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Leonorah Beverly

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Everything posted by Leonorah Beverly

  1. Thank you very much, Kylie! Always appreciate your comments! Thank you very much Roudoudou - very kind!
  2. Wow DbaiG - this is almost philosophical! Thank you very much for this review - showing feeling, soul and phantasy! Appreciate it very much! Leo
  3. Thank you very much Owl! So kind of you! Hugs!!!
  4. Congratulations Reema! Wonderful picture!
  5. Thank you very much, Charlie! *jumping up and down*
  6. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! I'm so excited! Thank you Owl and Kylie and Trinity for your lovely comments! - And Kylie: The Trace IS beautiful! maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Celestial%20Realm/12...
  7. Hi XFight, ist mir gestern ebenfalls mehrfach passiert, allerdings nur bei einer bestimmten Sim. Grund war: der Sim-Owner hatte festgelegt, dass man eine bestimmte Anzahl von Scripts nicht überschreiten darf, die der Avatar "trägt". Ich musste tatsächlich alles ablegen und ausziehen (naja *fast* alles), damit ich dorthin kam. "Ausschalten" oder deaktivieren genügt nicht, man muss tatsächlich das Script vom Av entfernen. Zum Beispiel: AO, HUDs, Av-Scanner, gescriptete Haare, gescripteter Schmuck, gescriptete Kleidungsteile, etc. Vielleicht liegt's bei dir ja auch an sowas. Grüße Leo
  8. Hi Roxy, i just have the same problem - not at Big Daddy's, but at Runaround Sue's. It worked until last saturday (July 14th), since then i can't use the couple dance balls any more. My avatar sits on the pink ball, never gets the question to be animated and keeps standing around with "linden ao". Tried with 4 different viewers - nothing. Tried with 2 different pc's - nothing. Took off everything i wore - to be sure, there are no hidden scripts on my av (ok, i left some linden clothing, don't want to get banned there, lol) - nothing. Tried with two other avatars of me - they can use the dance balls quite normally!!! I'm confused and despairing ..... Leo
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