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  • Uploading assets

    Supported file types

    You can upload several different types of files for use in content creation.


    You can upload the following image file types:

    When uploaded, images are converted into a valid size. Valid scales are square powers of two. To prevent unintended distortion, please keep this in mind when creating images.

    The maximum resolution for uploaded textures is 1024 pixels (standard resolution) and 2048 pixels (high resolution), with high resolution (also called 2k) images having a higher upload fee. Images will be scaled up and down based on their dimensions (height and width), with valid image sizes for each dimension include the following values: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 2048

    Images that are 1024x1024 and below, or with an equivalent pixel size to 1024x1024 and below, will upload at the standard upload fee for your membership level (see below). Images above 1024x1024 pixels in size will upload at the high resolution fee (based on membership level).

    Important Note On upload, images that have a non-standard size will be scaled up or down depending on how close to one of the "power of 2" numbers their width or height is. If your image's height or width is more than 75% of the way to the next power of 2 number, it'll be scaled up. If it's less than 75% of the way, it'll be scaled down. For example, if your image is 448 pixels tall, it's bigger than 256 but not quite 512 pixels -- and because it's more than 75% of the way to 512, it'll be scaled up on upload.

    Determining Image Size for Upload

    The viewer will warn you of how much it will cost to upload your texture when you attempt to do so, but if you'd like to work out whether or not your texture fits into the standard 1024x1024 range in advance, here's how to do that:

    • First, determine your image's height and width in pixels
    • Next, figure out if your image will be scaled up or scaled down based on its dimensions
      • The easiest way to prevent upscaling and downscaling is to use image sizes based on the power of 2 numbers (256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc)
      • If your image is a non-standard size, figure out which power of 2 number it's closest to -- if it's less than 75% of the way to the next power of 2, it'll be scaled down; if it's much closer to the next power of 2, it'll be scaled up to the next power of 2. For example:
        • A 985x1000 image will be scaled up to 1024x1024, the closest power of 2 sizes on either dimension.
        • A 514x258 image will be scaled down to 512x256, the closest power of 2 sizes.
    • Next, multiply your image's height times its width (height x width), using the scaled up or down number if one applies.
      • If the resulting number is equal to or less than the number of pixels of a 1024x1024 image (1,048,576 pixels), it will cost the standard fee to upload.
      • If the resulting number is greater than the number of pixels in a 1024x1024 image (1,048,567 pixels), it will cost the high resolution fee to upload.


    Sounds must be in .WAV file in standard PCM format, 16-bit/44.1kHz/mono or stereo (converted to mono), and less than thirty (30) seconds in length.  Thus, 29.99 seconds is fine, but 30.0 will fail to upload.

    Sounds cannot be saved as 8-bit, 22.05 kHz, or any other frequency. Sounds in other formats can be converted in most sound programs. An example of a free quality converter is r8brain. Compression formats such as MP3 are not supported at this time.


    You can upload animations in .bvh (Poser 2 or newer) and .anim formats. Recommended settings are ten frames per second. For more information on uploading animations, see How to create animations.


    Models refers to 3D mesh objects created in external modeling software such as Blender or Autodesk Maya. For more information about uploading mesh model assets, see Uploading a mesh model.

    Uploading images and sounds

    Upload your own images (textures), sounds, and animations for use in content creation.


    Uploading files to Second Life costs a fee which depends on your membership type: 

    • Basic & Plus accounts: L$10 per upload (sounds & standard textures), L$50 (high resolution textures up to 2048x2048)
    • Premium accounts: L$10 per upload (sounds & standard textures), L$40 (high resolution textures up to 2048x2048)
    • Premium Plus accounts: L$0 per upload (sounds & standard textures), L$0 (high resolution textures up to 2048x2048)

    The cost is deducted from your inworld balance, regardless of whether you upload the files one at a time or use bulk upload.  The purpose of Bulk Upload is to expedite the upload process, not to save Linden dollars.


    You can upload TGAPNGBMP, or JPG files with at least 24-bit color, for quality and compatibility.  Files at lower bit depths may fail to upload.  PNG (24-bit) and TGA (32-bit) files allow the use of transparent effects (for example, in a stained glass window) via an alpha channel. Most modern image editors can convert between formats.

    To upload an image:

    1. Choose Build > Upload > Image...
    2. Choose an image file.
    3. Optionally choose a preview format.
    4. Optionally enter a text description.
    5. Click Upload (L$).
    Tip: When uploading, textures are scaled to the nearest "powers of 2" aspect ratio due to how the system handles textures. If you find this results in unwanted stretching/squishing, you may prefer to use your image editor's built-in resampling to optimize proportions prior to upload.

    Supported image formats

    Second Life supports TGA (32-bit supports alpha channel), PNG (24-bit supports alpha channel), and BMP. When you upload an image, the Viewer internally converts it to JPG2000 for optimized future transmission. For best quality, try to avoid uploading JPGs; their already-compressed quality degrades further because of the double conversion.

    Texture sizes

    Textures should be as small as possible — texture size is highly context-sensitive so it takes experienced artistic judgment. For example, if you're texture-mapping a tiny pebble, its detail can be negligible compared to a giant tree in the same scene. For general use, 512x512 is a fair balance.

    The maximum resolution for an uploaded texture is 1024x1024 pixels (standard resolution) or 2048x2048 (high resolution); if you upload a bigger image, it is scaled down to 2048x2048 pixels. Even if you have a fast Internet connection and a top-end graphics card, your computer can only display a finite amount of texture data.


    Sound files must be:

    • WAV files in standard PCM format.
    • 16-bit with 44.1kHz sample rate.
    • Mono format.  Stereo format will be automatically converted to mono.
    • 30 seconds or less in length.

    Formats that don't work include MP3s or WAVs in 8-bit, 22.05 kHz, or any other frequency. You can convert sounds into the proper format using an audio editor like the free Audacity, or a specialized app like r8brain for Windows.

    To upload a sound:

    1. Choose Build > Upload > Sound (L$10).
    2. Choose a valid .WAV file.
    3. Optionally enter a text description.
    4. Click Upload (L$10).

    Uploading in bulk

    To upload more than one file at a time:

    1. Choose Upload > Bulk (L$10 per file).
    2. In the file browser dialog, select all the files you wish to upload. You can hold Shift ? or Ctrl while clicking to select multiple files. Using this method, you can upload files of different valid formats at the same time.

    You can also set default permissions for convenience when uploading.

    Uploading animations

    You can upload customized animations for use in gestures and scripted objects. This article covers the basic process of uploading an animation. For more information on creating, using, and uploading animations in Second Life, check out the Animation Guide article, and the Animation page on this Wiki.

    Note: Just like textures and sounds, animations cost L$10 each to upload for Basic, Plus, and Premium members. Premium Plus members can upload animations for L$0 per animation.


    You can upload animations in Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) or raw .anim format. To upload:

    1. Choose Build > Upload > Animation (L$10).
    2. From the file browser, choose the animation file you wish to upload.'
    3. Choose your desired options in the upload preview window, then press Upload (L$10).

    Upload Preview window

    The upload preview window presents multiple controls that can change the way your animation plays inworld.

    Click ? in the upper right of the window for a detailed explanation of all the settings.

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