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Pixie Kobichenko

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Posts posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. On 5/23/2024 at 10:04 AM, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Say that after SL's most infamous AI Spambot, "Hal titanium" had turned up at your favourite hangout,

    I never knew Hal was a bot - not even sure until recently I knew what one was, but that makes sense.  Hal was very creepy & annoying,  I ran into it multiple times underwater on protected land.  As soon as I would land it would make a beeline to me.  Even if I blocked it. Very off putting.  

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  2. 5 hours ago, Rick Nightingale said:

    Far worse for stressing a computer than having the LOD factor turned up, is mesh that has silly-high triangle counts and massive texture use. There's far too much of that around too, especially the former. Stuff that was clearly just ripped from some 3D model site, ported through Blender to change the format without even bothering to optimise it for SL, and uploaded here.

    I used to have an old-style telephone I bought, rezzed in my hallway, years ago before I knew any of this stuff. Whenever it came into view, my viewer would slow down very noticeably to the point it stuttered. That telephone had four parts, over 250,000 triangles in total (edit: in highest LOD only; the others barely existed) and something like sixteen, full resolution textures with materials, so around 144MB uncompressed texture just for that telephone. I remade the texturing and made it a single file (reduced from 16!) and could not tell the difference visually, but then I discovered triangle counts because it still caused fps drop when camming in on it. Nothing I could do about that so an expensive telephone got binned and I learned the lesson.

    While one telephone like that, with modern hardware, might go unnoticed... imagine a room full of stuff made like that. One small side table I looked at but didn't buy recently had a similar triangle count. I made my own instead, and it was better with 1/50th of the count.

    How do we know, as consumers with zero understanding of how meshing works, what is a good amount of polygons, triangles and all that for an object?  It's really disheartening to buy a piece of empty flat land and try to turn it into a home - going from high 70s fps down to low 30s when I keep my graphics on lowest draw distance- only the first two shaders etc, to begin with. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Mr Amore said:

    Too keep SL from stressing out your device, you can (at least on Firestorm) limit your FPS to 30. It's enough for SL, will keep your PC cooler and use less power.

    Can you tell me on FS where to find that setting?

  4. 10 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:

    That's how you can tell when something's made when it's cheating LOD.

    If you have to change your viewer debug settings or turn up your graphics more to see it, it's not made well.

    Don't do either of those- replace the item that's cheating LOD.

    This was helpful.  I've asked in the past how to know if something is stressing my poor computer out- & really wasn't given much advice.  This seems to be a good starting point to go around my home and pick up pieces that don't rezz properly on 1.5, especially standing right next to them.  Thank you

  5. 7 hours ago, Mr Antfarm said:

    Looks like you picked a great location, I bought the pool tho you suggested. However, I'd need BIG rocks to make this work.https://gyazo.com/e7d8efaff65e5f395e0bf7979f60e339

    I didn’t just slap the pool down & have it work.  I had to spend a bit of time stretching the mound piece out, retexturing it & I created a partial cement deck area as well on one side, put in cheap brick stairs, used a lattice texture in spots & covered ugly bits with cheap cat tails.  Love Superstore is a great resource with weekly specials & free group gifts.  Look on the MP for “boulder” & in the 1-10L bucket and go from there.  Mutresse is a fun store w 50L not-gacha machine with quirky items that can work well for fill in spots like gnomes.  There’s likely no exhaustive list to inexpensive shops to help build your pool, those are just a few favorites of mine.  The weekend sales lists over on Seraphim can help you discover new shops & get great deals while you experiment- there’s always a few pa2n and garden pieces on most lists. 


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  6. 27 minutes ago, Mr Antfarm said:

    I can't even set those down, because how they terraformed my yard is all un-level

    You can always give over a few prims to build a deck to elevate a pool if you already own it- or raise one and put a flower bed border around it.  

    -In the past I have used a pool from the Black Forest and it's only 10L and it comes with a grass mound shape so you can elevate it- 


    Image 5-12-24 at 2.44 AM.jpeg

    Image 5-12-24 at 2.47 AM.jpeg

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  7. A few days ago a purchase I made in world did not deliver & no I did not tp away.  After a few minutes I clicked the redelivery kiosk and the item was there so I hit redeliver and it showed up immediately.

