in. I appreciate you taking the time to answer to my post.
  4. Alright, I know this is a long shot, but is there any way to still download an older version of the beta grid? I'm on a Mac and my system is not up to date enough for the newest bets grid, nor the newest SL viewer (the regular viewer not being a problem). If anyone has a link to an older version of the beta grid, if it still exists, or if by some slim chance someone on a Mac has the zip file (I know how slim this chance is) would you please post here or contact me via Private message, please? I've never used the beta grid before, so I don't know what the older names for it were, and I've only recently even looked into it. I appreciate any and all help anyone provides, even if there is nothing that can be done. Thanks!
  5. Jennifer, I'll take that into consideration when I do start playing around with hair.. I was asking for suggestions on builder packs for hair and hair textures though. I should have worded my subject more appropriately.
  6. I was thinking trying my hand at making some hair styles, if only for my own use, but perhaps beyond that at some point. I wondered if anyone could suggest some worth while texture and or hair prim packs that are available. I've seen a number on the marketplace and just wanted some opinions before I decide to buy one. As for textures, something with a good variety would be nice. I tried making some textures myself, but thus far they have all fallen flat. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you very much! ^_^
  7. Clarissa, Thank you for your comments. As for the 83 what gives part. To be perfectly honest. When I was first in Sl a few years ago I didn't intend on selling shapes (I started making alt avies on this account for photos vendor photos as to not have to find models). Now being on again i had forgotten the majority of how to do much of anything in Sl had had to start relearning it all. In making the shapes I would copy one I had done previously and work from there. That's why so many of them say "unknown" or in some cases one other name. As I said before, even in the case of that name, the original was full perm. I can understand the paranoia that this thread or others like it can create. I don't want anyone thinking I'm going out trying to take their hard work and pass it on as you said happened to you. I enjoy creating these shapes and matching them to skins. I may at some point decide to sell my shapes, but as of right now I'm rather discouraged and think I'll just stick with making more for my own enjoyment.
  8. I don't have a shop on marketplace, but I've seen plenty of reviews of product that are similar to your own. I know I've contact the seller any time I've had that sort of issue, then only if I do not hear from them after having contacted them again will I post a negative review. People are too quick to publicly complain when it would take little effort in most cases to try having things resolved.
  9. I have done both. I have create a new shape and worked from there and I have also worked from other shapes I have created. Also going through all of the shapes I have this past week and a half I have found the couple shapes that based on the original photo of the shape (I found the creators original form in pictures), I can see a resemblance that and I have no plan on trying to market those shapes, despite the fact of the original having been full perm.
  10. Mariah, Feel free to add me if you like. I haven't been doing a whole lot of exploring lately, but I'd be up for some sim hopping. I'm not sure if our time zones would work, so let me let you know that info right away. I'm on US mountain standard time. I tend to be on in the evenings between 7 and 10 SLT. If you want to just chat and see if we get along from there, that works with me
  11. IF you know anything about Photoshop or gimp there are tutorials on how to go from a photo to a skin. Here is one link I found. It may be better to try and make the skin for yourself from numerouse pictures you take. At least then if you don't like it it didn't cost an arm and a leg, and if you do like it but want something in a higher quality you can then find a custom skin maker. Hope this helps you at least some.
  12. Thank you all for your responses. I have started copying values and rechecking the shapes. I am getting there slowly. As for the IP issue. As I said in my original post I have some shapes that are linked to the other name, but the vast majority have no link to that name or any other at all. Even when I create a new shape from another I have, I end up tweaking every aspect of that shape. I put on a different skin and try and match as best I can the features that to me look best with that skin. I am not trying to copy anyone else’s work in doing this. I respect the merchants of SL and enjoy seeing the creativity that is put into everything inworld. I know there are many people that copy bot items and I have even seen forums on this before. I hate that there are people out there that will take others work and try and pass it on as their own in this manner. So I can understand the suspicion that Amethyst may have. I'm sorry that it is directed toward me, but as I said, I am not trying to duplicate someone else’s shapes. To be perfectly honest, I've never gotten a shape as a demo or otherwise that I have liked beyond the picture taken of it, that in part is the reason I've made so many of my own. Thank you again for all of your comments. I appreciate the time you have taken to read my post.
  13. Thank you all. I can already feel a headache coming on, I have 83 to redo *sobs* I had better get to work.
  14. Alright, I was into SL pretty big a few years back and recently dove back in. I have been thinking of selling the shapes I create, since I'm a bit of an avie addict. I started making these shapes long before I had any real idea of selling them, so I have many with either "creator unknown" or with another name attached which I believe is from one of the original stock shapes you get when opening your account. I wondered if there was any way to change the creator name on the ones that say unknown, aside from remaking the shapes, which would be so not fun. I realize that's pretty much what I would have to do with the ones with another name attached. On a similar note, if I can not change the shapes creator name over, would it be horrible to sell them as is? I know the creation info wouldn't be there if someone bought it, but do you think people would frown upon this? The only shapes I have ever purchased were only to get the skins they came with, so I haven't paid much attention to shapes from other creators. I know it is nice to be able to check the creator straight from the item, but would it devalue my creations if it's not there. Thank you ahead of time for any responses. ^_^
  15. If anyone knows of doll skins for a male avie, please post. I'm looking for something that is primarily pale and distressed in appearance, with a good to decent amount of detail. Thank you very much!
  16. Lynn, I love you!!!!!!! Thank you so much. That is exactly it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
  17. I can't believe I didn't bookmark this place. I visited last week sometime and am devistated that I can't find it again. There were several small islands with a dark inky sky. The largest area had keys hanging from the sky with destinations on several of the keys. A giant ches board, a tv tree, a death sceen of chess pieces... If anyone knows this destination, please post it. Please oh please. Thanks!
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