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Pixie Kobichenko

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Posts posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. 6 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

    There are other options and much simpler.

    1) Contraception

    2) Abstinence

    3) Having children only in a committed and stable relationship (and doing all the responsible pre-marriage work before you do)

    Most abortions are made for convenience, and the exceptions can be dealt with appeals or other measures and judges can allow certain situations that would cause high distress to the female in question.

    If anything, overturning Roe Vs Wade is simply making abortion less convenient for many, and those exceptions on the ends of the Bell Curve, who don't make up the majority and have special needs - will be accommodated one way or another.

    A lot of time in our world spent on arguing for the 'right' to destroy another living being, and not alot about taking responsibility for one's actions and use of our bodies.


    Responsibility but not choice.  Gotcha.  & overturning roe vs wade did nothing towards making abortion inconvenient.  89% of us counties already banned abortion prior to the overturn.  You seem to think it was a free for all occupancy available on every street corner like Dairy Queen’s in Texas.  


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  2. 18 minutes ago, Marius Darkheart said:

    People would need to make a decision about the state they live in and if it matches their beliefs and way of life.
    While yes the red states would be and already are terrible for healthcare and health rights. Not much would change. They are already what make up the bottom for not only healthcare but also education, wages, employment. 
    But one way you or the other you are still forcing one side to be what they do not want or believe in. Doesn't seem fair or right or a recipe for staying united.

    Should I even dignify your response with my own.  Where are people coming up with the belief that folks can or should just pack up and move across the country to escape persecution, crappy healthcare, failing education systems, nightmare weather & terrible bigotry & state sanctioned subjugation?

    I mean why didn’t I think of that myself?  Seems so easy!  Me with a debilitating disorder that has me bed bound, a spouse with heart failure & a dependent child.  Golly gee it’s just so easy to bounce right, amirite?!? 
    There has to be a term for that sort of “solution” that isn’t “asinine”. 
    Running away might be self preservation but it doesn’t fix things.  It leaves others to suffer.


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  3. 10 minutes ago, Marius Darkheart said:

    The other solution which no one wants to look at or even put up for discussion is let red be red and let blue be blue. 

    Absolutely not.  I know because I’m already seeing the current repercussions  of what will happen if there is zero federal oversight, guidance, standards.  And it bodes horrific things in store for the unprotected.


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  4. 5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I need to emphasize this. Religion is indeed into politics. It's plain to see this in the Bible Belt states.

    It’s mind blowing how dumbed down my state endeavors to be.  https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/politics/oklahoma-bill-allows-teachers-to-be-sued-by-parents-for-contradicting-students-religious-beliefs/527-6a310cd4-950c-46ef-b4bd-f7a9295ec9f5

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    No, I don't have you blocked. Only 2 people on there and in spite of their constant spamming of every thread, I even tend to still sneak peaks at what they said in case it was surprisingly important.

    Your post goes into opinions and viewpoints. Hard to argue with that. As far as the video, well hello "free speech". He is praying in a political promotion. Interesting. I can't say I find it objectionable though certainly not anything I've seen before.

    You were questioning the Christian authoritarian movement, seemingly comparing it to a molehill.  I’m advising you that it’s most certainly not. You posed questions easily answered by non partisan sources.  By using the term molehill you in fact are “going into opinions and viewpoints” again on something you clearly have zero experience with.

    if you’d care to skim: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/02/04/qanon-christian-extremism-nationalism-violence-466034

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Well then, if you live in the Bible belt that right away points out you are going to have a skewed view of how predominant it is. I would suspect that many others outside of that area don't see that. I'd also be curious as to what percentage of these evil Christians you are on about, are actually GoP. I'd bet there is a large percentage who are democrats but maybe not as far left as you'd like them to be. I see too that many immigrants coming into your country also have a religiousness that is more traditionally based and that's not even looking at Muslims coming in and their Sharia laws.

    Pretty sure you have me muted.  Buuuuuuut you’re postulating like you already know the answers to your questions while using terms like skewed in regards to perception.  It’s evident you have no idea how deeply the gop is rooted in conservative Christianity.  

    This is an excellent example of what the mindset is here in my state- 


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  7. 4 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    Worry more about those who manipulate the narrative to make what is a molehill into a mountain. Some preacher preaches what is probably a fairly standard sermon to a small congregation which for years was not an issue until some newshound thinks he can use it to make it into national news. Christian membership has been dropping for years and yet to listen to the the News and the OP,  Christians are taking over. If that was the intent, it would have been much more likely 50-75 years ago when it represented a much larger portion of the population

    What are you referring to as a molehill?

