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Door Rotation Quest

Kipz Arado

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As i've been posting in my previous threads about helping my friend with the scripting on his house for his newly purchased land, I have been working on my on going attempt to learn LSL by building him a controller to control the window tinting and locking of doors via buttons. Thank you to several contributors I have successfully set up the Texture to respond to llDetectedTouch, and I have my windows fully tintable and working. I also have my doors locking and unlocking.. THE ONLY problem I have left is my door functions perfectly normal when it is not linked to my home controller. When I make an attempt to link my Hinge and the door itself, to my controller prim, the hinge on the side of the door with rotate with the Z-axis in the middle of the prim.

Not only is this NOT the way a normal door rotates, the fact that the hinge is also the only thing that rotates. Could anyone please help me modify my script below to fix this?

if (llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)) == "DOOR")
            integer i;
            for (i=2;i<=llGetNumberOfPrims();++i)
                if (llGetLinkName(i) == "DOOR")

--- This following code above, I've located from Rolig's Mulit-prim linked sliding door, and I've tried several times to impliment the theory into my door, unfortunately I can't get it to work correctly. The door works if it's not linked to my controller,but then it wont receive the linked message to lock and unlock o.O


integer lock = 1;

// ********** SETTINGS HERE ************
float       TIMER       = 30.0;      // automatically close the door after this many seconds,
                                    // set to 0 to disable automatic closing

integer     DIRECTION   = 1;       // direction door opens in. Either 1 (outwards) or -1 (inwards);

float       VOLUME      = 0.8;      // sound volume, 1.0 loudest, 0.0 to disable sound
// ********** END OF SETTINGS **********

key         SOUND_OPEN  = "cb340647-9680-dd5e-49c0-86edfa01b3ac";
key         SOUND_CLOSE = "e7ff1054-003d-d134-66be-207573f2b535";

vector      gPos;      // door position (objects move a tiny amount
                        // away from their position each time they are rotated,
                        // thus we need to workaround this by resetting
                        // the position after rotating)
door(integer open) {
    if (open) {
        llTriggerSound(SOUND_OPEN, VOLUME);
        llSetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, -DIRECTION * PI_BY_TWO>) * llGetLocalRot());
    } else { // close
        llSetLocalRot(llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, DIRECTION * PI_BY_TWO>) * llGetLocalRot());
        llTriggerSound(SOUND_CLOSE, VOLUME);

default {   // first time startup
    state_entry() {
        gPos = llGetPos();  // remember where we're supposed to be
        state closed;
state closed {  // door is closed
    on_rez(integer start_param) {
        gPos = llGetPos();

    state_entry() {
     link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       if(llToLower(str) == "lock")
            lock = 1;
        if(llToLower(str) == "unlock")
            lock = 0;

    touch_start(integer total_number) {
       if( lock == 1)
        llSay(0,"This door is currently locked.");
        else if (lock == 0)
        state open;

    moving_end() {  // done moving me around, store new position
        gPos = llGetPos();

state open {    // door is open
    on_rez(integer start_param) {
        gPos = llGetPos();
        state closed;

    state_entry() {
        llSetPos(gPos); // rotation drift workaround

link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
       if(llToLower(str) == "lock")
            lock = 1;
        if(llToLower(str) == "unlock")
            lock = 0;
    touch_start(integer num) {
        state closed;
    timer() { // auto-close
        state closed;
    moving_start() { // close when being moved
        state closed;
    state_exit() {

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