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Hikaru Yamamoto

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Everything posted by Hikaru Yamamoto

  1. Thanks for your input, I try not to go too small cause the animations get weird lol.
  2. Thats a good point, it probably is the eyes I need work on, thanks.
  3. This is a teddy bear avatar I made, I named them snuggle bears. I would like to know what you think of it. Someone called it creepy others call it cute, which one is it to you? Its only about 2 feet tall, does that help it or make it creepier? I need your opinion so I can improve on my future creations.
  4. This photo is a very important one in SL history. I forgot who is in the shot but this took place June 23rd 2003. We celebrated SL going live and still celebrate that day as SL's birthday. We had a sort of new years type party with a ball that drops and fireworks that go off. Nearly every resident and Linden attended this party and Philip gave a speech.
  5. This is a photo of Rygar Grimm from back in 2003 taken at Neo City. Rygar is the founder of the Noisetanks group which was the largest group in SL at the time. Neo City was the Noisetanks HQ. It was full of bright neon lights and often were called the lag towers by annoyed neighbors. For those of you that recognize the hat from freebies... yes he is the creator.
  6. I'm glad you are enjoying them =) I won't stop I have many more to share but... I was thinking of moving the thread to the general one since it seems its not getting many views here.
  7. Some of these photos look squished so I'll just fix them by hand. This was taken inside Daze Zeeman's matrix box. Dave was our known matrix guy, he always had on a Neo avatar and would do various maxtrix things. This was one of his and it was scripted to turn completely white as well. And yes the texture ran up and down the walls, it was pretty cool. This took place in early beta 2003.
  8. No problem =) thanks for having a look at them. It would be a shame if nobody ever saw them. I took tons of photos back then and they have just been sitting around doing nothing. Keep watching this thread, I have tons of photos to post =D
  9. This next photo is of one of the earliest cities in 2003. Back then, this was an amazing build. It was called Venice =) I also once spotted Philip Linden hanging around it alone and jumping into one of the boats. ^^ It was so cute.
  10. Yeah the wars were off and on quite a bit in Jessie. Rygar left for some time and the WWIIOLers started to come back and when Rygar got back we went to war again.
  11. This photo was taken in 2003 in the Jessie sim during the great Jessie war. For those not familiar with the war, basically there used to be 4 sims with damage enabled. These were the only sims we could shoot people in. Then the World War 2 Onliners came along... they were a pretty large group and rivaled SL's largest group at the time, the Noisetanks. I used to be a part of the Noisetanks, my best friend was the leader. His name was Rygar Grimm. When the WWIIOLers arrived the 4 battle sims were changed to regular sims and Jessie was opened as the new war sim... but it was given compltely to the WWIIOLers... which outraged a lot of people. Rygar declared war on the WWIIOLers and decided to try and drive them out of SL. Since their home land was in Jessie, the Noisetanks decided to not just shoot WIIOLers but to also repeatedly crash their sim and drive them nuts with laggy objects. Eventually this did work... and most left. In the photo is a car one of the WWIIOLers made and you can see one of their signs in the background and part of a Linden made tower.
  12. Hey guys, I've kept a lot of old photos from a long time ago, and nobody really has seen them so I thought I might post them and explain some things and share SL's history. Most of these photos will be from around 2003 - 2005. I will be posting these photos individually and allow time for discussion over them. =) So here is the 1st photo, none of these are in any particular order. This was taken by Tcoz Bach in beta of 2003. This was the small zoo I had just started, the one in blue is me in my old avatar and the other is Tcoz. I created the hippos and aligator in the shot and those hippos were made after Darwin started the whole hippo thing in SL. So those are the original 1st hippos created. I handed them out for free and they quickly were spread throughout SL.
  13. Nyx Karas wrote: Something I've been looking for since the day I started RPing in SL, and still haven't found, is a proper werecat avatar. Like all those werewolf avatars you see out there, but feline. All fierce and dangerous-looking. Particularly some big cat species like leopard or snow leopard... No idea how complicated it would be to make one, maybe too much so. Still figured I'd put it out there. ;P I really should try to learn some mesh-making someday, it seems like so much fun... This is a pretty good idea, it may not be too complicated too. Thanks.
  14. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Birds. Cute bird avatars. Small, realistically sized, like in Snow White. And crows, too. I would really love to make birds but I don't have a way to make them an AO =(
  15. So far there are two avatar ideas I really like and think I will probably start making. Keep the ideas coming guys =)
  16. Charolotte Caxton wrote: You know what would be really cool, is if you could take a person's current avatar and make a mesh avatar just like it. The pros would be it could be more life like, or more doll like, depending on what angle you take, it could bend better, its feet and hands could be better, you could make hairstyles for it (down, up, pony, dressy, casual, etc). Cons. Since it would be a one of a kind, you would be a niche market, but if you made the first few really true to the non mesh original, it could be a big craze for a while. If that's a bit too much, butterflies. Really accurate but cute butterflies, with little legs and eyes and antennae. :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Aww, I like the cute butterflies idea. Making a mesh out of an avi is a bit too complex unfortunately =/
  17. Kelli May wrote: 'Stitchpunk' avs, in the style of the characters from '9'. http://io9.com/5358336/just-what-is-stitchpunk-anyway hmm, yes I've thought about those =) thanks a very good idea.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: A male member that actually looks and acts like a male member should. lol sorry must be humanoid only and nothing sexual.
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