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Constant Problems with Viewer

Lawgiver Lockjaw

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Once again I'm asking the forum to help me with my problem with my viewer, hopefully this time I can actually get a solution. I've been having this mixed amount of problems now and I'm really getting sick of having to pit against luck that I can actually log in properly for once.

Here is a list of the problems which i've been getting either at the same time or individually;

- I cannot teleport whatsoever with it crashing my viewer.
- Whenever I do log in I cannot view people's display names, or even their names at all.
- My friends list, and my local list of people around me all show their names as (Loading) when the above problem is in effect, or even when it isn't.
- I cannot IM my friends, cannot recieve IMs, I cannot pay for items, cannot view profiles while the above problem is in effect.
- Whenever I do teleport, my location doesn't refresh and when I teleport after that I get a viewer crash.
- The current location I spawn in doesn't show the permissions and lists the land as buyable, reguardless if it is or isnt.

I've been having this problem since August and nothing I have done has fixed the issue, here is a list of Fixes I have tried and have not worked at all;

- Clearing my Cache, Increasing Cache Size
- Increasing Bandwidth Amount
- Uninstalling and Reinstalling the Viewer
- Using different Viewers
- Opening ports on my Router
- Updating my Graphics card

I will now also post the Specs of my current machine now;

Windows 7 Premium 64bit
Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT320 Graphics Card

I really, really, really hope that I can actually get an answer to fixing this problem because I'm getting to the end of my teather with this and I am getting annoyed more and more with this happening all of the time.

Thank you.

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Hello Lawgiver. Really many problems and really long time without solution. I will try to help:

1)Uninstall all the viewers using the Control Panel --> Add / Remove Programs. During the uninstallation you get a message. There are still files in your SecondLife Program directory. Do you want to remove them? --> Yes -->  Restart your computer.

2)Delete all contests at the following folders:

  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife
  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife
  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer
  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Firestorm (and repeat the same process if you had more viewers installed in your computer, even you used them occassionally.

You can except only the folder

  • C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife \ lawgiver_lockjaw (includes your private conversations in world) copying it in another position in your hard disk.

3)Download a fresh copy of the official viewer or a TPV and install it. Just one, no many viewers. The viewer you prefer.

4)Restart your computer run the program and don't change the default settings the application suggests to you. With your specs you can play with High Graphics (having Lightings and shadows disabled). Let your maximum Bandwith to 500. It is enough to run SL without problems.

5)After that log in back in a protected land like Smith for example. Stay there under the water, open your inventory, type 2-3 characters in search there and wait fetching ALL your items till the last one. During this process (downloading), avoid to do something else like teleporting, chatting, moving etc. This step is very important, to get back, to download again your inventory.

6)When it finishes, check out if you can see your friends, if you can im, if you can see avatar names, display names (depends of the settings into your Preferences --> General tab) etc.

7)If the problem remains, i assume that there is a problem with your line or your router which affects your connection and your performance, so my suggestion is to contact your ISP in real, asking for support.

Good luck.

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Hello LoveAngeL, I had followed all the steps you had wrote out for me, but unofrtunately the problem seems to be persisting, which may mean that It could be my connection to the internet or even my router.

I will see if I can sort something out soon enought but thank you for the help in any case.

I will reply back when I have tried possibly changing my router or contacting my ISP to see if they had any solutions.

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