    Today tho, I've made a purchase in world & I'm watching the transaction status on the webpage and it's been stuck at "deliver copy #1 in progress" for 13 minutes now.  

    I can see my payment info there, and also on the SL transaction page.  

    I go to the redelivery kiosk and nothing is there.  

    I've gone ahead and sent a NC and IM w/ the transaction info to the shop owner.

    But is this happening to everyone, or am I just lucky?

    Edit- about 25 minutes after I bought it- standing there getting ready to tp out someone showed up & must have bought a copy of the item too- cause it delivered as I saw their sparkly selection beam aimed at the vendor.  Weird.  

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/6/2024 at 6:54 AM, JUSTUS Palianta said:

    In firestorm go to Advanced > Tick High-res Snapshot

    Advanced Menu you turn on in preferences.

    Photo look yuck without it.

    This helped me so much- I was given a new computer in January & couldn't figure out why my pictures are crummy- they look nothing like what I see on the screen.  This fixed it.  Thank you! 

  9. 5 minutes ago, gwynchisholm said:

    Roblox figured this out 2 years ago, real ID age verification 


    For SL this would be like If you can’t prove you’re over the age of 18 with real verification, you don’t get access to anything more than G rated content. This means new accounts would have to verify first to get to anything non G rated.

    Roblox did this for development and monetization features mostly, so they don’t have kids skirting taxes. But it also keeps the older community of game developers in their own bubble where they don’t have to work with the same audience of two bajillion 9 year olds.

    I could see this working well for SL, it’s a much smaller community, shouldn’t be hard to manage this in comparison.

    When I created my account in 2009 I recall having to provide state issued ID.  I guess it’s no longer done.  But there is this:  https://lindenlab.wordpress.com/2007/05/04/age-and-indentity-verification-in-second-life/

  10. Just now, Extrude Ragu said:

    Putting aside child avs for a moment. I've always thought this way of thinking is really evil. I've known people in my life who have said similar things, and it has always been to justify something really cruel and unfair carried out to somebody who didn't deserve it.

    No doubt that holds true in many scenarios.  
    I am thinking along the lines of things we aren’t allowed to discuss here that I can’t hold up as examples since they pertain to realworldland .  
    - as a sidenote the evil townsfolk in Hot Fuzz justify offing their fellow citizens they view as problematic for “the greater good”.  


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    • Haha 2
  11. 2 hours ago, MissSweetViolet said:

    Many accounts switch between multiple bodies, so I don't think that's reasonable

    Lots of folks find lots of things unreasonable.   I could elaborate & whine about RL 💩 I find unreasonable that I do anyways but I know I gotta stay on topic.  But if it were a rule in hypotheticaland then that individual would need to make a decision & create a 2nd account for the other side to their personality if they need to be in sexy times surroundings.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    So …. They do know there is no warning when teleporting to A land, right ???

    The Lab could make child Avis a designation like a bot- that you have to register that account & then could automatically put limits on where the user can be. 

    Didn't register account?  Account gets locked until resolved.  

    • Like 10
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  13. Thank you both for responding- very above my understanding of how to make things work in SL- guess I won't be sharing my current music above my head :D

  14. Hi- I was out & about and saw a hover text above someone & it was displaying whatever that person was listening atm with Spotify premium.

    Is there a way to do this but with Apple Music?  If there is, I couldn't figure out how to search for it on the MP (if it is there).

    Thanks for reading-

  15. On 4/16/2024 at 4:00 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

    What are your favorite Food items in Second Life?

    I don't have many, so am looking to expand my inventory.  Most of my Second Life "builds" that I have purchased only come with "drink dispensers" (whether alcohol, or coffee, etc.)

    Plus, people can post and discuss foods they "use" in Second Life, because in some cases, they cannot eat those foods in RL!