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Pastors in Idaho and Texas call for execution of LGBTQ people 


    It’s all over twitter as well… a rabid social media tweeter with a huge following calling for a “rounding up” of anyone who attends pride events.  Her personal Twitter was suspended but an account she has made clear is also hers is still going.  She’s just tiptoeing now with her rhetoric rather than the full blown stampede.  

    • Sad 3
  9. If (when) we become a full blown theocracy questions like this won’t need asking.  It will be too late & the repercussions already evident.  

    3 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

    wedge that challenged bodily autonomy in this case was the cancelling of autonomy where it concerned an emergency use vaccine mandate

    As far as this goes, no, this has been in the pipelines for years.  & they are blatantly bragging about what’s next- Cornyn yesterday calling for the overturning of brown vs the board of education.  

    People ask how the Nazi Vernichtungslager came to be, how they were not stopped before they began.  This is how. 

    • Like 8
  10. If it was addressed-explained or if I am thinking too much into it- the premium plus 2,048m squared of land.

    Does that mean 2 premium houses in Belliseria, or is a new home type with bigger lots coming?  (I get that you can now get a bigger mainland parcel).  

    Unless it means a bigger land footprint in a Belliseria premium situation there’s zero appeal to premium plus to me (I know no 9ne asked for my opinion I just don’t have any use for what they’re offering compared to the other premium- a name change included could have sweetened things.)

    • Like 1
  11. people treat events like the Met Gala.  Every blingie meshy attachment & bazillion ARC (whatever it’s called today).  & then stand around camming, or standing around waiting to be cammed.

    I got news for everyone else at an event. I derender everybody.  I slip out of everything but an alpha mask, turn off the sky & water & just go pushing thru the bodies like I’m lost in a corn maze.  Get what I want & get out.

    & it’s still laggy & rubberbandy.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Paulsian said:

    There needs to option for users to appear offline. There's likely ways people can know when and where you are without even being a friend.

    Yes, you can tick your profile to appear offline, but you will still show up in a group member listing if the owner has it displayed.  There’s also (or was) scripts you can drop in a prim to light up when Joe Schmo logs on or off. They can also send off lines in local chat like a nanny state. How do I know?  About 10 years ago I watched a couple stalk each other via various means.  (My advice to each was just leave the other alone & move on- I finally had to avoid them myself). So far as where you are on the grid, yeup there’s scripts forthat, but it will be in something your stalker gave you.something you dropped in world or wearing. I think even if you pick it up into inventory it still functions.

    When I was fairly new I had a stalker I blocked who continued to bug me even after I stopped “talking to their master”. For a few months this avi would try to get my attention by slowly paying me a linden at a time.  This was back when camping & money trees were still a thing & I had yet to purchase lindens myself, so it was actually pretty fun to see my balance creep up over the days.  Just kept getting the little notification “insane person paid you $1L”.  They were convinced I was someone else (they probably harassed that person to).  I kept blocking each new avi they created- like twitter bots- Jane123, Jane1234, Jane12345, but they kept paying me.  Finally they moved on & the  money tree shriveled up.

    The point of my long winded “back in Saint Olaf” story is that crazy, obsessed, & angry people will find a way.  Again, be you own advocate (aimed at OP).  

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  13. 31 minutes ago, Keesie Pelous said:

    "call the police"...that doesn't actually address my question, does it?  why state "we will not tolerate harassment" if they actually DO tolerate harassment?

    "There's no need for LL to get involved in disputes that you can solve yourself by using the block user function"...i'm certain that threats of violence go beyond a "dispute".  and i fail to see how expecting residents to block people is a better option than expecting LL to follow their own TOS. 


    I’ve been in SL a very long time.  I’ve been witness to people faking real life death to then come back as “someone else” & stalk people. I’ve witnessed SL lovers who revealed RL info to each other fall victim to the other when the spurned one invades the others RL via social media.  I’ve seen some messed up stuff.  And in only 1 situation did Linden Lab go hardcore on an individual & block them from accessing the service via every available avenue save maybe a court order (& who knows if it went that far).  If this individual wants to access SL, they will.  Even if it means borrowing someone else’s device, setting up a new account & logging in at a free hot spot.  

    Long story short if there is a believable threat then you must act accordingly.  Call the police.  Create new accounts yourselves & don’t reveal them.  Be your own advocate.  


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