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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. I'm all set to go - if those surls are good, I'll be and I'll send the mins to you if you want.
  2. ChinRey!! You are so helpful! You know everything! Haha
  3. I've found some conflicting information that I need to clarify - maybe you guys can help! I'm trying to navigate how I can help update the mainland grid - specifically some roads near my house. Like all of the road land, it's owned by a group started by Michael Linden called the "Linden Department of Public Works". The group description reads: The blog post doesn't go anywhere. A quick Google search for Linden Department of Public Works sent me here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Department_of_Public_Works and I sent my information to Derrick Linden, but he hasn't responded (To be fair, I'm not sure how often that account gets checked and I bet that poor guy gets a million notecards a day, so I wasn't expecting a response). However, the wiki says this page was last modified on 18 March 2019, so it seems like the project could still be happening, right? The point is - I want to help. I'm a decent builder. I've built more sims, cities, experiences, etc. than I can count. I'm not a mesh creator, but I'm pretty good at pairing up and editing creations other people have made. I could certainly use the stuff in the basic Linden inventory every avatar gets and I think I could even convince a few of my friends that are mesh creators to donate some simple items that can be used to update and beautify the SL mainland grid. At the very least, I can terraform and copy roads. I want to help, but I'm not sure how. Is there a volunteer group for something like this or is getting paid to be a Mole the only way to help? Anyone out there an actual Mole? Or know how to go about submitting your information to join the team?
  4. Awesome! I can't wait to see it! Send me a copy when it's up! I'm Feorie Frimon is world.
  5. Weird question, I know.... 'The Moles' were mentioned in another thread I'm in which got me thinking.... we have some super amazing things that have already been built in world. Why don't the moles use these items to build with? Is there a way for SecondLife creators to build some simple objects for the lab to use and build with? Could a 'Linden Avatar' or a 'Mole' avatar purchase items in world at a store and build with them? Why not add a normal 'non-Linden' avatar to a mainland builder's group like Linden Department of Public Works and let them use things they've purchased from their inventory with a prim budget? I'm sure there is a copyright thing I'm missing...
  6. Hmmm.... Interesting? I'm pretty easy going and I want to explore! I have always had a heart for mainland, and the pod tours really got me excited about it again. I want to see...everything? Your post is an epic way to start!!! I can't wait!
  7. Hey everyone! I'm working on a SL project specific to ONLY the mainland SL grid. The idea is to feature a series of really cool spots on the mainland that people may not know about. Gems, if you will. Do you have any favorite spots that you like to visit? If so, please post a surl below and I'll go check it out! Thanks in advance for your help!
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