    Oi, I have lots.  But I have a few out at my mini golf course- my ring pops are probably my oldest favorite giver.  I finally picked a snow cone I love but it doesn't give out anything, it's attach only.  I got my hot dog vendor a few weeks back during a weekend sale and it's the cutest thing ever.  The little person in the weenie suit calls out every so often "HOT DOG!" & my hearing isn't the best, and at first I couldn't figure out how someone was yelling on my parcel without being there.  :D 


    • Thanks 1
  16. If your prize - any part of it is random like a different color of gumball out of a candy machine & you won't know what color you receive until you pay money?  Then you can not do it.  

    If you want a blue gum ball and there are 37 red ones in the way to get to the one single blue one you can see- and know you can have said blue gumball if you first buy the other 37, then yes, you can do that.  & even if it's just a mystery prize and not the point of the purchase to begin with- you can not do that.  

    The entirety of the purchase must be known.  

    • Like 1
  17. Dear Linden Lab,

    We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in California. Glycerine soap isn't available.

    Regards, A.I.
    PS: TSOP
    P.P.S. Oh!
    FYI: This!

    Without that blog, nobody will care. Tomorrow things might improve slightly. Life is ... well, beautiful.
    Timing makes a pudding delicious, so furries hear spoons jingling hypnotically 

  18. If possible go to a sandbox and drag out the most recent list & found item.  Sometimes (I think) I’ve had similar experiences & the items ARE in lost & found but don’t show as linked- bundled by the return.  When I drag it out I wind up with my stuffs.  Happened recently with some gachas you can no longer buy direct from creator since they closed shop in SL. 

    • Like 1
  19. 15 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Dear Linden Lab,

    We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh

    Dear Linden Lab,

    We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly 

  20. 4 hours ago, Mr2Chill said:

    "Should we limit Second Life to one IP address per household and prohibit the use of VPNs and alternate accounts? I think we should, because there are a lot of bad people using it. Alternate accounts are annoying as they can be used for harassing others and hiding one's true identity. Additionally, there are fake accounts on here like London City using alts to boost traffic numbers, which are not accurate anyway. Lastly, there are bad people using VPNs to invade the platform. Therefore, we should implement a one IP per household, one account policy to improve the safety and authenticity of the platform. What do you all think?"

    For so many reasons. Just a few:

    Families play SL together.

    Business accounts no doubt want privacy away from work.

    Some folk do have creepy stalkers they need to avoid.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 4 hours ago, ChanteyBabe said:
    QUESTION to my SL friends!
    I have a SL stalker who took pics of me and my partner and fabricated them with AI replacing my ex with other guy lol. Eventually she copied my avi using well known "magic" program. I saw her on radar walking closer (at some point was 8m away) on our sim but thought she got ejected at some point. I was afk for couple of hours, then saw on local chat she was there.
    I already sent harassment reports but I wonder is there something else I can do? this person is using multiple accounts all with AI pics and was using them to get money from my ex partner (posing as a model as he was providing paid model opportunities). She sent him pics from another account (male one) but forgot that creator of those pics was... her lol One thing that wonders me that she post those pics on her feed and I don't think you can upload pics from your inv (unless I'm wrong?) so I would tend to think she copied my avatar which is also illegal.
    I assume it's a revange on my ex partner as he posted in his picks a picture and link to flickr of one guy who were *****ing his ex wife (she was "posing" for him) so as a revange ""AI queen" chosen me as a target now. Guy was similar to the one on pic with "me".
    Summarize, what else can I do? We assume this person has many more accounts, more than 2 that contacted with my ex lately. He was paying for model opportunity so we assume those "aggresive" girls with AI pics who were his models are same person

    That's a loooooooooot of drama in one post.  I'm not even going to address if I believe what you think is going on is actually what's happened.

    All I can say is that in SL it's like the Old West & you're on your own UP TO certain points & right now it seems that whatever is going on is going to fall on you to ignore & avoid.

    Stop posting things on your profile & exterior websites you don't want anyone with ulterior motives having access to.

    & lastly- Sometimes you have to walk away from whatever investment  you have in an avi and start over on new Avis & create new habits & friends.


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